Fine, let’s do this thing.
Yes, I’m ticked. I just read that Hillary, in her utter desperation to win at any and all costs, is comparing Barack Obama to George W. Bush.
Pot? Kettle here. You’re Bush!
Yesterday, I read an analysis that seemed really spot-on to me, about how Hillary is campaigning the way she would govern.
That Clinton blew through $100 million in a few months with so little to show for it is a problem in itself. More frighteningly, though, she appeared oblivious about her burn rate and the potential effects on her campaign, a terrible indictment of her financial management skills. Again, this is not exactly what one would be looking for in a president, especially one who is touting her ability to manage the economy back to recovery. Administering a campaign’s finances is not exactly a complex task when compared to managing the multi-billion dollar US federal government budget.
There’s more. You know why Hillary is oblivious? Because, like Bush, she’s surrounded herself with loyalists who won’t confront her with hard truths. That, by the way, doesn’t bode well for who she might choose to be part of a theoretical Hillary Clinton administration.
Hillary and her surrogates have been dismissive of states that didn’t vote for her, saying that they aren’t representative of the electorate. George Bush marginalized those who participated in the huge protests against his planned invasion of Iraq (you know, those of us who were “clairvoyant“) by comparing them to “focus groups”. He narrowly “won” re-election in 2004 and declared that he had a “mandate”.
Also, as I’ve written earlier
Last year, someone I know went to hear Hillary Clinton speak at a fundraiser for the Ohio Democratic Party. He was very impressed with her speech, and went on about how inspiring it was. I commented that I was unable to support her because of her repeated, calculated refusal to admit that her vote on the Iraq war resolution had been a mistake. My acquaintance said, “Oh, you have to get over that!”
No, I most certainly do not have to get over that! I mean, this is basic, basic stuff. We all make mistakes. The important thing is to have the humility to admit that, and to learn from your mistakes so that you don’t repeat them. I expect this of my kids…why should I expect less of my elected officials? And what’s more, refusing to ever admit you were wrong is not a sign of “strength”. It is, on the contrary, a dangerous weakness, and I don’t believe America can afford another president who stubbornly refuses to ever admit a mistake.
That refusal to EVER admit a mistake? Also vintage Bush.
Clinton’s communications director, Howard Wolfson, said back in July of 2007
And, with all due respect, if you want to talk about tactical political maneuvering, it’s about one Democrat comparing another Democrat to George Bush. That’s the worst kind of tactical political maneuvering.
After 11 straight losses, I guess Hillary has decided that she really does want to win “in the worst way”. Because that seems to be how she’s going about it.
Hat tip to fabooj, who mentioned the Wolfson quote in the open thread. I had somehow missed that one before.
Renee in Ohio, Great minds. Good of you to post this.
Many have picked up on the Hillary comparison, Obama = Bush
In my diary, now up, “Can Hillary do much damage before she quits?“
there’s a link to a piece in The Swamp on this meme.
I’m livid over the idea being floated that Hillary should be offered the VP spot.
No way. We’re turning a new page.
WASHINGTON (AFP) – White House hopeful Hillary Clinton’s campaign teetered on the edge today after a series of losses to her Democratic rival Barack Obama, despite denials she was contemplating defeat.
With Clinton left reeling from Obama’s 11 straight wins in nominating contests, one campaign aide reportedly said Clinton saw Obama’s win in the Wisconsin state primary earlier this week as a “decisive blow.”
“She knows where things are going. It’s pretty clear she has a big decision. But it’s daunting. It’s still hard to accept,” said the unnamed Clinton adviser, who was quoted by The Washington Post.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Go Renee! And tell your fellow Ohioans to see the light too please. What Hillary pulled yesterday was a Dubya?Rove move if I ever saw one. It literally made me sick. She is in desperation mode. I thought she could handle anything that his handed her way? She can’t even handle the truth and then tries to turn the truth against the truth sayer.
Keep it up Barack. This country doesn’t need another Bush or Clinton in the WH. We need change and that means you. Fired up! Ready to go!
Hillary’s campaign is desperately running in all directions with no message, is not sure which opponent to target:
No kidding.
As I noted elsewhere, Jane Hamsher finds Hillary is now running against Bill.
That I’ve been trying to write for 3 days. I hate comparing Clinton to Bush, but the gloves are off with this after what she recently said. Not only did she compare Obama with Bush, but she also compared him with Rove. Laughable at best considering the way the Clinton’s campaign has been run.
What you’ve posted is exactly what I would have pointed out in my post. The blind loyalty thing. We see the people in the Democratic party who are loyal to the Clinton’s over the party. It’s the reason why Stephanie Tubbs-Jones was more than comfortable to admit that she was backing this 3rd term before Clinton even announced. It’s why Paul Krugman, Larry Johnson and James Carville are foaming at the mouth rabid about Obama’s campaign.
in RI says Huffpost
Clinton has gone negative. She mocks Obama, saying
“The Sky Will Open, Celestial choirs will sing, The Light WIll Come Down”
It’s Oscar Night. O’Reilly will be proud.
Watch the CNN Video
will it hurt or help?
Hope Obama won’t invite her to be his celestial VP angel.
That was just utterly disgusting and sad.
I have one small criticism of your diary, Renee . . .
that picture of Hillary underneath the “not” symbol is too nice. You need a picture of her scowling or yelling at someone. I hear there’s a lot of that going around in the campaign.
Just being tough, click link below for her image.
≈ Posted as an earlier comment — Ehh .. Ready on Day One? ≈
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Clinton’s latest
No doubt, there’s an apology on the way because it shows her up.
Obama slams the smear
Please make it stop. Tell Clinton to Quit.
The original story covered by Africa News and Obama’s own website.
Djibouti (HAN) September 1, 2006 – Sen. Barack Obama, visited a sprawling tent camp in eastern Ethiopia for people displaced by devastating floods earlier this month, saying the U.S. military will continue to help the region.
U.S. Navy personnel began relief operations two weeks ago in the eastern town of Dire Dawa, where the first flash floods ripped through the town on Aug. 6. In eastern, southern and northeastern Ethiopia, flooding caused by the heavy rains has killed more than 600 people and displaced tens of thousands of people, according to U.N. officials.
“The next order of business is to make sure these families are taken care of,” said Obama, who is on a five-country tour of Africa. “But this shows what kind of role the U.S. military can play.”
U.S. naval engineers, who are part of the anti-terror Combined Joint Task Force Horn of Africa based in neighboring Djibouti, set up 60 enormous canvas tents that are housing 2,700 people. The tents are furnished with straw mats and basic necessities.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
yea but in the circulating email, the photo is being used as a smear.
HRC’s campaign: Maggie Williams made a statement that does not deny the origin. Maybe, as this piece notes, with 700 employees she can’t.
“OK — so someone (connected to the Clinton campaign?) circulated the photo because they wanted to show everyone how cool Obama looked in it… and the Obama campaign, for questioning the motive of the person who distributed it, is being offensive?”
also see this…in the past, HRC has cultivated these guys
Count on this: if Hillary pulls off the nomination, she’ll be defeated..she has hurt herself. The damage is irreparable.
Murdoch and Sen. Clinton lunched together in News Corp.’s private dining room in 2002, and courting him soon became a special project of Bill Clinton’s.
The courtship became public when the former president visited the New York Post’s newsroom in January 2003, after which insulting caricatures of the former president largely disappeared from its pages. Later, Murdoch appeared at his annual conference, the Clinton Global Initiative, and Clinton spoke at a News Corp. gathering in Pebble Beach, Calif. They began speaking regularly on the telephone, people familiar with the conversations say. The Clinton Foundation even employed Murdoch’s daughter-in-law as a consultant.
So the media establishment in Clinton’s home state was stunned when the New York Post, on Jan. 30, backed Obama. And amid some very tepid praise for the Illinois senator, the editorial scalded Sen. Clinton and her husband.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I didn’t much care between Clinton & Obama, but this petty, mean spirited, tirade from Clinton has convinced me that she is not fit to be president.
She doesn’t seem to be able to handle things not going as expected. She better be planning to get a lot done on day one because she doesn’t look ready for days two, three, four, …
to examine Hillary’s judgment closely. Her guy Penn is a CEO of a company that Charlie Black – McCain’s guy is the Chairman of the Board! This internecine or incestuous kind of connections are not good in my book. They cast her judgment in a bad light, IMO. She should get rid of Penn and get somebody that has now shadows in his background. She might even get better advice!