Not that I’m suggesting that there was anything sinister in this story, but WTF? You have Barack Obama, a popular black candidate for President whose security detail has had to be buffed up due to increased threats on his life. So why in the hell would that same Secret Service security detail suddenly order Dallas police to stop screening people entering an Obama rally for weapons?
DALLAS — Security details at Barack Obama’s rally Wednesday stopped screening people for weapons at the front gates more than an hour before the Democratic presidential candidate took the stage at Reunion Arena.
The order to put down the metal detectors and stop checking purses and laptop bags came as a surprise to several Dallas police officers who said they believed it was a lapse in security.
Dallas Deputy Police Chief T.W. Lawrence, head of the Police Department’s homeland security and special operations divisions, said the order — apparently made by the U.S. Secret Service — was meant to speed up the long lines outside and fill the arena’s vacant seats before Obama came on. […]
Several Dallas police officers said it worried them that the arena was packed with people who got in without even a cursory inspection.
They spoke on condition of anonymity because, they said, the order was made by federal officials who were in charge of security at the event.
“How can you not be concerned in this day and age,” said one policeman.
I’m sorry, but that excuse for possibly allowing someone with a gun into an auditorium filled with people strikes me as a scenario out of a paranoid Hollywood conspiracy movie from the seventies. It just don’t pass the smell test, ya know what I mean? You don’t add Secret Service protection early to Obama’s security because of threats to his life only to have them act like it’s more important to speed the flow of people in to see him because they “seemed like a friendly crowd” rather than take the necessary steps to keep him and everyone else in that building safe.
This needs to be investigated and whoever gave that order dismissed. Or this generation will experience the same trauma that mine did: the assassination of a charismatic, popular political leader.
Fletcher Prouty said that if you want to have a public figure assassinated all you have to do is let those who would kill know and let it happen.
Really. Just ask Benazir Bhutto.
And DALLAS!!!! Freaking DALLAS!!
I mean, there was security at flippin’ YearlyKos and I had to leave my laptop bag outside the door!
Well, there’s all them fringe left wing terra-ist sympathizers at YearlyKos.
What a left wing terrorist attack would look like, I have no f’ing clue. It would probably involve photoshopped pictures of kittens.
There’d probably be a lot of talking about maybe thinking about setting up a committee to determine if something could possibly occur.
Also cookies.
The one at Obsidian Wings. ASSASSIN KITTEH!
I’m glad I wasn’t drinking anything!
Dallas. I’m still in Dallas.
Maybe it is stupid to put all our hopes in leaders. We need movements, not leaders who are unfortunately all too mortal.
Since when has the Secret Service cared whether hall was full?
My son saw Obama at Clemson University in SC. The speech was outside and there were snipers on top of about eight building surrounding the area. My son had a difficult time moving around before the speech because they weren’t letting people even walk by the building where Obama was preparing.
I saw Obama in Columbia, SC. One time the TSA conducted security checks with metal detector “gate.” They wanded me after my belt buckle set off the alarm. I had to leave a small pen knife outside. At the stadium rally things were less rigorous but bags were searched etc. Only at an by-invitation town hall meeting of 200 people was security lax.
Somebody’s head should roll in Dallas. Obama’s personal security people should take this “lapse” as an object lesson that he could be threatened from many different– even unlikely– sources.
You are absolutely right. Some time back, after winning Iowa, the Secret Service was supposed to have raised Obama’s level of security to the same level as the President’s. He may ask them at times to lower it so he can meet with the crowds, at his own risk. Fine. But there is no excuse to not have a fully secure venue before he enters it. If it were Bush, they’d hold up the event until everyone has been checked and are all seated. The people would understand.
I fear for his life.
I really do.
When all else fails, there is always the assassination/stonewall tactic.
Bet on it.
This isn’t the ’60s?
This isn’t a third world country?
Wake the fuck up.
If he hasn’t made the proper promises to the proper people…and even if he has…those who “protect” him can UNprotect him just as easily as tying their shoes.
It’s that simple.
The order comes down from…somewhere…and the watchdogs are not there to watch.
It’s happened before.
And pray.
Because if it happens THIS time…that’s all for America.
They are.
Please AG lets us not think this into being, please let us think the better outcome into being.
Certainly Obama is at risk, but not the way RFK was: He is not part of a team that had just been violently decapitated and therefore inherently an enemy.
Besides, although the PTB are clearly unsure, Obama could definitely be useful in prolonging the period when propaganda suffices and open violence is almost unnecessary. So, while the PTB are clearly split, they have as much reason to keep him alive as not. In fact, if they were smart (they are not), he is (testing out to be) far and away their best choice.
So its a possibility, not a likelihood.
A possibility that should be recognized–and guarded against. (Also STRATEGIZED against).
But not a cause for panic.
Every time there is inspiration that we can live and work together in peace, there is murder.
Obama is not a messiah, but he IS a leader. I am convinced finally that “Yes we can!”, but it will take all of our best efforts.
Now is the time for vigilance, not laxity. We need to start protecting each other. Stories like this deserve a lot of attention, and sometimes my best effort is making a fuss when people don’t do their jobs.