I’m gonna start keeping a packed suitcase next to my bed.
With rapidly advancing technology spreading across the globe, US spies are shifting their focus from surreptitiously photographing secret Soviet documents to trolling the Internet for what could be the next key nugget of foreign intelligence.
Among the most valuable sources, one top spook says, are blogs, MySpace and other Web 2.0 hallmarks.
“We’re looking now at YouTube, which carries some unique and honest-to-goodness intelligence,” Doug Naquin, director of the CIA’s Open Source Center said in a recent speech to CIA retirees.
As much as I write about the CIA and events in the Muslim world, I’m sure I have quite the dossier. Maybe one day I’ll issue a FOIA request and get to see what’s in it.
Sounds to me like this is more domestic spying, which in my book is a fear-generating tactic just like the stripping of Jose Padilla’s rights. They WANT us to know we are being spied upon, they want us to be fearful, to be like sheep as they attempt to turn the US into a totalitarian state.
This is NOT about stopping terrorists acts, this is about fear-generating internal surveillance.
I’m sure HE’S got the keys to the files.
Or one of his (ahem) “former” colleagues.
Shit, Larry hasn’t worked for the agency in 20 years. He held higher positions at State. Yeah, I know…once a spook, always a spook. Sort of. But he’s a free lancer now, not some mole in the blogosphere.
He’s a freelancer, alright.
But for whom?
Hillary? š
Actually…they share some employers.
Bet on it.
Did Raw Story just find this out? FLH has been claiming this has been going on for ages!!! And well, you know a reliable source when you see it, don’t you?
I’ve had an FBI file since I was 18 years old. I was being photographed at my first demo in downtown Buffalo by a white man who was a Cheney clone type, and I was at all kinds of anti-war meetings (Iran Hostage Crisis, 1979), and then, THEN I joined the League of Anti-Imperialist Students! COMMIES!
My file is nice and long too, but I don’t worry about it. They can never have my spirit.
‘get to see what’s in it’. Betcha a dollar it’ll all be redacted. Also, google ‘InfraGard’ if you already run across it.
I just heard a piece about them on the radio today. In the event martial law is declared, these corporate types are authoized to shoot to kill. See what happens when their bottom line is threatened?
Don’t bother with the packed suitcase. When they kick in your door and drag you out of bed in the middle of the night they won’t be letting you take a change of underwear. I do suggest you get in a little drowning practice so you will be prepared for your talk with CIA interrogators.
You. At that blog. Take your hands off the keyboard and freeze.
If you have any money in the bank, I suggest that a nice mattress might just make more sense at this time. Also, Think Gold! 900+/OZ!
It may look like a video of a cat playing the piano, but in fact it is a secret code to activate a sleeper cell….
but a realignment will change everything.
Don’t count on them even admitting that they have a file on you. I wrote and asked for mine a year ago and it took forever for them to tell me I don’t have one. I find it hard to believe–been doing anti-war, pro-choice, pro-gay activism for years. If they use any of those criteria then there should be something.
I guess I just need to work harder and more publicly, huh?
I don’t trust them to tell the truth on anything. period.
What a wonderful high-bandwidth channel to insert disinformation into the US Government’s highest levels!
What could possibly go wrong?
They know you like Makers. (Well, at least they do now…)
Seriously, I think it’s interesting that they actually think there is information out there on the internet. Let’s hope they don’t start outsourcing their data analysis to craig’s list.
because they don’t have enough interpretors to spy on the real terrorists. Go figure. Who’s the bigger threat to their Empire….the terrorists or the resisters?
Is anyone truely surprised? There are at least two neocon military recruiter trolls on Kos, which nobody does anything about.