Hillary has shot herself in the foot so many times that the chamber is empty and I don’t think she has any toes left.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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She looks defeated. But that doesn’t mean she won’t come out with new ammo tomorrow…
Yeah but at this point she’s shooting blanks.
He’ll have had Farrakhan’s love child by 8:00 am.
She finally says she would not vote that way again. Too little, too late.
She said that she’s always said she regretted that vote. That’s a steaming load.
of bullshit
and he’s sitting right there next to you.
This has been a hard debate to watch. She is melting down and it’s obviously not easy for Barack to watch it either. He’s holding his own, but I really don’t like Russert’s questioning of either of them.
Talk about killing her with kindness. Damn. Love it.
Timmy can catch a brick. He’s awful.
She STILL isn’t really contrite about her vote on the AUMF. Obama on the other hand says he screwed up re: Terry Schaivo. Not a blockbuster, but not bad.
Actually, when you admit to a fault, you don’t want it to be a blockbuster.
Good point. “Yeah, I wish I hadn’t pulled a knife on James Imhoff on the Senate floor.” 🙂
Or, I should’ve stabbed him when I had the chance.
OK, that made me laugh.
Hew is so eloquent and classy.
Yep. Anyone who watched those last couple minutes will have no question who the next President is. That was amazing.
He’s married. 🙂
So am I, but who really cares? 🙂
For the last seven years every time Bush went overseas he would always act like a fucking fool. Will be good to see some class in the White House.
She’s writing “remember to compliment Barack”…..
Obama is asked to take a shot at Clinton but turns it into a jab at St. McCain. Let’s see if she gives the same type of courtesy (don’t worry, I rolled my eyes, too) 🙂
“I still intend to do everything I can to win” — why does that statement send a shiver up my spine?
because it’s warranted
Good point. I won’t really rest easy until she drops out of the race, period.
Obama rejects chance to make a fatal stab at Clinton. I wonder if she’ll return the favor.
He says she’s capable, and that she would be better than McCain, but he wouldn’t be running unless he thought he’d be better.
Such a positive, high-minded way to answer.
Just got home. Who’s winning?
well, she just put out the first woman-president line and got applause, but we’ve seen Angry Hillary tonight.
she’s not going to campaign for him, is she?
Nope. but it’ll come back to haunt – a divided party.
better it be purged of the Clintons and her entourage.
Would you want her campaigning for him?
And we would thank her greatly if she didn’t…
You’re asking THIS crowd? 🙂
Like we’re so objective.
We’re winning because it’s mercifully coming to a close. It’s been painful.
it’s over Hillary.
Sorry it was so painful. Andi and I missed you.
The debate sucked.
Obama won.
Thank you!
Oh Mary, Mary, Mary… everyone’s been wondering where you were.
Guess who won.
Very good.
We were wondering where you were! OK, I sound like your Mom or something. My apologies. But you were missed.
It’s nice to know someone worried about me. Sorry I missed the fun. But I was having some fun in R/L.
No, I’m glad you were having fun. Listening to Timmy’s inane questions was not fun, but live blogging made it tolerable!
not to pile on, but I didn’t like her tweedy pantsuit.
Well, I’m glad I missed it then. 😉
What my mother-in-law used to call “serviceable.”
Notice he always pulls Clinton’s chair for her?
a gentleman. always.
Believe it or not, some female Clinton supporters will use that as a sign of his mysogynism. I’ve certainly heard them use less against him!!
Perhaps H. Clinton should have helped Obama out of his seat.
She’s TRYING!!!!!
dreamer you
he’s clearly implying that women need the chairs pulled out from under them–so they are inherently weak beings. bastard
where were you brung up?
I’ll bet he opens doors for her, too! What a sexist pig!
I’d pull her chair out for her and pull a Springer.
I noticed that last debate. Personally, I feel it is inappropriate. Seriously.
Another no-win situation
I think with them both on stage, it’s a nice gesture. He shakes her hand and then thanks the moderators. I guess it’s my “corporate training”. I’ve always had men pull my chair out for me after meetings and never felt it was inappropriate.
I can see both sides of it. For some, it’s patronizing. She doesn’t need his help; she’s not an invalid. For others, not doing it would mean he’s boorish, classless and rude.
The Clintonian response to this dilemma (screwed if you do, screwed if you don’t) would be to see which option offends the least amount of people and emphasize you support for that action as a matter of principle. I’m glad to see Obama do what he understands to be courteous, regardless of how some may perceive it.
Besides, Hillary is grown and is more than capable of telling Barack if she felt his actions were inappropriate, and I’m sure that he’d cease and desist immediately.
Wet finger + Breeze = Decision
The whole man-taking-care-of-the-woman aspect of it in a situation where you are supposed to be equals bothers me. In work situations I usually just smile very brightly and say “thanks! but I don’t need any help.” Then you find out who the assholes are. They continue to do it.
It’s a power play imo.
I was raised around men who open doors for women and do the chair thing. While I certainly don’t care if a man does it for me, I do note that I tend to mark those (coworkers that is, not every single guy) that don’t down as boors and kind of classless. That’s my snobbery though.
I go both ways – sometimes I’m the opener, other, the openee;-)
Agreed. On a date – it’s a wonderful thing. In any other context, it’s a throwback to the days of the ‘weak’ woman and the ‘strong’ man, and it’s a tad insulting.
Oh, and I’d love it too. It’s been a long time since a man who wasn’t a waiter pulled a chair out for me!
You were on a bus most of the time. The rest of us had to suffer through this crap.
I haven’t been on the bus for a year straight, y’know.
OK, I thought you meant tonight.
matthews has made three analogies already – americans love “high scoring games” and something about Brigadoon. What the hell is his problem?
my all-time favorite word, which you introduced to me months (years?) ago. Many thanks because I chuckle every. single. time.
It’s a good one. I also like resistentialism.
Olbermann’s football analysis: A bunch of field goals were scored rather than touchdowns… but field goals won’t win Hillary an election.
I saw “Brigadoon” a long time ago, and I don’t remember anyone scoring in it.
I thought it was scored by Frederick Lowe.
I was in Brigadoon a long time ago, and I can assure you, it was scored. 😉
– Bonnie Jean McClaren
Didn’t say it wasn’t scored. I said no one scored in it.
Ah, but someone did score. Four someones, in fact! Two couples scored. Another couple probably scored, but we don’t see it onstage..! 😉
Well, I was probably 12 years old when I saw it. I was less worldly. It must have happened offstage. At least in “The Pajama Game” people were wearing sleepwear.
Someone sent me this today and it seems to fit the looks that hillary was shooting obama tonight:
A study conducted by UCLA’s Department of Psychiatry has revealed that the kind of face a woman finds attractive on a man can differ depending on where
she is in her menstrual cycle.
For example: If she is ovulating, she is attracted to men with rugged and masculine features.
However, if she is menstruating, or menopausal,she tends to be more attracted to a man with tape over his mouth and a spear lodged in his chest while he
is on fire.
No further studies are expected
Dumb Hillary! All the people are talking about is her complaining about always getting the first question. (Out of the last 10, she’s been asked first only 6 times. And I know the one before this was decided on a coin flip. Puhleeze.)
How hard is it to stomach Matthews and Russert? If they start talking about Bills football, I might throw things at the screen.
I’m throwing in a few more bucks on payday.
But if you’ve already given, then it doesn’t count towards the million, does it?
Didn’t say it did. But I am hoping it will get him elected.
I’m agreed and have given multiple times, but I wanted to make certain I understood the million business.
l didn’t watch it, but if the audio is any indication, she did herself no favors tonight.
it’s over.
The eye daggers and the set jaw. On a nicer note, she did look exceptionally smooth tonight.
The media seems to be only ones not knowing this race was over a long time ago.
Who won?
Vote here: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/23349901/
Vote early and vote often!
That second question is nonsensical. I already made up my mind but the debate had nothing to do with it.
Is it just me, but doesn’t it seem that older he gets the looser his grasp on actually speaking English becomes? I can’t even understand the brother any more.
You have a point. I wonder why he’s up tonight. I’d rather see a stronger surrogate.
Would have Pat Buchanan and Jesse Jackson just repeating themselves in their special brand of English.
Sort of like Lily Tomlin’s comment about taking all those homeless people who are talking to themselves on the street and pairing them up so they would at least look like they’re having a conversation. 🙂
A Jackson and Buchanan show. Now that has possibilities. 😉
if i hear the word costume again when references traditional wear of different cultures, I am going to inflict violence on my teevee
What’s the big deal? I’m wearing my middle American middle aged knowledge working white guy costume of old beatup jeans and Marvin the Martian polo shirt right now!
It’s Alan Keyes!
Actually he’s using his Eludium Q-37 Explosive Space Modulator to zap a bag of golf clubs, but yeah, that’s the guy.
Costume isn’t a pejorative in its first and third definitions
Cos·tume (kstm, -tym)
When it comes out of Chris Matthews’ mouth…
Gotcha. Agreed.