At the top of the hour, they immediately projected Obama the winner in Vermont. But the question is – by what margin? I think the number is 64% or better that we should be looking for to get the best delegate advantage.
In the “more likely to win in November” category – does that mean that 71% of the respondents voted for Obama and of them 83% thought he was the most electable?
I have a weird suspicion that the Ohio numbers may be much better than we thought. Like Wisconsin, really. All the analysts and pollsters could possibly be wrong again. But who knows.
Hopefully our keepers will create a unique thread to discuss just Ohio in a few minutes.
Well, we need to hope that Ohio isn’t called for hours. Because it would be the cities that would put him over and they’ll come in last.
Just like Missouri. sigh. I read somewhere that Hillary will be ahead most of the night and if he’s going to close the gap it will be when Cleveland finally comes in.
Yeah, apparently Cuyahoga county sends all of their paper ballots to a central location to be counted. My family all live there and turnout has been extraordinarily heavy, even in the freezing rain/snow.
Well, Cleveland is using a new voting system (paper ballots w/ optical scan) which could be good or bad. Should be easy for them to report the initial results. We’ll see. I have heard that polls of the major urban areas are not showing Obama rating as high as he should and it could be flawed polls (due to cell phone users) but we’ll see.
When we switched to a combination of touch screen and optical scan, our election nights started ending earlier. But instead of ending at 3 in the morning they now end about midnight. So I’m still guessing Cleveland will be slow.
I heard that someone in Ohio was saying the media was just blanketed with Obama in the last 24 hours, so anything can still happen. Some news org talked to a woman who literally decided for Obama while looking at her ballot. Let’s hope others do the same!!
At the top of the hour, they immediately projected Obama the winner in Vermont. But the question is – by what margin? I think the number is 64% or better that we should be looking for to get the best delegate advantage.
Here are the exit polls.
Women were 56% of the vote and Obama got 57%. He also got 68% of the male vote.
And a good portion of the over 60 vote. Way to cut into Hillary’s base!
In the “more likely to win in November” category – does that mean that 71% of the respondents voted for Obama and of them 83% thought he was the most electable?
If so, did he get 71% of the vote?
Or am I reading that completely wrong?
71% of the respondents thought Obama is most likely to win in November. Of those 71%, 83% of them voted for Obama.
thanks, that makes more sense. Because my interpretation didn’t match my math on his vote using women/men.
Is anyone else feeling slightly pukey awaiting Ohio?
I’m feeling pukey … but it may be all the Thin Mints I’m eating. Why oh why did the Girl Scout cookies come today?
But yeah. I really don’t feel like watching them declare a Hillary victory. sigh.
Hmmmm…that could be it. Thin Mints day was yesterday at my house.
I hope you ate them all immediately under the theory that the sooner they were gone the better 😉
I thought that was my secret tactic. 🙂
I got in trouble eating all the trefoils. Luckily, my girlfriend hid some more of them.
I have a weird suspicion that the Ohio numbers may be much better than we thought. Like Wisconsin, really. All the analysts and pollsters could possibly be wrong again. But who knows.
Hopefully our keepers will create a unique thread to discuss just Ohio in a few minutes.
Well, we need to hope that Ohio isn’t called for hours. Because it would be the cities that would put him over and they’ll come in last.
Just like Missouri. sigh. I read somewhere that Hillary will be ahead most of the night and if he’s going to close the gap it will be when Cleveland finally comes in.
Maybe Mike will show up and fill us in.
Yeah, apparently Cuyahoga county sends all of their paper ballots to a central location to be counted. My family all live there and turnout has been extraordinarily heavy, even in the freezing rain/snow.
Just read this from kos:
That’s north isn’t it?
Yep, up near the Lake Erie Islands.
Yup. Just south of me.
Well, Cleveland is using a new voting system (paper ballots w/ optical scan) which could be good or bad. Should be easy for them to report the initial results. We’ll see. I have heard that polls of the major urban areas are not showing Obama rating as high as he should and it could be flawed polls (due to cell phone users) but we’ll see.
Steven created an Ohio thread by the way.
When we switched to a combination of touch screen and optical scan, our election nights started ending earlier. But instead of ending at 3 in the morning they now end about midnight. So I’m still guessing Cleveland will be slow.
I heard that someone in Ohio was saying the media was just blanketed with Obama in the last 24 hours, so anything can still happen. Some news org talked to a woman who literally decided for Obama while looking at her ballot. Let’s hope others do the same!!
Currently in Vermont:
Obama: 53%
Clinton: 45%
McCain wins.
No word on the Democrats yet.
Just what the fuck is that? MSNBC is pushing it and I have no idea who these people are?