Brian Williams just told Clinton to STFU. I’m sure that will win her some sympathy points.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I don’t think so – she’s been interrupting the whole damn night.
she’s wearing quite a stare and most uncomfortable.
almost like having a fight with your mother…
She’s been a bulldozer and time sucker this whole time. That didn’t make her look good.
Yeah – I felt that won Brian some points and cost Clinton a couple.
So far, no major dynamic changes that I can detect.
But not in this neck of the woods. Barack, boma ye!
She may score a couple, but I think she also loses a few for being very long-winded and frequently interrupting.
Agreed. It looks greedy, selfish, egotistical, but more basically, impolite.
Yes. The other thing about it is that Hillary has a kind of tinny voice that can hurt her when she raises her voice. It’s not her fault, of course, but it is what it is.
where is maryb with her snarky comments? We didn’t even discuss wardrobe.
maryb, she may be stuck in snow.
OMG the celestial video played in error?
Is she in Ohio?
Maryb is having dinner with Andi in St. Louis. I think she’d say that Hillary looks very classically good looking. I think maryb likes pearls. 🙂
Dining with AndiF, I think.
I think this debate kinda sucks. Maybe it’s because I don’t like the pumkinhead’s style. He really doesn’t like either one of them.
Oooh, I love it, they are just killing Hillary with the video tape.
I love that video.
makes Hillary look really bad..
Hilarious – they showed the wrong video. GREAT humor from Obama – “I’ll give her points for delivery.”
Then he gets serious. He’s gotten really good at these.
that was a great line from Obama
At someone else’s expense? Bullshit.
AND…we’re back to healthcare. Wake me when it’s over.
i don’t think she is answering the question.
It doesn’t take “a fighter” hillary…
It takes a bottom-up MOVEMENT to get the big things done. Duh. That’s what he is building. She’s promising the world, he’s building support.
No, no, no. It takes a president to get things done, don’t you know.
She’s fighting…whatever. Fighting for what she believes she’s entitled to. Nothing else. She hasn’t fought Shrub until it was time to run for president.
Hillary looks energized by her anger. She looks way younger suddenly.
Must be her snappy grayless hairdo..
The difference between the “attack clips” is that Hillary is mean-spirited and sarcastic and Obama is just stating his opinion
I’ve been watching my 4 year old talk and she’s taken to using her hands a lot and the way she moves her head. I realized it’s all the damn primaries she has been watching. She talks to us like she’s looking at TV cameras.
“She said she voted against it but hoped it wouldn’t pass. As a general rule, that doesn’t work.”
He even got a laugh with his delivery. That’s really Clinton’s big downfall – she doesn’t have a good sense of humor. She doesn’t have the comic timing, at least, not in a debate situation.
She voted for the bill and “hoped” it wouldn’t pass. I remember her saying that in an earlier debate. GOOD RESPONSE.
Awesome!!! “If the American people are activiated, that’s how change is going to happen.”
He can inspire. She can’t.
He did good on that one. It takes a movement…
Unlike Clinton, he didn’t run away from what he said. He owned it and explained it.
Best line, “She said she voted for it, but hope it wouldn’t pass. As a general rule, that doesn’t work. If you don’t want something to pass, you don’t vote for it.”
It was the way he said it too, which drew laughter! Great response.
have there been any questions that weren’t “gotcha” ones?
St McCain is quoted responding in real time to the Clinton/Obama debate – on pulling out troops, he said shame, they should both apologize. The war is going well.
No kidding.
Is he delusional?
Oooh! Russert’s going after their joint tax return. GOOD.
‘Bout damned time. But he let her dodge it.
I’m kinda busy? I hope this is off the cuff, sincerely I do, because it sucks ass as a strategy.
She’s being duplicitous – she keeps looking down….wow, the excuses one after the other.
She will “work toward releasing” her tax returns?
“I can’t get it together by then” re releasing them by March 4.
Just a natural “leader” there who “can’t get it together in time.” Uggh! Such qualifications to be president.
I heard gasps from the audience when she said she was ‘kinda busy right now’ to release tax returns before Tuesday.
bad response
She’s supposed to be able to multitask! Wow.
Pluggin the website trolling for contributions during a debate. Hillary, that’s tacky.
Why can’t she be “open” about her finances before the general election? “Vote for me. Make me the nominee. Then I’ll tell you about my husbands dirty money.”
sounds like something Nader does
she is so full of crap on her White House records and tax returns.
so far 20 minutes to go this debate is not helping where HRC needs to be.
But Timmeh didn’t keep hammering her on it, and instead we’re going on about Farakhan nonstop.
Tim R. playing 7 degress of Farkahn..with Obama
Oh, this shit is offensive.
yep, lets tag all members of a certain group with the same labels as the most reprehensible among them.
Awesome! Crediting the Jewish community for helping with civil rights – true, and a point long understated.
Are you fucking kidding me? I thought the tax return question was pointless, but this has devolved into stupidity.
Farakan really is only a Jewish focus.
Hillary – no one asked you!
only 19 min to go
Even the audience can’t believe this.
Obama: “I don’t see a difference between denouncing and rejecting.”
I concede the point.
I reject and denounce.
She’s trying to force him to denounce Farrakhan’s support?
nice smile. He’s cool.
She looks pathetic for making a distinction where there is none
He defused it, and Brian Williams took whatever was left in the balloon out. She just wasted two minutes.
Hillary is so full of crap..
P.S. I hate it when she speaks Clintonian..Denounce reject, is is.
Just completely full of shit. I am frankly tired of Black folks being forced to answer for every crack pot SOB just because they share the same skin color.
And there she is, trying to pile on. Desperate and foul. But since that racist crackpot radio announcer that was denounced by McCain for his racist warm-up act at his event today, is endorsing her now, will she denounce him?
Clinton is digging a hole and is looking stupid right now.
I’m embarrassed for her. She should have swapped debate tactics. If she was going to attack like this she needed to do it last week. This is the week to be more conciliatory.
I think she knows she has nothing to lose and everything to gain right now, so she’s just letting it all hang out. But it’s not attractive, or inspiring, or likely to pull any undecideds in her direction. The best it can do is fire up her die-hard supporters. But she already HAS them.
Haha – reject AND renounce! The audience loved that.
anyone else feel uncomfortable with that whole Farrakhan back and forth?
Yes. It was total bullshit to spend five or ten minutes on that and only one or two on Clinton’s tax returns and White House records. Pumpkinhead is a coward.
If Obama had been white, I really doubt that would have been asked. And the fact that Farrakhan didn’t even endorse Obama makes it even more out of bounds.
I felt like the “moderator” was trying to drive a wedge between Obama and jews – or a wedge between Obama and supporters of Frarrakhan… AND HE FAILED.
Thank Jeebus this segment is over! I really, reeeeeeelly hope this is the last debate of the primaries
count on it. She has lost this one and after March 5 her staff walks whether or not she presses on.
Dam, that was deft. He made her look stupid and like a kiss ass.
What a stupid repartee that was. Clinton made herself look petty for injecting herself into it.
She is losing this debate badly.
I totally thought she was going to take the high road and defend Obama against the anti-Semitism charge. And then she want all Taylor Marsh on him.
You thought she’d be a good democrat? Why???
The audacity of hope, albeit for the wrong candidate…
LOL, Oscar!
thingy is Farakan meme ismostly confined to Jewish focus….she sealed her loss with the AF-AM voters in pressing this one.
and the debate is still going on. Sounds like I missed . . . hmmmm, sounds like I missed a bunch of Clinton not doing very well.
the MSNBC live blogger commentators are obviously pro-Clinton. Glad I’m hanging out here!
Me too. I’m not sure I could put up with that right now.
Clinton now speaking is untruthful
As a woman, I have to say – it really looks like she’s on the verge of tears. She’s tired. She’s unhappy. Her eyes aren’t opening as wide as at other debates. I truly hope she doesn’t actually lose it. It would set women candidates back a long way if she does.
For her. This was a shameful performance. I bet she wished she hadn’t pressed for these debates and acted a fool in the interim.
but I’ll start feeling sorry for her when she starts feeling some contrition and humility.
I just don’t like to see people embarrass themselves on national(ish) TV.
new thread.
Glad I didn’t watch it. Better to be here, listening to the people here.
Me too!
Rather than pointless differentiation, he basically said “She got it right.” Good for him.