Well, that would be appropriate in the lighter half of the year. We’re still in the dark half and evolution should also cater for
the need for additional sleep this time of year (viz. hibernation).
I’m not sure what the official qualifier for geezerhood is, but I’m confident I’m close to achieving whatever it is…
FM has been around (no problem with all the storms) but is having computer problems so isn’t being around very much. If you want to catch up on his doings, here’s a link to his website.
And if you want to catch up on the woods, here’s the most of last year:
I am heading out (Giddy is snapping at me which is her way of telling me I’m too damned slow). It’s cold but nice and sunny so I’m looking forward to a nice walk with the Pack.
Glad to hear you’re heading back home soon but also sorry because I will really miss having you here.
Enjoy your trip outdoors — hope you don’t get too steamed up.
As for me, I’m sure that stepping away from the computer & exposure to massive loads of GOP bullshit will help me stay cool.
Speaking of: if some kind soul will ship me a nice new Mac laptop immediately, I’ll be able to access WiFi at our local wilderness general store & remain a constant cafe’ sipper.
Haw haw.
Yes, I know you’re out the door, but I wanted to add that I’m still working on uploading images from the past year for you to see. However, the computer I’m on was new under Clinton/Gore & is now quite senile; there’s not much hope.
One day you will just say, enough. . it is time, I will make it the best I can on what I have available to me. You will surprise yourself in the many ways it will all come together and how you can have a great life on far less money than you thought you could.
Yuck, didn’t you just get over a cold? NBtY has a bad flu and is miserable. I’ve been washing my hands like crazy and trying to baby him from a distance so I don’t get it.
Hi ask, that’s happy news! Hello to anyone else who may be lurking! We’re having a lovely afternoon today, 40’s and sunny. Not so warm tomorrow, I’m hearing.
Hi Id!
Kind of cloudy here, but at least the rains have stopped.
I’m having my last moments of quiet – young asklet is on his way from his mom’s, and big sister will show up a bit later.
I had a nice walk earlier and am lurking a few of the local progressive blogs at the moment. The blogmistress at the aforementioned TDW is rather adept at troll baiting and usually fun to read. In another incarnation, she’s the state Democratic Party Communications Director.
We finished filling our slate of local candidates Thursday and have an especially good crop this time. I’m very excited about our prospects! The local opposition has been misbehaving badly and even some of old staunch conservatives are jumping ship. It should be an interesting year.
Hi Oui! Nice headline, there. I caught some of Obama’s speech last night at that dinner last night, and it was pretty good. I hope he can live up to what he says.
The photos in your second link are fun too. I wish I could read the descriptions.
And of course, I’m hoping things are going better for you daughter and grandson.
The little guy stays over at our place on Sunday for 6 hours, he just left 30 minutes ago. It’s the toughest struggle of my life. A new court session will take place early March, doing my best to get a more favorable judgement. My daughter is one tough lady and our grandson is doing very well. My sob son-in-law (mr. lawyer) is so full of it, it has taken 3 months to unravel his premeditated plan and pack of lies. I have to play it smart and take it by small steps at a time.
Oui, I know firsthand how awful what you’re going through is, and all I can say is hang in there. Your daughter and grandson are lucky to have your support, and they really need it.
You’re all in my thoughts, and I hope you’ll have some good news in March. The courts can be soooo slow in these things, but I hope they are able to see what’s going on and set them right quickly.
I enjoyed seeing the different perspective too. The language is daunting, though. It seems quite different from German, which I can usually puzzle through at least a little.
It appears the flu bug has hit us. Both FMom and I are feeling pretty miserable at the moment. It seems it’s pretty wide spread around here. I’ve read in the local news where two schools have been closed.
The computer is giving me a reprieve and not shutting down on me. I don’t know what I did, but I hope it keeps working.
Hope everyone is well and enjoying some good weather.
Oh no, sorry to hear the flu bug has struck! I believe there’s been some lurking around here, but no large outbreak yet. Hope you’re feeling better soon. I prescribe lots of slacking.
I’m grateful my mom is still in pretty good shape at 90! I’m going over to pick her up shortly and bring her home for some brunch and conversation. Hope FMom is better very soon.
Good to see you, FM. So sorry your household’s been hit with the flu. Need I remind you that rest & serenity are absolutely crucial?
Of course not! I’m talkin’ to the Master.
As always it’s so nice to see you too. I’m doing my best on the rest & serenity, but it’s kind of difficult to keep up at the moment. I don’t know why, but old people seem to get so cranky when they feel bad. Then again, I guess I’ve been kind of cranky myself. 🙂
I suspect that as we get older, our bodies take longer to process the toxins left by disease; toxins weigh on the liver & an overworked liver makes one cranky.
Keeping up extra fluid intake may help. That’s Commandment One for viral infections.
One thing’s for sure: nothing lasts forever!
At least you’re not dealing with cold weather, too.
Yep I’m pushing water a lot for both of us. I’ve had to keep talking FMom out of going to the doctor to get an antibiotic. I keep explaining it’s viral and antibiotics won’t do a thing for it, but in the old days that’s how it was done.
How have you been doing in the Sunshine State? Still can’t wait to get back to the mountains?
I was just about to say that you shouldn’t bother with antibiotics! 🙂
Tell your mom that there’s no use spending money on doctor/antibiotics if they won’t do anything. Plus, going to the doctor isn’t exactly restful & you just need to stay home & rest. That will help more than any antibiotic.
Maybe it would help, too, if the doctor told her on the phone that antibiotics won’t help the flu. Hopefully he/she is reasonable & not just a pill-pusher.
As for me, I should be back in the mountains in less than a week. The Sunshine State does absolutely nothing for me — too damn hot! I went out yesterday afternoon & after about 20 minutes I nearly barfed.
I’ll get back home & get back to work on my building project, FSM willing.
The thing is, that when I get back I’ll dive right back in to the work that basically kept me away last year. Even if the weather’s cold, I’ll be working!
My father (who lives here in South FL also) requests that I take pictures of my progress — so I may have some of those to share too. On another computer.
Now my big question is, when you get back home will we be missing you here? Although I haven’t been around that much, it has been so nice to see your voice back in and outside the cafe.
Yup (but just to be sure I checked my Animal Tracks of Indiana book). Based on the way that wind made me feel, I figure those tracks got “freeze-dried” about 2 second after they were set down.
Glad to hear you’ve been out walking, though. I reckon it’s never too cold for the Pack (or hardly ever).
Hope you won’t mind sending a little chill this way.
Raccoons are really common around here, though the dogs generally convince them to stay away from the trash. Giddy has a nice scar on her nose from trying to persuade one to play with her.
Y’know, there are a lot of feral cats down here in South FL, mainly because many residences are condos & condo associations generally don’t allow pets. A number of residents here in my mom’s complex were feeding them & during my visit last year, a pair of possums appeared to eat the food also. Residents were then told by the management not to put out any more food, under threat of penalty.
So now the cats are gone but the possums are still here!
We have Tom which is our outside cat. I’ve gotten to the point where I’ll put his food out at certain times and then bring it back in. At night though, the possum is still out there wanting to be fed.
Thanks for the link, Andi. Can’t see that one either, unfortunately — it seems that image files freeze the computer. What a pain in the ass.
I’m gonna see if I can’t play with the computer a little & change the situation. Back later (unless I kick the screen in).
We had a really sharp temperature drop last night — we went from 44 to 31 in a little over an hour (and down to the mid 20s for a low not too much later). So I’m thinking that the tracks were made right as temperature started falling and got frozen right away.
Yep — & temps didn’t rise sufficiently before your outing for them to lose shape.
Spoke to a Catskills ally just now; they’ve had similar temperature swings. It’s been a lot of fun for them: snow falls, melts completely & then freezes again. I’ve been asked to bring sun; they haven’t seen any for days, which is unusual there.
Time for a coffee run hereabouts; will return soon, I hope.
Here’s a new cafe to celebrate with!
(Good morning ask and AndiF!)
Good morning, CG!
We had 66 on Wednesday, now 35…
This winter has just been full of big temp swings. Yep, in the 60s this week and heading for a low in the teens by the weekend.
All you had to do is to close your eyes and take a long nap and it would be Friday. 🙂
P.S. I think you need to use that cartoon for a cafe/lounge — it’s beyond perfect.
Did I beat Andi to the cafe?!
no …
when I’m in California. You should be able to get here first without too much trouble.
I was first at your place! 😀
Sure, rub it in … 🙂
Good morning all. You folks start out early. Cold here again but no precipitation.
Hi boran. I’m a late riser, so yours are always the freshest comments I read! Not “fresh” as in the way my grandmother used to use it….
Hi SN. Not fresh like a spring day either. 😉
Of course they’re fresh like spring. We are both in the springtime of our lives!
Springtime of our lives, I like that.
Sure do like them. Why, I like them so much I’d have one everyday and never get tired of them.
Good morning, Andi!
Saturdays are great, but why do I still wake up at 5 (first at 3.30, but managed to go back to sleep)?
so I’m voting for your Norwegian genes thinking you should make sure you’re up for every second of daylight.
Well, that would be appropriate in the lighter half of the year. We’re still in the dark half and evolution should also cater for
the need for additional sleep this time of year (viz. hibernation).
I’m not sure what the official qualifier for geezerhood is, but I’m confident I’m close to achieving whatever it is…
Well … one good sign is getting multiple AARP mailings begging you to join just about every day. 🙂
Indeed, I have seen a couple of those – and I do qualify…
I’ll be back later. Writing a diary now on current scandals at the UN.
I’ll look forward to reading it.
I’ll think I’ll follow your good example and get going.
See ya/read ya.
Beautiful image, Andi. Thank you.
Happy Saturday, everyone!
On my mind this morning: has FM been around?
FM has been around (no problem with all the storms) but is having computer problems so isn’t being around very much. If you want to catch up on his doings, here’s a link to his website.
And if you want to catch up on the woods, here’s the most of last year:
Spring 07
Summer 07
Winter 07/08
Oh my my my. Thank you for the links! They should tide me over ’til my return to the Catskills a week from today.
Thanks also for news on FM & his link. I was concerned.
Are you heading out for a walk this morning? I’m probably going out myself, shortly (there’s clouds).
It’s so goddamn steamy here already. I’m gonna show up in NY looking like a dried prune.
I am heading out (Giddy is snapping at me which is her way of telling me I’m too damned slow). It’s cold but nice and sunny so I’m looking forward to a nice walk with the Pack.
Glad to hear you’re heading back home soon but also sorry because I will really miss having you here.
Enjoy your trip outdoors — hope you don’t get too steamed up.
Cold, nice & sunny — sounds great!
As for me, I’m sure that stepping away from the computer & exposure to massive loads of GOP bullshit will help me stay cool.
Speaking of: if some kind soul will ship me a nice new Mac laptop immediately, I’ll be able to access WiFi at our local wilderness general store & remain a constant cafe’ sipper.
Haw haw.
Have a fine walk! Sniff sniff. Woof!
Yes, I know you’re out the door, but I wanted to add that I’m still working on uploading images from the past year for you to see. However, the computer I’m on was new under Clinton/Gore & is now quite senile; there’s not much hope.
I hope you can get it to work. I’d love to see them. We need to find you a computer nerd to hang out with.
Ah, then you are going to LOVE retirement.
what I’m not sure is in my plan is getting to actually retire.
One day you will just say, enough. . it is time, I will make it the best I can on what I have available to me. You will surprise yourself in the many ways it will all come together and how you can have a great life on far less money than you thought you could.
You are going to love it, so look forward to it!
Is anybody around? Did I miss everyone?
CBtE gave me his lovely head cold (ugh), so I slept in today.
Good morning, CG!
I’m making a late breakfast.
breakfast sounds good – whatcha having?
I had hot and sour soup for breakfast this morning (trying to clear my sinuses out, if only briefly).
Long done now; nothing exiting, but very enjoyable.
Soft boiled eggs and some Swedish salmon pâté.
Any plans this weekend?
Yuck, didn’t you just get over a cold? NBtY has a bad flu and is miserable. I’ve been washing my hands like crazy and trying to baby him from a distance so I don’t get it.
Yeah, I had like a whole good week in between. This one seems to be going away faster, though.
Keep washing those hands, and I hope NBtY feels better soon.
What are you to this weekend, besides nursing sick people?
I am going to the big flea market tomorrow and then helping my blind friend grocery shop. Then possibly, we’ll Swiffer his house….;)
Big fun! The flea market, I mean.
We’re off to a 75th birthday celebration later this afternoon. I’m hoping I don’t suffer a midafternoon relapse of my cold symptoms.
The signature campaign has passed 10,000 signatures – 10,354 and counting at the moment.
Go over and sign, if you haven’t already. No need to be an EU citizen.
Hi ask, that’s happy news! Hello to anyone else who may be lurking! We’re having a lovely afternoon today, 40’s and sunny. Not so warm tomorrow, I’m hearing.
Hi Id!
Kind of cloudy here, but at least the rains have stopped.
I’m having my last moments of quiet – young asklet is on his way from his mom’s, and big sister will show up a bit later.
I had a nice walk earlier and am lurking a few of the local progressive blogs at the moment. The blogmistress at the aforementioned TDW is rather adept at troll baiting and usually fun to read. In another incarnation, she’s the state Democratic Party Communications Director.
We finished filling our slate of local candidates Thursday and have an especially good crop this time. I’m very excited about our prospects! The local opposition has been misbehaving badly and even some of old staunch conservatives are jumping ship. It should be an interesting year.
but since I’m up this early, it’s not.
Morning AndiF!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
that other folks might feel differently. 😉
Good morning Oui.
Let me be the first one to wish you all a super day and a very good morning, afternoon or evening.
Obama: “We did it!”
click for more
More photo’s typically Dutch
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Thank you for posting the interesting photos, Oui.
Hi Oui! Nice headline, there. I caught some of Obama’s speech last night at that dinner last night, and it was pretty good. I hope he can live up to what he says.
The photos in your second link are fun too. I wish I could read the descriptions.
And of course, I’m hoping things are going better for you daughter and grandson.
The little guy stays over at our place on Sunday for 6 hours, he just left 30 minutes ago. It’s the toughest struggle of my life. A new court session will take place early March, doing my best to get a more favorable judgement. My daughter is one tough lady and our grandson is doing very well. My sob son-in-law (mr. lawyer) is so full of it, it has taken 3 months to unravel his premeditated plan and pack of lies. I have to play it smart and take it by small steps at a time.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I don’t know the circumstances but it sounds like that’s the toughest kind of life’s struggles. I wish you strength.
A harrowing story
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Oui, I know firsthand how awful what you’re going through is, and all I can say is hang in there. Your daughter and grandson are lucky to have your support, and they really need it.
You’re all in my thoughts, and I hope you’ll have some good news in March. The courts can be soooo slow in these things, but I hope they are able to see what’s going on and set them right quickly.
Good morning, Andi and Oui!
I’ve been up for a while – on my second cup of coffee.
curly and asklets still sleeping.
Read Oui’s excellent diary.
Good morning Andi, Oui and ask! Its not so springlike here today. Brrrrrrrr!
Good morning, ID. We had the colder weather blow in last night too. It’s quite breezy today.
Good morning, CG!
curly wonders if there will be a knitting diary today?
Why yes, there will be. 🙂 I still need to take a few photos this morning, but I’ll put it up today.
It was so nice here yesterday, about 40 and sunny too. Oh well, we’ll be sweltering before long! Be sure and check out Oui’s photos. Very interesting.
Overall, I don’t think we’ve had very wintry weather here this year…we were in the 60s this week, which is unusual.
I thought Oui’s photos were cool. I don’t think I realized what the dutch countryside looked like; all we ever really see photos of are Amsterdam.
I enjoyed seeing the different perspective too. The language is daunting, though. It seems quite different from German, which I can usually puzzle through at least a little.
It appears the flu bug has hit us. Both FMom and I are feeling pretty miserable at the moment. It seems it’s pretty wide spread around here. I’ve read in the local news where two schools have been closed.
The computer is giving me a reprieve and not shutting down on me. I don’t know what I did, but I hope it keeps working.
Hope everyone is well and enjoying some good weather.
Oh no, sorry to hear the flu bug has struck! I believe there’s been some lurking around here, but no large outbreak yet. Hope you’re feeling better soon. I prescribe lots of slacking.
Hiya ID.
It’s definitely wide spread down here. I’m doing OK, but when you have an older person to take care of, it kind of hard to slack.
Wish I could send ya’ll some of our weather. It’s supposed to be almost 70 today.
I’m grateful my mom is still in pretty good shape at 90! I’m going over to pick her up shortly and bring her home for some brunch and conversation. Hope FMom is better very soon.
Thank ID. Hope you and your Mom have a great brunch.
Good to see you, FM. So sorry your household’s been hit with the flu. Need I remind you that rest & serenity are absolutely crucial?
Of course not! I’m talkin’ to the Master.
Hi WW.
As always it’s so nice to see you too. I’m doing my best on the rest & serenity, but it’s kind of difficult to keep up at the moment. I don’t know why, but old people seem to get so cranky when they feel bad. Then again, I guess I’ve been kind of cranky myself. 🙂
Yep, we do get cranky! 😉
I suspect that as we get older, our bodies take longer to process the toxins left by disease; toxins weigh on the liver & an overworked liver makes one cranky.
Keeping up extra fluid intake may help. That’s Commandment One for viral infections.
One thing’s for sure: nothing lasts forever!
At least you’re not dealing with cold weather, too.
Keeping down sugar & caffeine intake would probably help too.
Yep I’m pushing water a lot for both of us. I’ve had to keep talking FMom out of going to the doctor to get an antibiotic. I keep explaining it’s viral and antibiotics won’t do a thing for it, but in the old days that’s how it was done.
How have you been doing in the Sunshine State? Still can’t wait to get back to the mountains?
I was just about to say that you shouldn’t bother with antibiotics! 🙂
Tell your mom that there’s no use spending money on doctor/antibiotics if they won’t do anything. Plus, going to the doctor isn’t exactly restful & you just need to stay home & rest. That will help more than any antibiotic.
Maybe it would help, too, if the doctor told her on the phone that antibiotics won’t help the flu. Hopefully he/she is reasonable & not just a pill-pusher.
As for me, I should be back in the mountains in less than a week. The Sunshine State does absolutely nothing for me — too damn hot! I went out yesterday afternoon & after about 20 minutes I nearly barfed.
I’ll get back home & get back to work on my building project, FSM willing.
Here’s hoping you find some nice soul at the wifi place that will let you borrow their puter to drop by for some updates.
Maybe so!
The thing is, that when I get back I’ll dive right back in to the work that basically kept me away last year. Even if the weather’s cold, I’ll be working!
But I’ll definitely be back around when I can.
Well here or not, we’ll all be thinking of you and hoping that the construction goes well.
Many, many thanks, Andi. Truly!
My father (who lives here in South FL also) requests that I take pictures of my progress — so I may have some of those to share too. On another computer.
Good idea, Dad. And if we get to see them too, that would be grand.
Let us hope.
You might even get to see just how far I can fling a hammer in disgust — with image stabilization!
OK, I’m off to re-boot.
Now my big question is, when you get back home will we be missing you here? Although I haven’t been around that much, it has been so nice to see your voice back in and outside the cafe.
That’s kind of you to say, FM. Thank you.
See my reply to Andi above!
It’s taking me a long time to be able to read/reply today. I think my mom’s computer has the flu, too.
Sorry about the flu, FM. Hope you and FMom feel better soon.
Just back from our very, very cold walk where we noticed that somebody else’s stroll had been frozen in time (for the next few days anyway).
Nicely preserved! Raccoons?
Yup (but just to be sure I checked my Animal Tracks of Indiana book). Based on the way that wind made me feel, I figure those tracks got “freeze-dried” about 2 second after they were set down.
After a little steaming, no doubt.
Glad to hear you’ve been out walking, though. I reckon it’s never too cold for the Pack (or hardly ever).
Hope you won’t mind sending a little chill this way.
Morning Andi.
Thanks. I haven’t seen many racoons around here lately, but we still have the possum that likes to eat the cat food.
Raccoons are really common around here, though the dogs generally convince them to stay away from the trash. Giddy has a nice scar on her nose from trying to persuade one to play with her.
I’m afraid with George it would be an all out fight. He doesn’t know how to go up and sniff, he starts out barking.
Y’know, there are a lot of feral cats down here in South FL, mainly because many residences are condos & condo associations generally don’t allow pets. A number of residents here in my mom’s complex were feeding them & during my visit last year, a pair of possums appeared to eat the food also. Residents were then told by the management not to put out any more food, under threat of penalty.
So now the cats are gone but the possums are still here!
We have Tom which is our outside cat. I’ve gotten to the point where I’ll put his food out at certain times and then bring it back in. At night though, the possum is still out there wanting to be fed.
Damn! This decrepit computer won’t let me see an image. I’m so disappointed.
It’s not the great a picture — it’s just the sudden temperature drop froze the tracks so quickly that they’re very sharp.
I don’t if if this will help but here’s a link to the pic.
Thanks for the link, Andi. Can’t see that one either, unfortunately — it seems that image files freeze the computer. What a pain in the ass.
I’m gonna see if I can’t play with the computer a little & change the situation. Back later (unless I kick the screen in).
That’s just about the nicest pic of tracks I’ve ever seen. Very cool composition. Great definition on the tracks, too. I’d actually put it on my wall!
Ah, you got your ‘puter working.
We had a really sharp temperature drop last night — we went from 44 to 31 in a little over an hour (and down to the mid 20s for a low not too much later). So I’m thinking that the tracks were made right as temperature started falling and got frozen right away.
Yep — & temps didn’t rise sufficiently before your outing for them to lose shape.
Spoke to a Catskills ally just now; they’ve had similar temperature swings. It’s been a lot of fun for them: snow falls, melts completely & then freezes again. I’ve been asked to bring sun; they haven’t seen any for days, which is unusual there.
Time for a coffee run hereabouts; will return soon, I hope.
Well FMom is up and I’ve got to take care of her.
See ya’ll later.