Well, this is unpleasant:
JEDDAH, 3 March 2008 — Early morning shoppers at a supermarket in Jeddah were left reeling yesterday, with some falling unconscious, after a well-built Syrian man clinched a knife and decapitated his 15-month-old nephew in front of his mother in the store’s fruit and vegetable section.
In a brutal murder that has shocked the city, the 25-year-old man beheaded the boy, who was out shopping with his mother — in full glare of shoppers and staff at Al-Marhaba supermarket on Sari Street around 9.30 a.m. The man, who is the boy’s maternal uncle, apparently killed the boy following a dispute with his sister and brother-in-law.
Eyewitnesses said that the man picked up a knife from inside the store and severed the boy’s head. The mother and a shopper standing close by fainted, while several other stood in shock and disbelief over what had happened.
A police officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told Arab News, “The murderer was in a dispute with the boy’s mother and her husband. He chopped off the boy’s head in front of the mother to get back at her.” He added that the mother has been left traumatized and is in hospital.
Of course, the usual right-wing bloggers are all hyping this story (while pretending it could happen anywhere and so they aren’t suggesting this reflects badly on all Muslims, etc. etc.).
Egads! That’s horrid.
At least our crazies just shoot and kill lots of random people.
and commit suicide after their heinous acts.
Hmm, this coming from members of a religion who completely stopped all social and scientific progress from they time they seized control of the Roman Empire until the rise of secular monarchies broke their power twelve centuries later.
Frankly, the Islamic world doesn’t worry me too much. They are a) over there, b) mostly dangerous only to themselves, and c) only a problem for us if we fuck with them. What worries me is that the Dominionist descendants of the people who ran the medieval church are all around us, and they get to vote in our elections and run stupid blogs attempting to draw some tenuous connection between one lone nutjob in a supermarket in Jeddah and, well, pretty much anything else.
Meanwhile Christian fanatics over here have caused who knows how many deaths by stifling medical research in the name of their loopy beliefs. If all they did was behead the occasional toddler, we might actually be better off.
“Hmm, this coming from members of a religion who completely stopped all social and scientific progress from they time they seized control of the Roman Empire until the rise of secular monarchies broke their power twelve centuries later.”
eodell, you don’t have to be a Muslim to know that this statement is utter BS. All that’s required is to know even a little about the history of science and Western thought.
Anyway, the Muslims never “seized control of the Roman empire,” because the Roman empire no longer existed by the time of the rise of Islam. As for “the rise of secular monarchies twelve centuries later,” I can’t imagine what you are even referring to. If you wrote this on a History 101 essay question exam, you’d get an F.
I was referring to the Christians.
If this was a reading comprehension test, the F would be yours.
Sorry if I misunderstood you, but it really wasn’t clear. “Heart of the Rockies” also read you as I did. You start off, “this coming from…” WHAT coming from? I assumed you meant the slaughter of the child. Then you follow immediately with a sentence criticizing Muslims.
I certainly share your view of Dominionists and similar nut cases, and now I folow your train of thought.
I’ll grant you some leeway, too, that the spontaneity of blog comments sometimes comes at the expense of clarity. I’m guilty of that myself at times.
As for faiing reading comprehension, not likely. I’m a professional editor in the humanities. I am also, however, as I write this, extremely tired.
wow you’re way off.
The Roman Empire ended in 1453 when Muslims subjugated Constantinople.
Technically yes, Boo, but that is generally referred to as the Byzantine Empire. You might just as well argue that it ended in 1835, with the death of the last sovereign of the Holy Roman Empire.
The Holy Roman Empire is not a continuation of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire includes the Byzantine Empire. You are referring to the Western Roman Empire as if it were synonymous with the Roman Empire.
Muslims did in fact destroy the Roman Empire. Goths destroyed the western Roman Empire a millennium earlier.
This may not have been a Muslim thing at all.In the East ( as in Orient), saving face is very important for one’s perceived social standing.That desire to save face is the origin of the Japanese custom of Hara-Kiri,self immolation in India and other oriental societies and the Muslim custom of honor killings.
If this man who killed the child saw that his social standing was put in jeopardy for some reason, he might have flown off into a rage and taken revenge on the mother.None of this would have had a thing to do with Islam.
For those who want to read more about these customs I highly recommend V.S.Naipaul’s AMONG THE BELIEVERS– AN ISLAMIC JOURNEY.
“members of a religion”–do you mean Christians? If so I agree. Otherwise no. The Muslim Arabs introduced Greek, Roman and Arabic learning to the darkest ages of Europe via Spain.
His point is, what have they contributed for the past 500 years?
Yeah, we never have killing sprees here.
the Hudson Valley is very idyllic.
No, it was snark. Wingers will spin this incident, but of course plenty of ugly incidents happen in the US.
my comment was snark.
Funny that they never seem to focus on sex crimes by Christian religious figures. Search Google News with a key like “rape church” or “molest church” and you will never hit a slow news day again. I (very) briefly tried running a blog on the subject until I realized that I could never keep up with the flow of events.
Lots of cowardly little men want to get back at a woman, and do it by killing children or pets or other small, vulnerable beings that the woman cares about more than them.
Religion has nothing to do with male inadequacy.
The only thing to do in a case such as this is to determine what sort of justice to mete out. I’d start by beheading him… the head of his penis. Let him contemplate it lying on the floor and see if he faints. The intentional infliction of emotional distress can cut both ways, so to speak.
That is to start….
This way leads to ongoing madness…pain assuaged by vengeance is the history of humanity…a psychopathy that must be broken if we are to have any chance of surviving as a species.
Like this sick fuck.
Wendy’s anyone?.
Of course I’d hate to judge an entire society by the killing sprees that occur there.
Thanks Bush & friends
BTW more adversaries are happy with 7 years Bush/Cheney.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."