The Senate2008Guru has a new site. You should bookmark it, blogroll it, etc.
I have no ads sold currently, so any donations would be very appreciated.
What’s on your mind today?
The Senate2008Guru has a new site. You should bookmark it, blogroll it, etc.
I have no ads sold currently, so any donations would be very appreciated.
What’s on your mind today?
I made 3 cash donations to Josh Marshall when he started out. Look at the returns on that investment! When the Polk awards were announced, I wrote him a congratulatory note and asked for a teensy, weensy bit of the credit, on account of my early donations. He replied and said that without donations like mine, he never would have been able to do what he has done.
So, Booman, I’ll be glad to support your site, and here’s hoping there’s a Polk in your future!
I want Hillary to go away.
Good flashback to something that William Saletan said a year ago about her “nonapology” for her Iraq vote.
I had something I was going to write up directed to my governor, who can be seen nodding behind Hillary in her “shame on you” rant. Something along the lines that political capital is not in unlimited supply, and I hope he doesn’t spend it all on Hillary.
But then I had a really frustrating interaction after church. It’s a long story, and one that I don’t really want to go into. But I’ve decided that I need to do something to “balance the force”, so to speak. And I think it needs to involve pie.
Off to try to find some now.
Maybe Strickland should consult Bush on the supply issues–political capital in particular.
Guess what? Well, today is Mr. AP’s birthday, so we went downtown for a quiet little birthday brunch, right? Well, when we walk in to the restaurant and head to our table, guess who we see?
Bishop Desmond Tutu. Seriously.
I usually don’t give a flip about famous folk, but this is one, real, absolute WORLD HERO, and there we were, sitting a few feet away from him! I immediately felt like I was 12 years old.
Don’t know why he’s here in the States, but it seemed like he was just visiting family and friends. And there was this adorably cute little one–she couldn’t have been more than about 2 years old–and she positively owned the place.
Anyway, he probably saw us watching (and grinning like a pair of idiots) so when he came by our table, he smiled at us, we both stood to shake his hand. I was able to utter a heartfelt, but utterly cliched, It’s an honor to meet you, sir. At least I demonstrated some manners, if not say anything original. He was very friendly and said, “God bless you” as he made his way from the table. It look liked he was about to do a print interview, but that’s just my conjecture.
[As a stupid aside, I don’t know how old he is, but he moves fast! He looks very well.]
So how’s that for a birthday present, huh?
That’s so cool!
Would you believe I was on a business trip in NYC about 8 years ago and having a soda at the Helmsley (right by the UN, of course) and he was sitting at the next table?
We were in awe too.
I KNOW!! Too unbelievably cool. I just couldn’t believe it.
I really did have to restrain myself, because my inner child just wanted to run up to him and hug him.
Did you say anything to him? There was another a couple who went up to him as they were leaving. (They were even closer to his party and him than we were.) We smiled at each other too. You don’t want to bother the man, but at the same time, this is not just some movie star, either.
More crap from Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail.
I cannot wait for her to be shoved out of the race on March 4th – and not a moment too soon.
Bitter, much?
Besides, isn’t she a little late to the whole mocking your opponent thing? Of course, her campaign is the very essence of “day late, dollar short.” Everything his campaign does, just leaves hers sputtering to play catch up.
Go. Away. Now.
Hillary: “You’re not going to wave a magic wand and have the special interests disappear.” So you take money from them?
One question: When did H. Clinton notice that NAFTA had problems?
I listened to it. Some in the crowd seemed to lap it up. A few of the online comments were so dispiriting. I didn’t hear the boos. I’ll listen again.
Just as I didn’t expect to see a Barack in my lifetime, neither did I expect to see a Democratic candidate for president mock people who hope for peace, equality, and justice. A very low moment for liberals and progressives.
Done Booman you are GREAT!
what I want to know is how I can critique the debate and the wardrobe choices at the Oscars at the same time.
do you have snail mail? you may find many donors will be in line..Those guys behind the button – on second thought, not fit to print…5 years still waiting for my credit. I know they facilitate you.
Wardrobe of course.
I dunno, but I donated! Y’all are gonna break me this year. But hey–given who I saw today, I’ll take that as a sign of good luck. Give ’til it hurts! :<)
Big Tent Democrat is trying to make the argument that NAFTA is good over at TalkLeft.
Armando’s always been an avowed free-trader. Shouldn’t be much of a surprise.
Yesterday’s Quote of the Day:
Nice to see that Barack and I are on the same page:
When I saw that he said that yesterday, I thought, “Damn, he must have read Mary’s post.”
I’m waiting for the call that’s sure to come next …
Take a gander at what Hewday says about Hillary when she was a lawyer …WOW,0,2670956.story
This is a long and straight story. Maybe it awakened Hillary to rape and its aftermath. Of course she was obligated to provide the best defense possible, but—- it all leaves me with an icky feeling of ambition trumping principle.
What do you think?
Yes. She should have immediately refused the case upon learning that the creepy client specifically requested a woman lawyer to defend himself against raping a 12-year-old. But no, she loves a challenge. Even if it means trashing a little girl.
All the victims in her wake…
$ on its way. Thanks for all you do!
Mr. BooMan. Can I send a money oder?
sorry. ORDER.
Sent $.