Here is the reality. Hillary Clinton’s campaign is in an uphill fight. She has gone dirty negative. There are very negative pieces out there and I refuse to provide the link.
Negative mailers and smear email aside, you can tell a campaign is breaking up when senior advisers go public
with inside disagreements. Not a first. But this is very interesting:
From The Swamp – site sponsored by The Chicago Tribune
Ignore the header as you will read because the text is to the contrary.
Optimistic Ickes pans Penn’s pessimism
“Many people and many pollsters – including our chief strategist–I daresay, [thought] we we had no chance of winning in New Hampshire,” Ickes, who is working to head off the loss of Clinton super delegates, told reporters. Penn’s internal polling, insiders say, showed Clinton losing by double digits.
When he was asked a question about Clinton’s broader strategy, he demurred, quipping, “I’m not the chief strategist — I’m the assistant sanitation commissioner… I’m not in the high realms.”
Ickes message was for observers to stop their “rush to judgment” about the state of Clinton’s candidacy and her overall chances pending the make-or-break March 4th showdown in Texas and Ohio. Echoing Bill Clinton’s recent comments, Ickes hinted the former first lady might drop out if she loses either.
“If we lose in Texas and Ohio, Mrs. Clinton will have to make her decision as to whether she moves forward,” he said.
(emphasis added)
But it’s not just inside polling that’s the problem with this campaign. As we’ve read morale is low. A winning camp’s senior adviser does not go public in this way.
Recent Polling Data:
Vermont and Rhode Island: Rasmussen Feb. 25
Ohio: dueling polls
Univ. Cincinati – Clinton leads 8 points – Feb. 25.
Clinton 47% Obama 39%
Univ. Quinnipac -Clintons leads 11 points. Feb. 25 PDF
Clinton 51% Obama 40%
Texas: Clinton 46% Obama 45% – Rasmussen Feb 25
Polls show Obama leading among Latinos – aired on NPR as I write – the discussion is on the status of the Hillary’s campaign and her going negative over the weekend.
Oh My, a Texas landslide win does not appear – well just let’s say, unless there’s a calamity, “The light will not come down, celestial choirs will not be singing..” Yes, I xeroxed that line.
So Robert Novak asks,
there’s a fly in the soup in the U.C. poll too:
…edwards is still polling at 9%, kucinich at 2%……hmmm, where do you think that 11% will go?
obama doesn’t have to win ohio, he just needs to keep it close. ims, hillary’s got to win BIG…like 2:1 in both tejas and ohio to stay in the game.
hence the desperation oozing from her campaign.
from the breakfast meeting/interview this morning – the WSJ takes it further but has Ickes saying “no” to question on whether or not Clinton should withdraw.
Clinton Aide Compares Obama to Jesse Jackson
‘No’ or maybe he was backtracking.
on that Obama-JJ comparison, was it meant to be compliment? Given Bill’s SC fiasco, why the word “compares” in the headline?
I still have serious doubts that she actually won NH. The flip in the numbers, a mirror opposite between the handcounted vote which Obama won and the Diebold-counted vote which Hillary won, just scream fraud to me. I’m glad she stayed in it so he could be more battle tested. But he’s been tested. He’s holding up just fine.
It’s time. For her. To go.
Doesn’t that help a little in your doubts? It certainly made me feel better.
I think people made up their minds late. There were a lot of “Not sure” votes in the pre-election. And, the female turnout was really huge.
CNN Poll has Obama Up In Texas by 4 points
ABCnews finds Bill Clinton doing a hissy on the Texas caucuses
(H/T: Ben Smith Politico)
Do they know how much damage all this negativity is causing?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Thanks for that link Oui. The count is so, so confusing.
The super-delegate count is fluid as many shift from Clinton to Obama. The BHO camp has his pledged delegates count at 1199 -Clinton at 1040
Robert Reich, Bill CLinton’s former Secretary of Labor, has endorsed Obama
Reich admonishes the Clintons in this essay:
looks like a response to Clinton’s weekend tirade on “hope, speeches, big rallies, “the light will come down clestial choirs will be singing…”
a huge endorsement from one who was a Clinton pick for DNC general chairman
Chris Dodd joins Team Obama
finally made up his mind on electability
more her on what DOdd brings to the table
. new poll average: Obama 47.8% and Clinton 46.3%
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
she needs to take Texas by a landslide – not likely – and that’s why she’s throwing the furniture.
We have more on her two senior advisers, Harold Ickes and Phil Singer sniping at each other in the presence of invited guests – the deans and dames of national media.
Unbelievable. Go take a read.
Thanks for the link.
Very illustrative.