Research for the quotes from Obama’s books was done by the very erudite Mike Howell at NO QUARTER Admittedly I personally have not read Obama’s books, but have read excerpts on the net
Progressives boast they are the REALITY based people in politics. Obama supporters also claim to be part of the REALITY based community. The porcine shaped evil one, Karl Rove, unfortunately, is not justifiably incarcerated. Many of us realize Rove has spent the past months preparing strategic plans to use against the Democratic Presidential nominee in the General Election. Rove himself provided a preview of his intentions in a WSJ Op-ED the day after the NH primary.
Even Worse, Karl now has a national media platform on Faux News.
Any good Political Consultant, or Lawyer, agrees that the best way to dull the impact of the oppositions dramatic revelations, is to get it out in the public first, and making it old news. This post is an attempt to do just that.
Obama’s own words impart a look at his perception of American life, culture, and Politics.
In Obama’s book, DREAMS OF MY FATHER..
- “I ceased to advertise my mother’s race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites”
- “That hate hadn’t gone away,” he wrote, blaming “white people — some cruel, some ignorant, sometimes a single face, sometimes just a faceless image of a system claiming power over our lives.”
However, while campaigning in Kansas, Obama frequently emphasized that his mother was white, and that he had grown up in a predominantly white world.
* (Obama) vowed that he would “never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn’t speak to my own. It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.”
According to Colonel Ray, at Huffington Post, Barack’s father was a Muslim economist from Kenya. Before marrying Ann Dunham, Obama’s father was married at the age of 18, to a Kenyan woman, with whom he had seven children.
Steve Sailor, uncovers the identity of Obama’s half brother Mark, who is the son of Obama Sr. 3rd wife, Ruth. The post includes a great genalogical family tree. Mark is noted as disagreeing with Baracks emotional attachment to his black roots vs. his white heritage.
- “I was trying to raise myself to be a black man in America, and beyond the given of my appearance, no one around me seemed to know exactly what that meant.” Honolulu’s paucity of African-Americans meant he had to learn to be black from the media: “TV, movies, the radio; those were places to start. Pop culture was color-coded, after all, an arcade of images from which you could cop a walk, a talk, a step, a style.”
- About student life and race at Occidental College Obama wrote “There were enough of us on campus to constitute a tribe, and when it came to hanging out many of us chose to function like a tribe, staying close together, traveling in packs,” he wrote. “It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.” He added: “To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists.”
- While in college, Obama wrote(he) disapproved of what he called other “half-breeds” who gravitated toward whites instead of blacks.
Again, from Colonel Ray
“And after college, he once fell in love with a white woman, only to push her away when he concluded he would have to assimilate into her world, not the other way around. He later married a black woman.”
* After making his first visit to Kenya, Obama wrote of being disappointed to learn that his paternal grandfather had been a servant to rich whites. The revelation caused “ugly words to flash across my mind. Uncle Tom. Collaborator. House nigger.”
Obama’s half sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng with whom he is very close, answered a question about Barack’s Race Identity this way:
Q. Do you think of your brother as black?
A. Yes, because that is how he has named himself. Each of us has a right to name ourselves as we will.
Obama has never recanted what he wrote, although in his 2004 Senate Race he admitted Certain passages have proven to be inconvenient politically.”
In Dreams Obama wrote
* “The person who made me proudest of all, though, was half brother Roy. He converted to Islam.”
Classmate Rony Amiris describes young Barry (Barrack Obama) as enjoying playing football and marbles and of being a very devout Muslim. Amiris said, “Barry was previously quite religious in Islam.”We previously often asked him to the prayer room close to the house. If he was wearing a sarong he looked funny,” said Rony. Amiris now the manager of the Bank Mandiri, Jakarta, recently said, “Barry(Obama) was previously quite religious in Islam.
Obama’s half sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng who describes herself as a Buddahist, stated “I don’t want to deny Islam. I think it’s obviously very important that we have an understanding of Islam, a better understanding. At the same time, it has been erroneously attached to my brother. The man has been a Christian for 20 years”.
In yet another interview, Maya states “My whole family was Muslim, and most of the people I knew were Muslim”
Obama did convert to an Afro Centeric form of Christianity at Trinity United Church of Christ in South Chicago, when he was 26 years old. Peter Hitchens, of London’s Daily Mail describes Trinity United Church:
It is pretty radical.
The parish magazine is full of fierce denunciations of the American government’s failure to fight AIDS. A large chunk of the sermon was devoted to urging black Americans not to allow themselves to be relegated to second-class citizenship.
The retiring Senior Pastor, Jeremiah Wright (who brought Obama to Christianity), is famous for preaching in African robes. He is also noted for his Church’s “disavowal of the pursuit of middle-classness” which sets it apart from many black churches.
Those who achieved success in the American mainstream, Trinity urged, should avoid the “psychological entrapment of black middle-classness that hypnotizes the successful brother or sister into believing that they are better than the rest and teaches them to think in terms of we or they instead of us!”
Trinity says it is “unashamedly black and unapologetically Christian”. And so it is. A male choir in smart suits sings and sways and on the night I visited, a charismatic preacher, Pastor Otis Moss III, expounded from Exodus with wit and power.
In Obama’s book THE AUDACITY Of HOPE
* He wrote “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.”
The premier expert on Foreign Affairs and Intelligence, Larry Johnson informs us Obama has involved himself into the tribal clashes now occurring in Kenya. Please read the whole thing, including the well informed comments by other Intelligence Officials.
The opposition leader in Kenya, Raila Odinga, is Obama’s cousin. Kenya’s tribes-the Luo and Kikuyu-are killing each other over a disputed election that Odinga claims was stolen from him. Prior to the election in December 2007, Odinga wrote a letter to Kenya’s pro-jihadist National Muslim Leaders Forum. There he pledged that if elected he would establish Sharia courts throughout the country; enact Islamic dress codes for women; ban alcohol and pork; indoctrinate schoolchildren in the tenets of Islam; ban Christian missionary activities, and dismiss the police commissioner, “Who has allowed himself to be used by heathens and Zionists.”.
Obama’s campaign sent former Clinton Aide, Dick Morris to Kenya to help out Barack’s cousin, Odinga. AFP news service details the conditions on the ground as of the first of February 2008.
The information in this post brings the following up for discussion:
- Obama grievances against the white race, and his struggles to learn how to be “black” while growing up.
- Obama’s father was a Polygamist and Obama has several half siblings. One of the Family Lawyers, commenting, will have to expound on whether Obama’s mother and Obama Sr’s 3rd wife, Ruth, needed to get a legal divorce, as their marriages were not recognized under American Law. Both ladies did go through some court process, in order to remarry.
- Obama himself was of the Muslim faith until he was 26 years old, then he converted to an Afro-Centric form of Christianity that is still considered well outside of the `mainstream’.
- Obama has involved himself in the Kenyan conflict to help the opposition leader, Odinga, who is his cousin.
Karl Rove, and Bill O’Reilly must be beside themselves, planning exclusive “BREAKING” news stories. Imagine Obama’s former Muslim classmates, his Occidental College buddies, his Minister or a surrogate, and his cousin Odinga on Fox News for exclusive interviews. Every other media will pick it up, and on this information alone, they would have enough to play up until the General Election.
Add to this Fox’s FACT Challenged reporting techniques, and implying Obama has ties to Auchi through Rezko, as done in this blog
If Progressives do not get out in front of this, we can all say HELLO to 100 Year War President McCain come January 2009.
The porcine shaped evil one, Karl Rove, unfortunately, is not justifiably incarcerated.
And as you noted, he is no longer working behind the scenes, but will be able to speak directly to the citizenry. Creepy, very creepy.
“Facts” and “logical thinking” and detailed, complex explanations are ineffective against the propaganda machine. So, how to get out in front of this?
Thanks for the heads up on this!
As to my ‘porcine’ comment – I was being very, very nice, As an English Prof words can usually be found. In truth, Rove is #2 or #3 on my hit list. I absolutely loath the man – and have since 2004.
What worries me most is that the “Orange Place” has been driving the news. Once the Rove machine takes over – Progressive blogs will end up with ZERO credibility. All the hard work since 2004 – will be GONE!
And anyone who thinks that the Net Neutrality WON’T be stripped away is drinking or smoking some pretty potent stuff.
How sad that the REALITY based community didn’t bother doing any vetting or research!
It ALL has been about size of crowds, and amount of money raised – Obama is funded by the same BIG money group as Hillary – Just one difference. As Peter Hitchens of London’s daily mail found out from two Representatives in the Illinois State Legislature with Obama:
This means that Obama sold himself TOTALLY to the BIG money people – and is entirely beholden to them.
As Hitchens stated in the first sentence of his article “America is about to fool itself for the third time in a row. Sentiment and star quality seem likely to trample on common sense and experience, and we will all suffer for it.“
It is so scary that the Obamacon Cultists WILL NOT read – they just attack like rabid animals. A VERY strong indicator of Cultists, who go insane if anything that might be construed as slightly negative is said about Dear Leader.
You are right that the disinformation campaign will crank up to sully Obama.
You write:
Prior to the election in December 2007, Odinga wrote a letter to Kenya’s pro-jihadist National Muslim Leaders Forum. There he pledged that if elected he would establish Sharia courts throughout the country; enact Islamic dress codes for women; ban alcohol and pork; indoctrinate schoolchildren in the tenets of Islam; ban Christian missionary activities, and dismiss the police commissioner, “Who has allowed himself to be used by heathens and Zionists.”.
There is no ‘letter’; there is a purported MOU between Odinga and NAMLEF (National Muslim Leaders Forum) which is a forgery:
A dose of the truth here:
You write:
Obama’s campaign sent former Clinton Aide, Dick Morris to Kenya to help out Barack’s cousin, Odinga.
Here’s how Reuters Africa reported his arrival:
And the adventure lasted only a couple of days:
There will be a lot of crap to debunk.
Doesn’t Larry Johnson check his facts any longer? Shameful No Quarter has become a conduit for Faux News items, written by our very respected SusanHu. I must recalibrate my opinion of her.
EU calls for inquiry into Kenya election
NAIROBI (Telegraph) Jan. 4, 2008 – The European Union’s team of election observers acknowledged fraud and questioned the accuracy of the ballot results.
“We regret that it has not been possible to address irregularities about which both the EU EOM (Electoral Observation Mission) and the ECK have evidence,” chief EU observer Alexander Graf Lambsdorff said in a statement.
Kibaki cancelled out Odinga’s lead in late vote-counting, even as more than half of his cabinet’s ministers were voted out of parliament.
Former colonial ruler Britain expressed “real concerns” at reported “irregularities.”
But in Washington, US State Department spokesman Rob McInturff congratulated Kibaki on his re-election and called on all sides to accept the results.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
As always your research is Impeccable.
I am going to personally ask you to backoff on Susan HU for the following reasons:
But you are missing the point – it is Obama’s judgment and competence I am question – NOT the situation in Kenya. As an AMERICAN Senator it is waaay over his pay grade to be sending representatives to Kenya – much less someone who worsens rather than helps the situation. The pecking order in the US government, sad to say, is The Administration, The State Department, then the Senior People on the Senate and House Foreign relations Committees job to handle the situation. NOT Obama bungling it with no real authority.
As a New Englander I come from the “None of my Business” side – and believe Kenya should sort out their own problems. I am glad Kofi Annan (sp?) is there and trying to sort it out for the good of all.
In summary I KNOW Kenya is beset with corruption. But if you look at my comments below, and READ Peter Hitchens article, you’ll read about only a minute portion of the corruption Obama is involved with! Do you want the US to become as viable as Kenya or any other third world country?
Thank you for providing links. I had never heard of Wikileaks- so its good to know it exists,
Unlike the Obamacon cultists I actually READ ALL links.
The hiring of crooks and cons seems to be a pattern by Obama.
Obama also hired a convicted felon and ex-con to run his training seminars for campaign staff and volunteers. Knowing how Obamacons WILL NOT read here is the money quote:
Larry Johnson’s information was posted on January 31, 2008 – more than a month AFTER the Kenya elections. Larry’s information beats out any ‘dated’ news from BEFORE the Kenya election.
The “Warning Rating” is because you
Wow, what an aggressive and presumptuous response!
To simplify, I’ve cut/pasted part of your response below and inserted my observations:
Your troll-rating really doesn’t bother me – kind of silly is what I think.
Anyway I am certainly not an ‘Obamacon cultist’ (what an endearing term to use to address a fellow blogger on this site)! I belong much further to the left and only reluctantly cheer Obama on in the hope of at least some change for the better, since there is no true progressive candidate.
I’m not interested it the kind of Kool-aid you’re drinking. Keep it to yourself!
The point of the articles being ‘dated” material means they are about TWO months away from any reality on the ground – therefore ‘dated’ and not useful material! See the totally unbiased link I provided to Oui, written on February 7th – no personalities involved – just facts on the ground from Intelligence reports.
If you are further left than Obama:
Why is it okay that Obama wants to privitise Social Security?
Why is it okay that Obama’s solution to High Education is a form of H&R Blocks front-end ‘loan’ on tax returns and how much interest will they be charging? If you google major Universities you will find that UC (University of California) for just one Year is $20 Grand/annum, and they are the cheapest I found by taking a sampling from the East coast to the West coast. How does that help the students problems which are:
Have you actually read Obama’s issue pages?
Just checked – sorry about the Troll rating – can I fix it? – meant for warning rating for not doing due diligence before responding, and for trying to smear Larry.
As I indicated above, I am not an ardent Obama supporter, and I have no interest in arguing his every position.
You, however, seem to be on your own mis-information campaign:
Why is it okay that Obama wants to privitise Social Security?
His stated position:
I need some level of intellectual honesty to maintain a conversation, I don’t find it in this type of discourse and already stated that I don’t want this type of Kool-aid.
His issue page on Social Security has been vastly expanded since I read it about 5 weeks ago. Then it said Obama would reach out and work with companys, and others to find the best way of privatizing retirement income and savings. That was followed by this statement still on his web site:
Require Full Disclosure of Company Pension Investments:
Obama will ensure that all employees who have company pensions receive detailed annual disclosures about their pension fund’s investments. This will provide retirees important resources to make their pension fund more secure.
This last by the way is already law – so no action needed.
I haven’t looked at the Education page, but will do so in a moment.
Yes, I truly DO want discussion. Frankly I am terrified that Obama has been deliberately vague, his history is far from promising, and I shudder to think what the ROVE slime machine can do with Obma’s own statments and Vacillations on issues. Not to metion that Patrick Fitzgerald mentioned him in the 78 page Rezko indictment as a “politician”.
If Rove has the upper hand, not only will the Democratic party be diminished beyond repair, but McCain and the war mongers will turn us into a total Fascist state.
Research for the quotes from Obama’s books was done by the very erudite Mike Howell at NO QUARTER
Keep in mind that NO Quarter and Larry Johnson seem happy to do Karl’s work in smearing Obama, here’s another example