About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I put this link in down below but it’s worth looking at to include in the conversation about who he will be
Hillary goes on a Shame on you Barack tirade
Oh those internals must be tanking………
So much for Happy to be ont eh stage with you Barack.
Hillary JUST GO AWAY please.
Intersting article, especially the end:
A month? I intend to start complaining the day after the election. He, like every politician, needs to be held accountable and it will be his own damn fault if he’s elected with a mandate for some vague concept of ‘change’ that means something different to different groups.
Hillary sez she’ll be ready on day one. In shorter months that means there’ll be only 29 days between the two of them. 😉
How much snow do you have? And did you get any ice?
You can thank me for sending the storm your way later. m&m’s or something 😉
Thanks so much for our 8 inches. But it is melting today.
Ours is melting too. I just finished shoveling all the slush off the sidewalks so it wouldn’t refreeze tonight and create a skating rink. Slush is heavy!
I’ve been very lazy this winter. I just walk/drive over it.
That reminds me–here’s something I just saw at Oliver Willis’ blog
Wonder how Hillary feels about being plagiarized by McCain.
Went grocery shopping today. Standing in line it’s always informative to find out which candidate has met with space aliens (that was Hillary, but that was old news).
This week Obama doesn’t wear a flag pin and has a gay lover. Nice to know that Hillary’s not the only candidate who’s gay.
Meanwhile, Jeralyn over at TalkLeft was told by Obama that 3,000 Americans died in Afghanistan.
did the alien endorse?
50 years old today
peace…what a concept.
Just because you’re losing, don’t pretend you haven’t said what you’ve said, like supporting NAFTA, and insisting, via your healthplan, that citizens purchase health insurance.
That woman needs to look in a mirror. She has been consistently negative, consistently misrepresentative of Obama.
She’s desperate. Someone told her be louder – it’s your only chance.
I can’t WAIT for him to dare her to say to his face what she’s willing to say behind his back on the campaign trail. I want her to have to hear the loudest boos she’s yet received.
She’s nasty and plays dirty. I don’t want her to be the face of America!
I was just reading First Read and since they give Clinton free press no matter what she does, it’s easy find some gems:
Yep. That would similar to what she said last week:
I guess the assumption now is that instead of talking issues like the last 19 debates, now it’s going to be all about how efficient the Obama campaign is run:
Tactics and behavior? WTF is that all about?
the inevitable/entitlement campaign is blowing up in her face:
I prefer sinking like a lead brick or Hillary winning the nomination is like trying to gold in a silver mine.
Oh Dear God, someone get Hillary Clinton a friggin’ case of valium. She’s completely lost her mind. She’s now descended into nothing but a candidate peddling psychobabble.
The headline to the article just mutated …
WASHINGTON (AFP) – White House hopeful Hillary Clinton’s campaign teetered on the edge today after a series of losses to her Democratic rival Barack Obama, despite denials she was contemplating defeat.
With Clinton left reeling from Obama’s 11 straight wins in nominating contests, one campaign aide reportedly said Clinton saw Obama’s win in the Wisconsin state primary earlier this week as a “decisive blow.”
“She knows where things are going. It’s pretty clear she has a big decision. But it’s daunting. It’s still hard to accept,” said the unnamed Clinton adviser, who was quoted by The Washington Post.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
right now, wearing this red on red suit against a bilious yellow background, and getting tepid to polite applause from the community she and Bill have driven over to Obama’s side.
Did you hear what she said about the relationships she’s had with folks, and that’s why she has support from folks like Sheila Jackson Lee and Stephanie Tubbs Jones.
OK. Fair enough.
But she goes on to say, in the context of Superdelegates, that voters don’t see the the relationships that other politicians have among each other. The voters see us from afar, at speeches and things, but don’t see the relationships.
Implication being, that the voters are either too stupid or ignorant to consider relationships, and based on that knowledge that the voters don’t have, those in charge know better.
Does she get how completely flippin’ INSULTING that is? This goes back to her top-down, those in charge know better, I-will-speak-for-you attitude that I really can’t stand. That’s what she let fly in her MLK/LBJ comments: you, peons need me, person in charge to change things.
I’m so sick of her shit.
It’s kind of like when folks show affection towards someone in the manner that they would show affection to their dog, and then stand there bewildered at why people won’t accept their affection. I-Thou vs. I-It, all day.
She’s lookin’ insane! I’d like to see her try this shit to Obama’s face at the Ohio debate and have him calmly, gently shut her down. Maybe he could just read the looooong response issued by his staff, forcing her to hear her own words. And just keep reading it, steadily, while she interrupts, spits and sputters and finally shrieks like a banshee. That would be great political theater!
“to find”..where’s my glasses???
Spent some time for the first time on the Obama website. I loved the way the issues, i.e. Hillary’s support for NAFTA, are out there for all to see. Of course, I hit “print” and discovered there were 12 pages of documented rebuttals to the poo she slung. And now I’m out of printer paper. But it is a lot classier than a Robo-call.
how do I know?
even delaware dem has jumped ship.
Delaware Dem, for those who know him, can be maddening in his loyalty to the Democratic Party. I know that I’ve had arguments with him about candidates who STINK, and he’d defend them simply because they were Democrats. Yellow Dog Democrat? Please: the guy would vote for the Dem is the candidate was dead for a week and attracting flies.
The fact that he’s off the bus entirely speaks volumes.
Time for Clinton to call it quits. She’s done.
for what ever reason dhinmi, Plutonium Page and Miss Laura have decided to gang up on David Sirota? http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2008/2/23/132444/743/145/462584
What is going to happen with the other netroots like those at Open Left, firedoglake, mydd and downwithtyranny, if they succeed in getting rid of him?
Drama, nothing but drama. Maybe there’s a TNT spin-off coming soon…
dKos doesn’t know the writers strike is over? They’re still running repeats?
Have you guys been following this? Today the Nevada State Dems. had their county conventions today. In Clark County, it was full on nuts and drama. The LV Sun has a few blog reports on it.
So early it was:
Because there were so many people, the Clark County Dem. Convention was overwhelmed. People who were elected as delegates during the caucus were “demoted” to alternates because of time or disorganization. This post has the sad details, but you gotta love this:
So then there was word that the Clark County Dems. were going to suspend the convention because of the general disarray and they were breaking fire codes.
The delegates were not happy:
I just returned home a little while ago from the Washoe County (Reno) Democratic Convention. I was an Obama delegate. While I have heard of what a disaster Clark County (Vegas) was, we did good. It was a LONG DAY, running a couple hours over, but I really enjoyed it. Harry Reid’s speech was good, though several Obama delegates shouted “IMPEACH!” at the 3 or 4 times when he referred to the Bush administration. He took it well.
We had disagreements on how to fill the Edwards delegate seats that were no-shows because there weren’t enough Edwards Alternates to fill them. Turned into a battle between the Obama and Clinton delegates. The campaigns had agreed that we should fill them with 50% Clinton alternates and 50% Obama alternates. When put to a vote, the majority of delegates (Obama’s) demanded the seats be filled proportionally (5 Obama to 4 Clinton.) Sign waving and chanting and rallying ensued and Clinton’s upset old ladies got a taste of democracy.
I am hoping to be able to go to the State convention, which will also be in Reno this year. Chances are good. I’ll find out if I made the cut next week.
Looks like Obama got all of non-viable Edwards’ delegates and also some of Hillary’s. Hehe.
Results: (Washoe County only)
Obama: 972 delegates, 59 percent. That’s compared to 855 he had won in the caucuses. This gives him 329 delegates at the state convention from Washoe County.
Clinton: 683 delegates, 41 percent. That’s compared to 697 she had won in the caucuses. This gives her 232 delegates at the state convention from Washoe County.
Clark County (Vegas) was a riot scene, I understand. An absolute disaster that managed to accomplish nothing. Our Secretary of State was there in the morning and with us in the afternoon. Here’s his positive spin:
“It was so packed and there was so much excitement that the fire marshal shut the place down. That’s indicative of the kind of support we are going to see (come November).”
I suppose that’s one way of putting it. But Clark County is gonna have to do it all over again or figure some way of assigning their delegates before May 16 when the three-day State Convention starts.
Thanks for the report. Let us know what you hear about Clark County.
Interesting. I think we’ll be seeing similar results elsewhere.
Our county convention/assembly was Saturday, and the result — 21 – 8 delegates (~72% Obama) — looks higher, but I didn’t bother to look at the county results.
I was worried about poaching, but there didn’t appear to be a viable Clinton organization in-state, which would have been necessary to execute that strategy.
In spite of the high turnout throughout the process, I was pleasantly surprised to see the surplus of people willing to become delegates. People continue show an unusual amount of enthusiasm. There were an unusual amount of alternates present, too.
My path as a delegate has ended, and that’s atypical. It’s usually relatively easy to go on to the CD assembly and/or state — this time was different. I had pretty much dismissed the possibility of going on, but the idea of going all the way, i.e., state and national, had occurred to me. Having the national convention here in Colorado made the prospect more attractive. But I’m not prevented from attending some of the events surrounding the convention.
My teenage gamer extraordinaire just went off, indignant at a link he saw in passing. When he couldn’t remember where he saw it, I googled for it.
I gather Obama was trying to say something about lifestyles, about getting off your butt and doing something, but it looks like there’s a concerted effort to make it sound like something else. Gee, I wonder who would have a motive to try and drive a wedge between Obama and the wave of new young voters that have turned out for him. So I sat my gamer down and explained the meaning of the verb to rove.
SNL political debate sketch – weak.