I have never been prouder of Barack Obama than today when Barack Obama defended being a “liberal.” In Texas of all places. You go Barack.
AUSTIN, Texas — In the shadow of the state capitol that provided the United States with one of the most conservative presidents in recent history, Obama last night railed against the charge that being “liberal” was a bad thing.
“Oh, he’s liberal,” he said. “He’s liberal. Let me tell you something. There’s nothing liberal about wanting to reduce money in politics that is common sense. There’s nothing liberal about wanting to make sure [our soldiers] are treated properly when they come home.”
Continuing on his riff: “There’s nothing liberal about wanting to make sure that everybody has healthcare, but we are spending more on healthcare in this country than any other advanced country. We got more uninsured. There’s nothing liberal about saying that doesn’t make sense, and we should so something smarter with our health care system. Don’t let them run that okie doke on you!”
It is time the word “liberal” became a positive force in politics. Reading on Walden Bookstore.
Bout time someone reminded people that the term ‘liberal’ isn’t some scary force for evil but that liberals are the ones who have fought for all the good things that we do have here…SS, Medicare, unions, child labor laws, the New Deal, Civil Rights laws and on and on.
Really great reading that Obama said this and in Texas no less.