Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
For the cold, here’s what works for me…granted no kids at home but not had a cold in 3-1/2 yrs!!
At the FIRST sign of a cold start taking Advil Cold & Sinus per the instructions. I take it when I get the first headache, sore throat, whatever. If you catch it in time and keep taking the Advil (I take 1 a day if I’m ahead of the game) for about 3 days, the cold will never develop.
All else fails of course the Jack Daniels is a nice touch.
Hope you feel better.
We’ve got our website set up!
is the site for the Moratorium that United for Peace & Justice – Delaware Valley Network has called for the 19th.
I’ve scribbled out a one-page flyer for the day to go along with the New Jersey flyer.
It’s four a.m. and you can’t sleep. You can’t breathe. All motor skills are useless except the ones necessary to use tissue. You can, however, manage to sneeze, snort, hack, cough and sniffle. A lot. Even your dog is beginning to dislike you due to the rude and loud noises vibrating from your body. On your death bed? Probably not, although the culprit, the common cold, can certainly make one think their days are numbered.
Well, take two jalapeños and call me in the morning. While it may not be easy to shake a cold, a bit of capsaicin certainly can’t hurt. Chile peppers have been used for centuries in remedies designed to help conquer the common cold. Dr. Irwin Ziment, a pulmonary specialist at the University of California Los Angeles, explained in the March 1992 issue of Health Magazine about the similarities of spicy remedies to modern cold medicines. According to Ziment, “they trigger a sudden release of a wave of watery fluids in the mouth, throat and lungs. This helpful action actually begins in the mouth, throat, and stomach, where special sensory receptors send nerve impulses racing to the brain, which in turn tell glands lining the airways to start producing. Their secretions, like the chemical cystine, also helps thin down the respiratory mucus, so it’s easier to cough up and expel.” Basically, said Ziment, peppers act as an expectorant. linkage
Go buy a bottle of Tapatio or Tabasco and douse all your meals with it, or better yet, make some fresh salsa with an extra jalapeño for added fire. It works!
NYT: Clinton Aides Fear Election Is Slipping From Her Grasp
UPDATE: The Huffington Post has learned that the New York Times will publish a front-page story on Tuesday reporting that Clinton aides fear that the nomination is “slipping from her grasp.” The Times’ Patrick Healy will report:
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and her advisers are increasingly concerned that, after her victories in the Feb. 5 primaries, she could be on a precipitous losing streak in nomination contests this month that could endanger her competitiveness in the upcoming votes in Ohio and Texas on March 4, several aides said on Monday. Her losses last weekend in Washington, Nebraska, Louisiana and Maine have thrown the Clinton campaign into a state of anxiety not seen since her drubbing in the Iowa caucuses on Jan. 3, with major donors and supporters saying for the first time that they are deeply worried that the Democratic nomination may be slipping from her grasp.
Even remotely? Doubt it. But since you said it and it must be true, I’m going to blame Clinton for…um…my lack of funds and, uh…the fact that I have no food in my fridge. Yeah. That’s it. Not the fault of my stupid non-paying clients at all. It’s all Clinton’s fault. Yeah! That…makes, uh…sense.
What isn’t Hillary’s fault is the terrorists’ fault.
Haven’t you heard?
The terrorists broke into my office, messed up my desk, lost my files, broke the copier/fax machine…
The terrorists wrote confusing #’s in my checkbook so I’ll have to get back to you about your bill…
The terrorists siphoned gas out of my car and that’s why I can’t come to work today
The terrorists ate my homework
Rest, but don’t necessarily lie down either, or the cold will migrate right into your lungs. Prop yourself up in bed at night so you’re not too flat – prevents postnasal dripiness.
Speaking of cold though – wish me luck. I’m flying to WI from 75 degree Los Angeles to 0 degree Madison weather to see Obama tomorrow. Yiiiiiiiikes.
Earlier today, it was 85 degrees in my backyard and I had considered putting up the swimming pool. Then I thought of how glad I am that we can’t afford to go to Kansas City right now, because I’d probably just die of being a faboojsicle.
I have been reading up quite a bit on Texas lately because so many people have just been assuming that Clinton will take Texas, Obama has no chance. I am now pretty confident that Obama can and will win Texas by a pretty good margin.
I encourage those interested to read this breakdown of how the primary/caucus system (they do both) works in Texas and a breakdown of all the districts. Obama has the right message for Texas and they are hungry for some attention from the presidential campaigns. As long as he gets around to all the different parts of Texas, he could win in a big way and push Clinton out of the race.
That’s an interesting and very in-depth analysis. Having absolutely no knowledge of Texas I can’t say whether his assumption or conclusions are reasonable. But I hope he’s right.
From the NYTimes Hillary’s coming to terms with the fact that she must win Texas and Ohio “comfortably”. Well … I think she can still win both. But maybe not comfortably.
Of course this just downplays expectations and she gets to define “comfortably”. But it’s a good sign.
I think one the most telling post about Clinton’s lack of respect for the Democratic Party. Kinda like “It’s Hillary’s entitlement” and were just suppose to be pawns and vote for her.
Get yourself some tea (Green, Earl Grey, or whatever’s clever), a couple shots of Kentucky’s finest, and a spoonful of honey. Call it a night and wake up all better in the morning.
Try red wine. I read about this years ago in a magazine and it does seem to help. Either that or enough of the “medicine” makes me not care. {g} Get well soon, Boo.
We make tea with chamomille and other things out in the garden that works as a muscle relaxant and mix it with the red wine. It gets you to sleep and you wake up with no pains the next day. Generally.
The best remedy ever, imho. It’ll knock a cold right out.
Take fresh ginger root, now sold in the produce dept. at many grocer’s. I guess you could use bagged ginger tea, but the fresh root is better. If you have the root, slice it thinly & steep it in boiling water for a few minutes. Otherwise, make a strong tea with the bags.
Draw an extremely hot bath, just cool enough for you to stand it. Armed with the ginger tea, get into the very hot water to soak. Keep sipping the tea so that you don’t pass out. When the water becomes just warm, get out, dry off, wrap yourself up in a thick blanket & take the tea to bed. The idea is to sweat while staying hydrated. I’ve used it to great effect & so have other folks. Again, sweating & staying hydrated is key.
Feel better soon!
Used best with the agreement of loved ones: raw garlic & tofu sandwiches on toast. The tofu cools the garlic; the toast makes it easier to digest the lot.
Sounds powerful. I use fresh ginger regularly. Never thought to make a tea of it. That, along with some of Kentucky’s (or Scotland’s) Finest would be nice.
When I was little our cold remedies were raw garlic on toatsted pita bread with some butter. And this ginger/green onion tea my mother would make. It smelled so bad. She’s slice the ginger root and green onions into a pot. Boil them and then strain them. Sometimes, we’d get a drop of honey into it, but usually all we got was a slice of lemon and that didn’t help the stank.
BTW, I had perfect attendance throughout my school years and I never went to school sick. Conveniently enough, our colds only happened on weekends.
Try lots of green tea, vitamin C and zinc lozenges.
Good luck.
Eh…screw the tea and vitamins. I humbly suggest the Baldwin family cure for colds, flus and gastrointestinal disorders; gin and menthol cigarettes.
Zicam is even better than zinc lozenges. Both my wife and I have found that the nasal gel can really shorten a cold, if you catch it early enough.
…which may mean that I will miss Obama at the Kohl Center tonight (Tuesday).
That is too funny.
Vitamin C, liquids and rest, Booman.
And mother’s chicken soup.
Here’s something we should all have more of
2008 Presidential Science Debate!
For the cold, here’s what works for me…granted no kids at home but not had a cold in 3-1/2 yrs!!
At the FIRST sign of a cold start taking Advil Cold & Sinus per the instructions. I take it when I get the first headache, sore throat, whatever. If you catch it in time and keep taking the Advil (I take 1 a day if I’m ahead of the game) for about 3 days, the cold will never develop.
All else fails of course the Jack Daniels is a nice touch.
Hope you feel better.
We’ve got our website set up!
is the site for the Moratorium that United for Peace & Justice – Delaware Valley Network has called for the 19th.
I’ve scribbled out a one-page flyer for the day to go along with the New Jersey flyer.
if it’s what we had hang onto your hat.
If it’s what my brother had, stay near the bathroom.
either way, it’s a week of sheer misery.
oh and drink LOTS of water. you’re going to need it.
but don’t drown!
Go buy a bottle of Tapatio or Tabasco and douse all your meals with it, or better yet, make some fresh salsa with an extra jalapeño for added fire. It works!
Must be Hillary’s fault.
Everything else seems to be around here.
Yeah, you got that right!!!!!!!!
via Huffpost
NYT: Clinton Aides Fear Election Is Slipping From Her Grasp
They’re afraid. They’re very afraid.
Even remotely? Doubt it. But since you said it and it must be true, I’m going to blame Clinton for…um…my lack of funds and, uh…the fact that I have no food in my fridge. Yeah. That’s it. Not the fault of my stupid non-paying clients at all. It’s all Clinton’s fault. Yeah! That…makes, uh…sense.
What isn’t Hillary’s fault is the terrorists’ fault.
Haven’t you heard?
The terrorists broke into my office, messed up my desk, lost my files, broke the copier/fax machine…
The terrorists wrote confusing #’s in my checkbook so I’ll have to get back to you about your bill…
The terrorists siphoned gas out of my car and that’s why I can’t come to work today
The terrorists ate my homework
Hey! I saw that cartoon somewhere else and e-mailed it to my loved ones to remind them that all the time I spend online is not for naught.
Though I bet your following is bigger than my following . . .
Your house is like a leper colony lately. :/
yeah, a leper colony with no lights or heat.
Still? I feel bad for whining about our chilly 45 degree day.
no, it came back on at 2:15am. But it was 48 degrees in the house by then.
Did your heater get blowed up wit dat townhouse de other day?
Rest, but don’t necessarily lie down either, or the cold will migrate right into your lungs. Prop yourself up in bed at night so you’re not too flat – prevents postnasal dripiness.
Speaking of cold though – wish me luck. I’m flying to WI from 75 degree Los Angeles to 0 degree Madison weather to see Obama tomorrow. Yiiiiiiiikes.
Ooh, lucky you! Bundle up.
Earlier today, it was 85 degrees in my backyard and I had considered putting up the swimming pool. Then I thought of how glad I am that we can’t afford to go to Kansas City right now, because I’d probably just die of being a faboojsicle.
Who says Obama can’t win Texas?
I have been reading up quite a bit on Texas lately because so many people have just been assuming that Clinton will take Texas, Obama has no chance. I am now pretty confident that Obama can and will win Texas by a pretty good margin.
I encourage those interested to read this breakdown of how the primary/caucus system (they do both) works in Texas and a breakdown of all the districts. Obama has the right message for Texas and they are hungry for some attention from the presidential campaigns. As long as he gets around to all the different parts of Texas, he could win in a big way and push Clinton out of the race.
Ambinder: Obama’s On The Air In Wisconsin
That’s an interesting and very in-depth analysis. Having absolutely no knowledge of Texas I can’t say whether his assumption or conclusions are reasonable. But I hope he’s right.
That poor woman on the couch …
Here’s something that will make her life easier:
From the NYTimes Hillary’s coming to terms with the fact that she must win Texas and Ohio “comfortably”. Well … I think she can still win both. But maybe not comfortably.
Of course this just downplays expectations and she gets to define “comfortably”. But it’s a good sign.
I was looking for something interesting to read and found it over here…
A good review of Hillary comments dismissing the African American vote and the Caucus voters.
I posted on that. I took a 2 hour nap and I’m still mad about it.
I think one the most telling post about Clinton’s lack of respect for the Democratic Party. Kinda like “It’s Hillary’s entitlement” and were just suppose to be pawns and vote for her.
So far. You have to read this.
That was good. Thanks.
Feel better, BooMan!
Get yourself some tea (Green, Earl Grey, or whatever’s clever), a couple shots of Kentucky’s finest, and a spoonful of honey. Call it a night and wake up all better in the morning.
Groovy wax aside, it’s all about the Woodford Reserve.
This is clearly the winning suggestion. 🙂
Try red wine. I read about this years ago in a magazine and it does seem to help. Either that or enough of the “medicine” makes me not care. {g} Get well soon, Boo.
We make tea with chamomille and other things out in the garden that works as a muscle relaxant and mix it with the red wine. It gets you to sleep and you wake up with no pains the next day. Generally.
The best remedy ever, imho. It’ll knock a cold right out.
Take fresh ginger root, now sold in the produce dept. at many grocer’s. I guess you could use bagged ginger tea, but the fresh root is better. If you have the root, slice it thinly & steep it in boiling water for a few minutes. Otherwise, make a strong tea with the bags.
Draw an extremely hot bath, just cool enough for you to stand it. Armed with the ginger tea, get into the very hot water to soak. Keep sipping the tea so that you don’t pass out. When the water becomes just warm, get out, dry off, wrap yourself up in a thick blanket & take the tea to bed. The idea is to sweat while staying hydrated. I’ve used it to great effect & so have other folks. Again, sweating & staying hydrated is key.
Feel better soon!
Used best with the agreement of loved ones: raw garlic & tofu sandwiches on toast. The tofu cools the garlic; the toast makes it easier to digest the lot.
Sounds powerful. I use fresh ginger regularly. Never thought to make a tea of it. That, along with some of Kentucky’s (or Scotland’s) Finest would be nice.
That sounds like a good one too.
When I was little our cold remedies were raw garlic on toatsted pita bread with some butter. And this ginger/green onion tea my mother would make. It smelled so bad. She’s slice the ginger root and green onions into a pot. Boil them and then strain them. Sometimes, we’d get a drop of honey into it, but usually all we got was a slice of lemon and that didn’t help the stank.
BTW, I had perfect attendance throughout my school years and I never went to school sick. Conveniently enough, our colds only happened on weekends.