The Political Wire has news of new polls…all favorable to Obama. He leads in Texas and nationally, and he is closing fast in Ohio (.pdf). I’m actually impressed that Hillary has maintained pretty strong support in Ohio. But the 12-point gap in the Gallup national poll shows her finally collapsing among Democrats. No doubt, this is all my fault.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
She’s bleeding superdelegates, too. I loved this one:
Ohio friends say he was a lousy mayor and has a terrible reputation. Guess we take the super delegates we can, not the ones we want!
It’s everyone’s fault but hers.
This is cool:
to try to get people to watch that debate by calling Obama out.
Mark Penn will lose not once but twice since his company is representing McCain and Clinton. No wonder they both run terrible campaigns.
In Ohio Univ. Cincinati poll, Feb 25, has 8 points difference.
Bill told a crowd in Texas “It would be tragic if Hillary won this election during the daytime and somebody were to come in at night and take it away
it’s your fault. Wolfson blames the press.
a whole week to go with these clowns.
WTF is that even supposed to mean?
that line won’t go down well with the Af-Am community.
as the guys in baseball say, ” Striiiiiike 3.
Sorry only 3 strikes in baseball and the apologies for Bill are at 4. What does that make him?
Enjoy this video
Hillary’s Inner Tracy Flick
What it means is that Bill is saying that the people want Hillary and will vote for her (daytime), but those nasty Democratic politicians might fix the vote after the polls close (night) to have Obama win.
It’s a familiar refrain in Illinois. Bill is becoming such a Republican. I wonder when Poppy Bush is going to formally adopt him. Maybe after he gets rid of that shrew he is married to.
Can anyone from Texas confirm Bill’s timeline on this (7:00-7:15)?
He got it exactly backwards. The doors close on the primary at 7:00 pm. They open back up for the precinct caucuses at 7:15. The caucuses are open to anyone who voted in the Democratic primary.
I’m glad I quit supporting Clinton in 1993… it makes it so much easier for me to dislike him now.
Unfortunately, they are still reading the manual; the Clinton campaign discovered only this month the rules in Texas.
The can’t do campaign.
So the same pool of people who voted in the primaries are eligible to participate in the caucuses?
And Bill’s complaint is exactly what, then? That the voters get some say in the matter?
CBS/NY Times Survey: 16 point lead
CBS News/NY Times Survey Finds Obama Opens Up 16-Point Lead; Also Leads In Head-To-Head Match Up With McCain
you can almost feel the hindenburg moment approaching:
who’s gonna blow first? hill or bill…
I suspect, having watched both of them for way too goddamn long, that Hillary will give a mostly graceful concession speech with a couple of mildly nasty insinuations that we will gladly overlook just to be done with it. A day or a week later, Bill will lose his temper with a reporter and deliver a red-faced rant that effectively be the political swan song of the Clintons.
It’s even worse when you read the whole paragraph
There’s probably a couple of things you can claim to have brought about in your life but I think it’s a safe bet this isn’t one of them.
Taylor et al are indeed going to have a rough landing when this thing shakes out.
So, yeah, Obama momentum is solid.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Booman is IS your fault, but don’t worry there are plenty who have your back!
Thanks for the update Booman!
This “poor me” victim act is getting old.
Remind me to shake your hand.
How is this being covered over at TalkLeft?
Just joking.
I’m really interested now. She’s decided to be a total bitch; I’m wondering if Ohioans will like her more. I expect they’ll still pick her over someone partially black and suspected to have once either known a Muslim or handled the Koran.