Rasmussen Tracking Poll (since January 8) http://rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/election_20082/daily_presidential_tracking_polli
The above makes even more urgent what I wrote at another site this morning:
Hillary needs, and I mean needs, a new slogan — ‘Real Democrat’ — and then she needs to keep hammering Obama on his ‘everything on the table’ Social Security crack and the rest of his ‘bipartisan Democrat’ (“America is not Democrats. . .”) vibe. If she takes the MSM’s advice and stays soft, Obama may win back the momentum and eventually the nomination, carried on the back of the MSM’s Clinton hate.
Hillary also needs to re-enlist Bill in the campaign, but keep him to the ‘Real Democrat’ theme. Get off the ‘inexperience’ rap, Bill, that’s not where the votes are! Working class and middle class Democrats are concerned by Obama’s ‘bipartisanship,’ cuz they sense that means ‘economic Republican’ (and they’re right). Attack from the economic left, work the economic insecurity (repeat: Social Security!) angle, that’s where your wife’s votes are.
It is not time to bask in delegate numbers and it is never wise to pretend the Clinton campaign is in control of the momentum narrative, which will be critical in the next several weeks (especially for swaying super-delegates). The media controls that, and did I mention they hate (!) Hillary? Pro-Obama slivers of hope will be exaggerated into crushing victories, those exaggerations will become ‘MSM truth’.
So Hillary is not inevitable, not by far. Especially looking at the next several days’ primaries and caucuses:
Louisiana: 2/9/08, Primary
Nebraska: 2/9/08, Caucus
Washington: 2/9/08, Caucus
Maine: 2/10/08, Caucus
D. of Columbia: 2/12/08 Primary
Maryland: 2/12/08, Primary
Virginia: 2/12/08, Primary
Obama wins in the deep South, and he wins caucuses, which the press pretends are the same as winning democratic elections. So the MSM story on February 9-10 may be “Obama wins 4 of 4!” Will this affect momentum again, in the way the press created momentum out of just South Carolina? Yes, probably, because the MSM hates Hillary.
So the mainstream press may manipulate our ‘reality’ (again) so that Hillary in a few days will be portrayed as ‘desperate’ for ‘must wins’ again, in Maryland and Virginia. Those states having real elections and being diverse states, ‘Real Democrat’ Hillary can win both. That would unquestionably be a crushing victory for her, and the MSM couldn’t pretend otherwise.
The above doesn’t mean I believe either Hillary or Barack is a ‘Real Democrat’, I just think it is a winning strategy. And, as I told kraant in a fleshfeast comment yesterday:
No, that’s strategy advice
And both Hill and Bama are DLC Democrats, so taking my advice would be lying but it is still a good strategy.
But also, campaigning as a ‘Real Democrat’ and, especially, shouting out that Social Security is not in crisis and therefore doesn’t need to be deformed/cut back, will pressure the winner who wins on that basis not to back out on their promises. Of course, similar didn’t work with Bill Clinton, but I always like to see anyone campaigning from the left, attacking the other guy/gal from the left.
And that was my advice. Assuming BamaHill’s advisors are about as political street smart as the average Dkos frontpager, I’m sure they won’t take it.
by fairleft @ Thu Feb 07, 2008 at 11:05:09 AM PST
Words like HR676 & impeachment would get my attention, whether from Clinton or Obama.