I have to admit that I am a little disappointed:
Sen. Joe Lieberman, an independent who nearly won the vice presidency as a Democrat in 2000, says there’s no way he’ll be Republican Sen. John McCain’s running mate should McCain become the party’s presidential nominee.
“No, I’d tell him, ‘Thanks, John, I’ve been there, I’ve done that. You can find much better,'” Lieberman told The Associated Press during an interview Tuesday in his Senate office. “I’m not seeking anything else.”
So much for the old ‘kill two birds’ thing.
Clinton 753,543
McCain 615,203
Any questions?
Apparently, Hillary is trying to milk this ‘snub’ bullshit for all it’s worth. Maybe a second go-around at garnering sympathy votes?
Unbelievably, shameless lying on her part.
I don’t take him at his word. Of course he’ll say that right now, as he wants to keep his seats on his committees. If he said that he’d run as VP, then there’s a slight (this is the Reid-led Dems.) chance of his being stripped of his seats, like he should have been in Nov. ’06.
BINGO…you nailed it, that is Holy Joe LIEberman to the tee.
Clinton 753,543
McCain 615,203
Obama 497,341
Perhaps you hadn’t noticed, but you’re being ignored. For a reason.
Sorry you can’t accept the facts.
No, you’re sorry that people are aware of them.
Generally, the best way to ignore that which is essentially irrelevant is to actually ignore it…
Oh, it is even Worse! This, in a state where the Democrats didn’t even campaign!
Clinton 753,543
McCain 615,203
Romney 582,806
Obama 497,341
I refuse to be drawn into a pseudo-conversation with a logically-challenged robo-troll.
Again, sorry you don’t see the FACTS! Avoid reality. Your guy got beat, in a state that was not challenged by Dems and was ACTIVELY challenged by Repubs. She beat everybody, more than fair and square, and your guy came in FOURTH.
How does this make me a troll?
Because with this same logic, twinkies would cure cancer?
‘cuse me…
I have cited Facts.
Not logic.
What Universe do you live in????
But almost half a million votes with no campaigning is pretty impressive. Since the other 2 Republicans and Clinton did actively campaign, one would expect higher numbers.
Are you saying that a pledge is worth breaking for artificial numbers? That’s the kind of president you want? First Michigan and now Florida? That’s kind of sad.
I predict it will be Huckabee. The Huckster will help McCain bring down Romney. The Huckster will bring his Evangelical voters. And McCain will have to hope that nobody focuses on how old he is and worry that he might die and make Huckabee the actual president.
Lieberman will be promised some completely inappropriate job in the McCain Administration.
Good thing the Dems are so strong this year.
Huckabee likes McCain too.
McCain-Huckabee give McCain a fighting chance in the Midwest.
Why do you think so?
I agree completely. We saw it in the most recent Republican debate and we’ll probably see more love between them tomorrow night at the debate.
BTW- 9iu11iani is dropping out and will endorse McCain tomorrow and it seems Nancy Reagan may as well… at the Reagan Library where the debate is to be held.
There is likely a deal between McCain and Huckabee for Huck to stay in the race as long as possible to skim religious-nut-job-votes from Romney in the same way Edwards is skimming white-racist/bigot votes from Hillary now to help Obama. And McCain NEEDS Huckabee to get the southern religious whack-job vote when it really matters.
I just love watching the money-conservatives freaking out about McCain doing well. Now THAT’S ENTERTAINMENT. Tonight, The Scar and Pat Buchanan on MSNBC hollered about how McCain is the “Less Jobs, More Wars” candidate. They really hate him.
But Mittens is in for the long haul. He will probably lose $100 million of his own money before the electoral math catches up with him. Poor thing.
Well, all I can say is: I do not see Huckabee bringing large numbers of evangelical voters to the box as a Veep candidate.
These people were always uneasy about “politics”; and they’ve become aware that they’re being used.
These are people who were brought up to be suspicious of “worldly power” and are deeply suspicious of “politics”; who got dragged into “politics” in the hope that by their involvement government could become the fulfiller of “Divine Law”; who have been subsequently disappointed, not just by “the government” but by the political party that had talked them on …
They’re disappointed that the oh-so-promising GWB was president for TWO terms, and still, so little that they hoped for has taken place …
And making “their boy” a VP candidate is going to excite them to vote for your ticket? (“You” being the party that has taken their votes and let them down time and time again.) When even having “one of our own” in the Presidency got them, as they see it, nowhere?
I doubt it.
Evangelicals may deny evolution, but they’re savvier than you think.
Writing from the middle of Arkansas, I am,
Your humble and obedient servant,
Off topic, but since the inanity of the Candidate Wars seem to have invaded this thread anyway, here’s some good news via Tapped:
Great news for Democrats. In an important state in an election that wasn’t going to count in any true sense (even if they eventually get seated at the convention they won’t be allowed to be the deciding votes) Democrats turned out in record numbers. That’s really excellent news for Dems.
The trend continues.
There was a hotly debated amendment to the state constitution, regarding savings on property taxes (incredibly high here), on the ballot too that contributed to turnout, I’m sure.
Also, Florida’s primary has previously been in the nether realm of the primary season so in the past many voters simply didn’t bother to cast a meaningless vote. This year, with the primary moved up and the delegates stripped, many more Floridians opted to cast a meaningless vote…
Well, at least Lieberman was right about one thing:
McCain can do better than selecting moltin’ Joe.
“No, I’d tell him, ‘Thanks, John, I’ve been there, I’ve done that. You can find much better,”
Liebermensch, the king of understatement!