Well, well, what do we have here? First we read Hillary is so low on cash that she loaned her campaign $5 million in January; this after raising $104 million in 2007.
Low on cash, A stunt to cast herself the ‘underdog’
She tears up: Poor little me, I’m the underdog and my senior staffers are going without pay.’..give a helping hand, please donate.
ABC News has me doing a cold head wrap.
Cash Strapped Clinton Campaign–Stunt?
Clinton Campaign Staffers Not Going Without Pay.
Staff Had Offered to Go Without Pay to Save Campaign Money But Never DidSo it turns out the Clinton campaign may not be so cash-strapped after all — at least not at this very moment.
After offering on Wednesday to go without paychecks to help save precious campaign resources, senior staff members on Hillary Clinton’s campaign are in fact not going without pay during the month of February, ABC News has learned.[.]
Clinton’s campaign has been shouting from the rooftops all day about its online fundraising efforts since Super Tuesday.Clinton’s Money
The campaign announced today that it raised more than four million dollars online in the 24 hours after polls closed on Tuesday — the biggest single haul in one day ever for the campaign.
“We are gratified for this tremendous outpouring of support,” said Clinton Campaign Internet Director Peter Daou.
One longtime Democratic consultant not affiliated with any campaign wondered if perhaps the whole thing wasn’t a big stunt to garner media attention and look like an “underdog.”
“I’d take this revelation as a sign that they planned this whole thing,” the consultant said.
The source familiar with the situation also believes Senator Clinton will not need to loan herself any more cash. On Wednesday it was revealed that Hillary Clinton had given her campaign an infusion of $5 million back in January.
Clinton argued today her decision to loan her campaign money should not be seen as a sign that her campaign is in financial trouble.[.]
“We were outraised in January which we took steps immediately to address,” she told ABC News’ Jake Tapper today.
“Since Tuesday we’ve raised millions of dollars on the Internet. So we’re going to be fine. And you know my staff is so dedicated that they stepped up and said we want to do our part. I did my part. But we’re going to be in very good financial shape, people are rallying around. And I think by the end of the week we’re going to be back on track,” she said.[.]
(emphasis added)
“The Clinton campaign is pushing back very aggressively against the notion that it’s experiencing financial trouble. In a conference call with reporters today, the campaign’s finance team explained that it’s collected $7.5 million is since Feb. 1 (none of which includes loans from the candidate), and $6.4 million of that total has come since the polls closed on Super Tuesday. The campaign also emphasized that “all” of the campaign staff has been “100% paid.”
Hmmm! Does anyone detect anything amiss here? Let’s pull out our calculators, do the math with focus on the following quote:
“We were outraised in January which we took steps immediately to address,” she told ABC News’ Jake Tapper today.
In January, Obama out-raised Clinton by $18 million. The quote above leads me to assume that somehow from somewhere a make-up of “matching funds” occurred in the Clintons’ ledger. Or didn’t.
Clinton admits to loaning $5 million to her dry coffers because they only raised $13.5 million in January. So going head to head she was short $14 million against Obama’s $32 million haul for a 22 states campaign and beyond. But in January, my calculator read she’s short $9 million after her $5 million loan. I’m poor at maths, so what did I miss?
Clinton admits to raising $7.1 million to date (Feb. 1-7 ) and the campaign funding is fine. Will she repay her loan to herself?
So if she’s in such great financial shape why all the “unusual” reach out for debates and Town Hall meetings, to share the stage with Obama?
All for free publicity. No need to spend dollars for ad buys.
Not quite…the polls. She’s riding high off the California debate.
And she’s ahead. Gallup Poll shows a Clinton surge before super Tuesday’s votes.
Clever, clever Clintons.
Don’t believe a word from the Clintons’ camp. They’ve been proven artful. Liars.
To win, they’ll lie to their supporters and donors.
I hope this stunt receives wide coverage.
I guess it depends on what the meaning of “fundraising” is. Or “loans.” Or “staff.” Or “payment.” Or….
It worked! She received free publicity and funds.
But I calculate she’s still low on cash and seeking sympathy and cash, casting herself as underdog, that the media bought into.
Her campaign has spent like highflyers.
(WSJ: via TPM)