Let’s see if Hillary can answer the question she is asked this time.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I just want to take a minute to say something I’ve been mulling over a little since it became clear that Obama was going to be the nominee.
I was really, really hoping that Hillary would not go out in a full blown blaze of glory. That she would step out of the race with class and with grace. I don’t hate her, and I don’t want to. And she could claim back a lot of the residual good will that a lot of people feel towards the Clintons if she did so, and help the Democratic party in the process.
That being said, I now hope this thing gets done as soon as possible. If he can do this to Hillary in a debate, I can’t WAIT to see him absolutely pwn John McCain.
if she says Day One one more time I think they should Gong her.
Drinking game for the Ohio debate?
Yes, please. But maybe “ready on day 1” shouldn’t be the phrase or else we’ll all pass out in 10 minutes.
Yes, please. But maybe “ready on day 1” shouldn’t be the phrase or else we’ll all pass out in 10 minutes.
When through half a glass of wine just on ‘Day one’.
Went…not ‘when’.
Which kinda proves my point.
Dang, I had a comment to make, but it looks like it’s already been made. I was going to ask if we have a debate drinking game yet, and was going to offer up “ready from day one” as one of the lines where everybody takes a drink.
Work is getting in the way of my blogging again…
She’s losing her voice.
Obama is praising the troops. Good start.
Wow, there’s a war going on?
Who knew???
She wouldn’t get away with avoiding talking about the surge if she has to go against McCain.
The audience meter is loving Obama right now.
Right? They seemed bored when he first started talking, but that thing just went up and up.
where do you see the audience meter?
The second box down.
Great move, his choosing to go second. He gets the last word before every break!!
Boo, For 3 minutes I couldn’t get on, now my pages are loading with that.
Sorry, I posted something somewhat nice about Hillary at the top of the thread and that seems to have crashed BooMan’s server 😉
probably a buckeye fan.
Easy solution : A fuckeye ban.
I was thinking a wacky Ron Paul supporter.
where is The Boo! {silly me for 3 mins}
He hit that one out of the park (I hate football analogies). He answered with McCain in mind, not Hillary.
wow. good response by Obama on who is best suited to take on McCain and commander-in-chief role.
assholes are attacking my server.
Bill Clinton and Wolf Blitzer are in your server?
someone is.
The hamster got tired and fell off the wheel.
I’m calling PETA.
No way in hell they’ll put him back on.
Cruel and inhumane abuse of the cuter of the species, just to run the servers. How COULD you!!!
Critter killer!
why your server Booman..and tonight.
Actually, BT uses a shih tsu.
Isn’t this thing over yet?
Maybe they’ll ask about being endorsed by a dead Texan. LBJ?
hillary didn’t support the Iraq War now?
We borrow money from the Chinese to buy oil from the Saudis.
Damn good line.
I’m almost positive Hunter typed something like that last April.
Obama looks like that kid in 6th grade who knows all the answers to the test you’re panicking over….you know, the one who turns in his paper 20minutes before anyone else.
well, everyone hates that kid.
Yeah, but he’s making 250K right now.
I was that kid and people loved me.
I was too – and people pushed me down on the playground.
I also had a bad temper and fought a lot. I had a…uh…reputation.
The only ones who didn’t were the ones who beat me up every week. And the others who stood around laughing. And none of the boys loved me either. : (
Hillary totally dodged the superdelegate issue.
Obama is really getting near Michael Jordan territory and Hillary is Magic Johnson…great, but not great great.
Are you saying that after her political career Hillary is going to get really fat and then be an extraordinarily boring sports pundit?
Because that’s what it sounds like you’re saying.
And wear purple pantsuits?
He’s saying that she’ll be opening chains of Hillary Clinton 24 Hour Fitnesses, across the street from Hillary Clinton Friday’s, which is adjacent to the Hillary Clinton Starbucks. And don’t forget you can use your Hillary Clinton Visa at all 3 locations.
That just may be a Los Angeles-centric joke.
You know that’s what everyone was thinking. Hillary handled that well.
And she got to end the debate on that. Dammit.
Great job of rejecting the frame that there was a singular event that defines your judgment.
HRC had to pull the gender card and is avoiding the question…stemwinder
Obama is right judgment leadership is cumulative.
That I like how CNN is providing the questions at the bottom of the screen. It gives it a Who Wants to be a Millionaire feel.
I think the answer is B, personally.
She is honored to be there with Barack Obama. Good line for her.
Hillary’s most tested by her faith? And seeing wounded soldiers?
Is she conceding?
I’m wondering that, too.
Aw, nice to give Obama a shout-out.
That was a GREAT answer by Hillary.
nice finish by Hillary. Good touch.
VERY Magnanimous. Wow.
about time. there are reports of debate within the HRC camp on whether or not they should attack Obama.
she must be listening to Maggie Williams.
Was that Shiela Jackson Lee trying to get Barack’s autograph?
Yeah – definitely points for her for that. She does want the party to come together, in the end. Thank goodness she’s better than her advisors!
But it was also a bit of a concession speech, I think. i can hope!!
Okbermann’s doing a post-debate special at the top of the hour.
Hillary needed a knockout in this debate and she didn’t get it. She did well. But I don’t think it turned the tide for her and that’s what she needed.
His performance tonight should have settled all of the doubts that she has been trying to instill in people lately.
They’re doing a post debate wrap up on the MSNBC and none of them thought Clinton did was she needed to do. Peter Beinart just said Clinton should have mentioned Michelle Obama. I’m like, “Hello, then Bill Clinton is totally no longer off limits.”
They noted that it seemed over-rehearsed and the audience didn’t like. I think they did, but they toned down their glee.
What dumb advice. But they don’t like Hillary so why should they say anything helpful.
that would have attracted great boooooing.
Michelle Obama’s non-gaffe has no legs…killed off by NYT. Focus is now McCain, and Vicki. That Vivki story, pardon the pun, will be giving legs forever.
No kidding. That’s truly dumb advice.
Keith is on now.
Suggesting that Clinton’s last response maybe conciliatory and wondered if it was sort of a bowing out.
Seemed like a play on her part to me. Almost like she is reaching out to her New Hampshire crying moment. Finding her voice once again. I’m too cynical to believe she is sincere about anything.
That’s how it played to me. But in a very gracious way. I hope that tone continues. It will help us tremendously in the months ahead.
Thanks for the play-by-play – I have no TV, and am ostensibly doing work right now and therefore can’t justify checking news sites obsessively. Somehow, I can justify checking this thread.
I hope Hillary is indeed on her way to bowing out gracefully.