I’m glad Hillary Clinton has finally realized that electing Barack Obama is the key to terrestrial paradise.
“The light will come down. Celestial choirs will be singing. And everyone will know we should do the right thing and the world will be perfect.”
What other good stuff do you think will happen on inauguration day?
On inauguration day:
Hey, we can all dream, can’t we?
3 conservative Supreme Court Justices. Let’s dream really big.
Yes. They’ll throw up their arms and admit that they’ve been corrupted by the conservative movement, plead for forgiveness for their sins and resign on the spot.
Wearing the sackcloth and ashes their shame deserves!
wonder what Clarence Thomas thinks of the celestial choir rallies?
Clarence does not like his job. Could he be persuaded?
Only if a celestial angel hit him on the head with a harp causing blunt force traume which, unfortunately for him, might send him in a place where celestial harps are only piped in as muzak and they play Send in the Clowns over and over and over …
With all of John Roberts’ whining about how little the Justices get paid since taking his Chief Justice seat on the court, perhaps he would be one of them as well. He’s living in the poorhouse now. He can barely afford his beachfront vacation home anymore now that he’s not pulling in a 7-figure salary. Boo hoo!
another of those who mis-read the job description..he may be persuaded as inflation bites.
off topic. I read this piece posted by Jane Hamsher at
FDL: Just a couple of wild crazy guys
No. kidding. what’s that all about?
One being Alito, one being Thomas and one being Roberts.
will that involve celestial trumpets?
There’s a difference?
only if there are rainbows.
LOL to this whole thread! Better than the Oscars!
This goes along quite well with her “Enough with the big rallies” rant, though, doesn’t it? There’s clearly a lot of jealous here. Hillary has figured out that no one wants to listen to her, because she distracts us while we’re trying to listen to our hip black friend.
1,500 people in Columbus is an “overwhelming” crowd for Hillary Clinton. 30,000 in Austin is a good night for Barack Obama. Wouldn’t you want to be nasty to them, too?
the inaugural farting of unicorns sounds good to me!
I called my mother to tell her about this. We segued into a conversation about when she was eleven listening to FDR & his dogs on the radio. How everyone had to get super quiet and listen to Mr. Roosevelt (By nineteen-thirty-two, blacks would vote by a large majority for the Democratic presidential candidate, Franklin Roosevelt. And blacks continue to be a major force in the Democratic Party). Then she said, now when the president is on it’s just interrupting a show you want to watch. The closest thing to FDR was JFKennedy, mom said. It struck me then about why we became a nation who stopped listening, and (ironically) a nation that gets blamed for watching too much American Idol. hmm.
Then mom said to go buy this & read it.
I hope the McCains won’t be happy that Obama got the nomination.
Booman, congrats, that hiddeous Taylor Marsh has a post up about you, and your post about Talk Left. Just goes to show you that they KNOW they are shills and will do anything to circle their wagons and protect each other….I won’t link to that losers site, but you all know where that cesspool can be found!
In honor of that post, I will give you some more Booman, you are one of my fav’s!
because I like Taylor Marsh personally I have never said a word about her blogging during this campaign. Obviously I could have. I did send her an email.
I’ll try not to vomit with all of this “bitch is the new black” tripe.
Christ. Tell her to look me up when HER mother either had to give the correct answer to the number of bubbles of soap to vote or saw a cross burning.
They can go straight to hell.
I don’t know how you do it, sometimes, Boo. I really don’t.
I take it she has decided to toss our friendship aside and publish email and say nasty things about me. Oh well. Character will always ‘out’, I guess.
Outside of all of the politics, that’s low. I know you’re a big boy and all :<) but that’s really unfortunate.
It’s really sad to see the way people like Taylor Marsh and Jerome Armstrong have become so unhinged with this race.
and she is using that email in her post. The only reason i went over there is because a friend who knows I always talk about this blog told me what she was doing…..
Title of post: “Obama Blog Targets Talk Left”
Means that
Michelle MalkinTaylor Marsh has drawn a line in the sand. Too bad Booman is skiing!Or as I heard her called the other day, Taylor Swamp.
I like my “
Michelle MalkinTaylor Marsh” identifier. Still, Swamp is very appropriate for them both.Her site is all mucked up right now. Must be bad karma.
Public Enemy will be named best Rap Group Ever.
Here is a good post about Ol’ Taylor
The inaugural miracle? President Bush will voluntarily enter jail, dragging Dick Cheney with him. They will put on their prison orange and will volunteer to be waterboarded.
At this point I’d be happy to see Obams’s Secret Service detail switched over to the outgoing Bush.
…And Dick Cheney will turn over all of the files showing all of his crimes. I won’t elaborate, but one of them involves destroying two 110-story buildings in order to exploit the fears of His Subjects, the electorate.
He will drop to his knees and cry, praying for forgiveness from the great spaghetti monster in the sky.
I am concerned. The wacko propaganda is working overtime this weekend. From The Globe’s Obama’s gay boyfriend, Clinton’s low, low road, to the patriotism pin crap, these kinds of stories, as stupid as they are, do weigh down the collective consciousness.
Believe me. This is how it works. Outrageous crap keeps being tossed. There is no excuse for CSNBC and AP to do this, except that they are working against Obama.
Let no Clintonite talk about how the media picks on Hillary. I think the oligarchs showed their hand this weekend.
Obama can put away Clinton on 3/4, and the media are doing everything in their power to knock him back. If this doesn’t work expect more public appearances when the Secret Service takes a powder.
Completely agree. But, at the same time, I do think it’s good that they’re getting this “Barack the Traitor Negro” crap out of their systems now rather than in August or September. And at least it came on a weekend when we libs are all out drinking lattes in our Priuses while the cons are all either out shooting stuff or in watching NASCAR. (Did I get enough stereotypes into that?)
Plus, everybody knows Edwards played the role of “the gay one”. The Sinclair story never had legs.
It’s a game the press plays. They want to see how much garbage a candidate can put up with. So far, Obama’s also getting major props for being cool under pressure. Ditto Michelle Obama. And look on the bright side: I don’t think St John has yet escaped the lobbyist/campaign-finance stories. And, if Obama wins big on March 4th, Hillary will either drop out or become the Mike Huckabee of the Democratic Party.
Here’s the video clip being discussed:
That reference to her in the DKos article linked in the post is so spot on. JOAN CRAWFORD a ala Mommy Dearest… “No More Wire HANGERS!!!!”
I think she has completely lost it. She can’t accept that it is over and she’s about to make a whole new name for herself. We can all speculate what that name may be.