Polls close in Ohio at 7:30 pm (according to CNN), at which point I’m sure someone will have something to say about something or other.
Update [2008-3-4 19:38:39 by Steven D]: First exit poll data for all states can be found at this Huffington Post link. I make no comment regarding the validity of the exit poll numbers listed there.
“too close to call” seems like good news from Ohio. At least if clinton wins she won’t net more than a few delegates.
Oops. Don’t know how that happened.
Has anyone found one of those nifty Flash maps of Ohio that shows the results as they come in?
CNN election central is pretty good.
Looks like older women are voting heavily in Ohio.
To answer my own question:
Exit polls – looks like it’s about 48.4% Clinton and 45.6% Obama, by my calculations….
Fineman on Clinton: she’s running a completely negative campaign right now. Nothing she does is accidental re: the 60 Minutes question about Obama being a Muslim.
Does anyone know if Texas/Ohio Exit polling takes into account the Early Voters? Meaning – was exit polling only done today or have they been hanging out at early voting locations for the last week interviewing voters?
I’ve always assumed they just covered people who were ‘exiting’ actual polling places.
If these exit polls don’t cover the MASSIVE turnout of early voters, they don’t mean shit. They are not predictive of anything. Something to keep in mind anyway.
I love how CNN,com has just done a report debunking the entire concept of a red phone ringing at 3:00 in the morning.
Of course they could have done that a couple of days ago.
Then CNN would have spoiled all the fun
kos reports
well, now he reports:
This happened to us in 2000. The lower court ordered the polls to stay open later and the appellate court said no, the statute is the statute. The polls have to close at 7:00.
CNN Exit Poll
Male Female
Republicans 54% 46%
Democrats 41% 59%
Personal projection, Clinton wins with 51.5%
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Depends on turnout – exit polls as I understand it depend on accurately projecting turnout in the various areas so that you are projecting from percentages in an area based on turnout.
Or something like that.
sandusky county:
OK – it was foreseeable that there was going to be huge turnout. Why do states run out of ballots?
There is no excuse. They should have plans in place to have people just write their choices on a blank sheet of paper or a photocopied ballot to be hand counted if they run out. Pathetic.
Obama has requested a two-hour extension in Sandusky and Franklin counties. Franklin being Columbus, I think?
In any event no election results can be released until after 9:00 est. By order of Ohio Sec. State.
You’d think Ohio would have been so embarrassed in 2004 that they would have their act together this time.
I’m sure they’ll get it all sorted out by November…not
via kos:
Yeah, but who is telling the turned away voters?
And CNN is announcing some Ohio numbers already. How many people will have seen those before voting?
Not to mention that drivers are being told to stay off the Cleveland streets because of the ice.
MSNBC just flashed Texas results which show Obama up 58 to 41…but I thought the polls closed at 9? What’s happening?
I think they close a 7 Texas time which is 20 minutes ago.
f*cking time zones man
Except El Paso which closes an hour later. Which is part of the confusion. (I think it’s El Paso – it’s somewhere that closes an hour later.)
Yeah it’s El Paso. It’s the only place in Texas of any size that’s not in the Central time zone.
Obama up 436K to 303K in Texas, apparently
early voting totals?
It keeps pouring in, its now 449 to 320 (thousand). I don’t understand how you can throw these numbers on the screen and not explain them. I’m switching between CNN and MSNBC and both are not talking about them.
According to Chris Bowers:
I think I just had a small orgasm.
kos: Is this early voting totals? If so, Hillary is in deep shit in the state.
Then he says These results clearly include early voting. This looks terrible for Clinton.
I’m still nervous.
Me too.
The Cuyahoga BOE suspended the counting of all ballots pending the outcome of the Obama campaign’s motion. Which was granted. So I suppose they won’t count until all the polls close.
Gonna be a late night.
Yer telling me . . . odds are about 50/50 we’ll be going out to dinner tonight with my son’s girlfriend’s mother, which means I won’t get to see the results until even later! (Or I’ll just keep checking the numbers on my nerdphone and let her think I’m some antisocial geek, which come to think of it isn’t that far from the truth 🙂 )
A Marc Ambinder reader reports:
Maybe we need a Texas thread.
It’s funny hearing the McCain campaign trying to manufacture some excitement. Apparently “something fun” is in the air. George Bush will formally endorse McCain tomorrow if he wins it tonight. Ooh, the shivers up my spine….
The kiss of death – a George W. Bush Endorsement…
Watch McCain’s numbers in a general election matchup drop after that.
Shivers? Orgasms? What’s going on with tonight? Never mind, we don’t need to know …
Mr. Second Nature needs to move to a different room and leave our girl alone.
Mr. Second Nature already sleeps in another room. 😉
I get it. wink, wink.
Now where’s that rabbit?
Now you’re talking…
I hate Paul Begala. Why does he remind me of the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz?
Alright… whose coverage is better? MSNBC or CNN? Which one are we preferring?
It’s a wash. MSNBC has Scarborough, but not Bill Bennett or Paul Begala.
MSNBC has Olbermann moderating and Tom Brokaw slapping the bitches if they get way out of line.
But I am concerned about the amount of makeup Rachel Maddow wears. It’s doubled since she started on the panel. Come April, she’s gonna look like Noron/Tammy Faye.
I was noticing that she’s glammed up a little lately. You think it’s because of the possibility of her getting her own show?
We really should let her know. She’s a beautiful lady without any makeup. Besides, she’s betraying her lesbian sisters by dolling up so much.
I bet they told her to wear more makeup.
I know tons of lesbians who wear tons of make up. It’s just that at first she was just Rachel. Now she’s *Rachel*
I still have a girl crush on her. She’s just so damn smart!
Ok, I fucking hate Tweety. Out of one side of his mouth he says “we hate classes” in this country, then out of the other side he talks about the starbucks crowd versus the dunkin donuts crowd.
When he says, “We hate classes,” he means History, Government, and above all, Critical Thinking.
Clinton attorney’s on an emergency conference calls regarding “caucus irregularities” in TX
Is he fer ’em, or agin ’em?
Meaning: She’s not winning because her volunteers aren’t running them and cheating in every way possible like they did in Nevada.
As we used to say in New Jersey, I got got your packet right here.
Here’s a report on caucus problems.
Ambinder reports that CBS is reporting from Texas:
More on the cleveland precincts being kept open:
Tweety declares that McCain is in the “solidest” position to win the presidency in the fall. WTF?
Well since he’s the only one who is the presumptive nominee of his party that’s probably a technically true statement. Since you can’t win if you aren’t a nominee.
Get this
Hahahahahaaaa . . . I love it.
(Yes, Omir is blogging on the bus again. You haven’t blogged until you’ve blogged on a nerd phone at 60 MPH.)
Check out this detail.
Mrs. Huckabee is a rather homely woman, bless her heart.
About how it wasn’t until recently that I thought that was his sister.
Her maiden name in McCain.
Wow, that’s coincidental.
He’s a bass player. Bless his heart.
Fineman is speculating that inside the Clinton campaign they know that Ohio is not enough and even though she may want to continue, some within her campaign won’t want to keep going.
Nobody wants to work long hours in an ugly campaign if they don’t think they can win.
Anyone see this?
One in five Ohioans said race was important in their vote. They broke to Hillary 57-43.