“I think that I have a lifetime of experience that I will bring to the White House. I know Senator McCain has a lifetime of experience to the White House. And Senator Obama has a speech he gave in 2002,” Clinton says.
Er, no. The correct response, as we saw during any one of the earlier debates, is, “Of course any one of us here on this stage would be a better president than John McCain.”
And by the way…
Maybe I’ve been slow on the uptake, but this didn’t occur to me until I saw it discussed recently. (Can’t recall exactly where at this point)
–Obama was elected to the Illinois Senate in 1996.
–Clinton was sworn in as United States Senator on January 3, 2001.
So, Hillary has held one elected office, and she has spent less time as an elected official than Barack Obama.
How the hell does she get away with claiming that she has soooo much more experience?
I look forward to having a woman president one day. But I’m more than happy to wait for one I can actually feel proud of.
Okay, I had to get that off my chest. But now I’d like to channel some hope for tomorrow…
I hope he gets that game of basketball in there…it’s a good luck ritual for him.
Please, please bring it home tomorrow. I’m prepared to fight to the convention, and I’ll be on the first bus to PA next weekend (actually I’ll be in Philly this weekend but for a conference) but I’d MUCH rather take the fight to McCain.
Republicans are being urged to vote for Hillary, the easier to beat in the GE. Hillary has hinted she’ll be staying in the race even if the math is not there.
It depends on what the meaning of win is
WSJ: Clinton aims to push beyond Ohio and Texas
Remember the scene in “Fried Green Tomatoes” where Evelyn loses a parking space to two young girls and deliberately drives her car into theirs over and over?
At their shock she says “Face it girls, I’m older and I’ve got more insurance.”
Being older sometimes makes one feel wiser than others. Unfortunately Hillary didn’t spend enough time communing with Eleanor Roosevelt when she had the chance.
This is turning into a really bad movie. The media love it.
The media has a vested interest in keeping this going as long as possible in terms of viewers and advertising dollars. And for some reason, they were being honest about it on the teevee last night.
I guess Hillary can’t resist the temptation to run as Republican-lite. All that “experience” just gets us more of the same, doesn’t it?
Her “35 years of experience” is counting everything since she graduated from college. I’ll never understand how being First Lady for 8 years qualifies as experience. I certainly wouldn’t say that Laura Bush is now a seasoned veteran ready to answer the red phone at 3:00 AM.
Well, she has to claim something for all that time she spent devoted to someone else’s career.
Perfect Obama add:
“Who do you want answering the phone at 3:00 am?”
Cut to picture of Laura Bush answering the phone..