Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
It’s kind of ironic that Texas and Ohio have the same primary day. Because I’m betting that a lot of the Ohio voters are hating this part of the debate.
I think it’s a good sign – Clinton is not going to try to “win at all costs” with any kind of “scorched earth” tactics, and thank goodness.
I think she is hoping that by being calm and sane people will remember why they liked her first, initially (per the earlier polls) and maybe ‘come home’ to her. Of course, I hope that doesn’t happen. But it’s absolutely the right tactic for her.
Agree on all points, especially about hoping that it doesn’t happen, but what would further help her cause is if she were to open her points with some humor – preferably snark where appropriate – and then launching into her points. She’s doing well tonight, but so is Barack – and he wins on a draw.
No. He’s a black man. He’s had to deal with being put down all his life. No one is going to do anger management better. Especially not the old white woman!
She has her tongue so up Edwards ass in this debate it’s not even funny. All these points that she’s giving Edwards now, she laughed them off in the first debates.
I think they are going to make Tom Tancredo cry.
Or give him and Lou Dobbs a heart attack.
I leave you to judge.
Great answer on the DREAM act, btw.
So … she wants an electric fence? What’s she talking about when she says technology?
I guess. And lots of people watching the screens. So mostly people.
spy statellite and electronic underground monitors. They work, have worked along the Canadian border for decades
did she mention this immigration mess is all Bill’s fault for signing that draconian law back in 1996 creating all of todays problems…
I was out getting a latte, after my cult meeting and being brainwashed to send obama some money. 🙂
not likely she would.
It’s kind of ironic that Texas and Ohio have the same primary day. Because I’m betting that a lot of the Ohio voters are hating this part of the debate.
I don’t know – there’s been alot of talk about building an electric fence to keep Michiganders out.
Actually we want that to keep the Ohioans where they are 😉
No fireworks–
i dont know if it’s the topics or the tactics
I think it’s a good sign – Clinton is not going to try to “win at all costs” with any kind of “scorched earth” tactics, and thank goodness.
I think she is hoping that by being calm and sane people will remember why they liked her first, initially (per the earlier polls) and maybe ‘come home’ to her. Of course, I hope that doesn’t happen. But it’s absolutely the right tactic for her.
Agree on all points, especially about hoping that it doesn’t happen, but what would further help her cause is if she were to open her points with some humor – preferably snark where appropriate – and then launching into her points. She’s doing well tonight, but so is Barack – and he wins on a draw.
I give part I to Hillary. But not by much.
No missteps. Yet.
If this were a football game it would be tied but Clinton would be winning the time of possession battle.
Very true!
my take-away – they both agreed with each other.
a draw.
He’s trying to make ’em fight…
Did she just call herself a cow?
LOL! I think she did!
Technically, she cast herself as a herd.
Is Campbell the un-Wolf–to prove that she was better than the candy cotton fluff on the Today show?
And John is trying to bait them?
Of course, maybe she’s not the one that should bring up cattle, but to nakedly bait them? Eh.
Wow she brought up Kirk Watson
she’s going off nice to the real HRC.
Oh, this is different–his 20 years of experience.
If she can do it, he can too.
subtle jab at her divisiveness – bringing and inspiring people to come together.
Obama reminds everyone that Hillary’s been insulting voters …
I thought that was a great answer
That was a brilliant answer by Obama.
Obama the “cult leader con-man” tells her to “get real” and mentions the numbers and endorsements.
Obama just scored a touchdown, kicked off, recovered a fumble, and scored another touchdown.
and no rebuttal. That’s a touchback on the ensuing kickoff
Yep. My thoughts exactly. Hillary knew it too, you could see it on her face right when he was talking about the newspaper endorsements, etc.
yep, big time.
When Hillary started writing on her notepad I wondered if she was writing “bastard!”
Like his take. Don’t personalize her attacks, but defend her insult of people and papers who’ve supported him. Nice.
Yeah – that was really brilliant.
I didn’t know I was running for President. Woohoo!
That was a good answer. I don’t remember what the question was but it doesn’t matter.
Hillary is insulting on the plagiarizing thingy.
Does she write her speeches?
That’s a brilliant frame!
I think Hillary is starting to regret asking for this debate.
Did you see the look on her face when he said some of his speeches were pretty good?
Oh boy. Here we go.
Umm, she was just booed or at least I heard groans.
wow, he just scored 21 points in three minutes. It’s approaching blowout now.
Obama’s sealing the deal and closing it down. There’ll be no more plagiarism charges.
They just booed her when she said that’s change you can xerox. Good for the audience!
She thought it was clever. Whatever. The audience didn’t appreciate it all.
And she probably practiced that. Or someone gave it to her.
I wonder how much Xerox donated to her campaign coffers 😉
It’s all going to her 527 now.
“We shouldn’t be spending time tearing each other down. We should be spending time building the country up.”
Hillary going negative..that’s all she has left.
She can’t attack him after that last line of him.
wow, Hillary is digging her grave.
Agreed. Big mistake for her now.
She’s pressing the plagiarism on-issue. She’s digging a monumental hole.
Change you can xerox? Oooh.
Mother is preaching to the kids now. Now it’s getting ugly.
What are the chances that she thought of that line herself?
I hope she credits someone in her campaign a little later on in the debate.
Because debates and speeches do have footnotes right?
She just compared herself to Bush!!
she should concede now..there’s “w’s Hard work line” Hillary a Democrat??
Obama’s mad, I think he about to make a mistake.
yeah. Holding my breath.
Good for him. Get off the personal stuff and redirect it on issues.
No. He’s a black man. He’s had to deal with being put down all his life. No one is going to do anger management better. Especially not the old white woman!
I wanna see those audience meters. I have to believe they just dipped for her.
You can watch the debates with the audience meter on it.
Cool. Just found that and pulled it up!
The strategy must be that when she attacks him for no substance to follow up with lots of substance.
He just cooled the whole thing down and took all her heat out. Made her look all worked up while he’s calm.
He is handling himself so well after what she just said. Obama the diplomat.
Open up the process – excellent, re Hillary’s failure to get Health Care reform!
A lot of people don’t understand how it got sunk. Nice, mentioning that it was done behind closed doors.
Excellent way to talk about how she failed when she tried to get health care. Talk about WHY and how he’d do it differently.
Hillary just got screwed by the commercial break…
That’s kind of sweet.
well she’s been doing it to herself for the last 10 minutes I’ve been watching.
The audience meter had been trending up when they cut to commercial too – great. Leave ’em wanting more!
he’s good – she tried and failed because she went behind closed doors.
It’s Obama 28, Hillary 7 in the middle of the third quarter
Obama BLOWS her away in that round.
I love how CNN reads these e-mails like they really are from undecided voters and not candidatebots.
I thought it started at nine. Wah!
Looks like you made it home in time for the juicy parts.
I knew she’d comeback and try to rebut the healthcare thing. She does this every debate and never really answers the new question.
Hillary dissing the Latino Mano and not answering the question. Big mistake, show your questioner some respect.
way to not answer the question.
She loses points by changing the subject.
She’s ready to blow! Get out of the way!
She has her tongue so up Edwards ass in this debate it’s not even funny. All these points that she’s giving Edwards now, she laughed them off in the first debates.
OK, but I so have to dryclean my mental image right now. Ew. Funny, but ew. 🙂
My thoughts exactly.
Now that his endorsement would mean almost nothing…
She doesn’t look like she’s ready on Day 1.
she lost points for diverting from the commander-in-chief to healthcare.
Whoa on that last round, Clinton went from the low 30s to almost 50. Obama’s response went from the 50s to the high 70s.
OK, this frustrates me. Did she have a security clearance as First Lady? How does she claim 15 years of experience?
Hillary was in charge of the Travel Office and later all pizza deliveries to the oval office…once again going negative…
pizza deliveries?
Question:Does Clinton think Obama will be good commander in chief? (second try.)
She talks about herself. And problems in the world.