Because I keep seeing stupid statements like these coming from her supporters:

“Superdelegates are not second-class delegates,” says Joel Ferguson, who will be a superdelegate if Michigan is seated. “The real second-class delegates are the delegates that are picked in red-state caucuses that are never going to vote Democratic.”

This gentleman is the co-chairman of her campaign in Michigan. Maybe he’s gone off message, but I’ve heard similar statements from Mark Penn, Clinton’s Chief strategist (red state delegates are “insignificant”). Bill Clinton recently scolded Obama supporters in Wisconsin for being “too enthusiastic”. Even the candidate herself has claimed caucuses “disenfranchise voters” and are “undemocratic.” This despite the fact that she herself has won caucuses.

I have to wonder if this sort of scorched earth policy is coming from the candidate or from her covey of advisers. Either way, it speaks poorly for her. Tearing down Democratic voters because they don’t live in the states which you won? That’s not only divisive and insulting, it’s just plain stupid.

Senator Clinton might make a great President if elected. No one can say with certainty that she won’t. But what you can say is that she is running the worst possible campaign now for Democratic victories in the Fall, not only with respect to the Presidential race, but also regarding races for Congressional seats. Insulting and disregarding so-called “red states” seems guaranteed to lose states that Democrats have a chance to win this year thanks to 8 years of Republican corruption, lies and mismanagement. One gets the idea that she and her supporters are re-fighting the electoral wars of the 1990’s. Someone should tell them times have changed before it’s too late.