I predict Obama wins Vermont, Texas and Ohio. A near tie in Rhode Island. Hard to say who wins that one, but if Hillary wins it, she’ll have all the excuse that she’s been looking for to drop the confetti and announce her long-planned coronation.
Looking at CNN broadcast, number of votes in approx. 1.2 million (R+D) for which they claim less than 1%. I know Texas is BIG, but now they are overdoing it!
Nevertheless, I predict Obama will win Texas by an unexpected clear decision.
Yeah. That makes sense. And the first 500,000 to a 1,000,000 votes at 0% were the early vote totals. Meaning, if I’m figuring this right, Obama won early voting by 60/40 or 65/35 or something in that range — and that is 1/4 or 1/3 of the total 3-4 million turnout.
And that would mean, she’d need to beat him pretty badly with today’s turnout to erase that early voting lead.
Him and Chuck Norris in Everbody Loves Chuckabee. Wacky hijinks ensues as a martial arts expert and self-deprecating preacher travel the country solving crimes.
A sort of Kung-Fu meets Father Dowling Mysteries, if you will.
Daisy Duke and that Orangutan from “Every Which Way But Loose,” (if he’s still acting anyway — some say he’s gone all Tibetan Scientologist — but I think we could still get him).
And, of course, with all these right-o’s, I think we should get the old car from the Dukes of Hazzard, too.
Remember when racist was funny! Man, maybe we really have progress. Oh, but wait, there is all this dog whistling coming from somewhere. My ears. My ears!!
Except that he does it when we talk or chat. So he’ll be like, “WWYLFDT?” Really, really slow and I’m like, what? and he wants me to flippin’ guess and then two hours later I learn that he asked, “What would you like for dinner tonight?” Meanwhile, I’m dead on the ground from starvation.
And of course with special guest appearances by Stephen Colbert as the uptight FBI agent, Jon Stewart as the wacky but loveable Jewish sheriff in small town New England and Conan O’Brien as the retired NYC detective all arguing over jurisdiction and who gets the credit for the solving the crimes.
Time for Hillary to get on the air and declare victory for the entire night. If she does it now, she’s pretty safe that she won’t be pre-empted for Obama.
Many of the early vote “precincts” in Texas have largely been counted, and the election day precincts are beginning to allow Hillary Clinton to close the margin with Barack Obama. But a lot of the bigger counties haven’t counted their early votes yet, so the margin could widen in Obama’s favor again.
I have to admit, never thought the pander bear could pull off the upset. Now that he has, I can’t wait for AZ bloggers to unleash our compiled history of his record. It’s not pretty.
Just what the hell is that? I mean, I hate when blacks, Latinos and Asians are dumped in as ethnic voters or when people say, “I eat ethnic food” and they’re talking about tacos. But ‘white ethnic voters’? It’s been the buzzword of th night and it sounds stupid.
I know the early voting everywhere, but Houston has been counted. Then I heard Chuck Todd on TV babbling about how Obama votes from today will be counted early and Clinton’s votes will trickle in. Then we still got the caucus results on top of that.
Don’t look to me; I”m just watching the numbers. Aside from the fact that the caucus results apparently haven’t started to be reported yet, I don’t know a thing about it.
I suppose that having to explain Texas is one of the burdens of being a Texan. Happily, none of those burdens are mine.
From what I’ve read, the roads in Cleveland are a sheet of ice and they’ve shut down one interstate and that’s slowing down the delivery of the ballots to the BOE.
They don’t expect to be finished counting until 4;30 a.m. tomorrow.
I predict Obama wins Vermont, Texas and Ohio. A near tie in Rhode Island. Hard to say who wins that one, but if Hillary wins it, she’ll have all the excuse that she’s been looking for to drop the confetti and announce her long-planned coronation.
That looks like a dinner/award ceremony for a IT company. “Solutions for America”?
Sorry, I fell asleep reading her sign.
Looking at CNN broadcast, number of votes in approx. 1.2 million (R+D) for which they claim less than 1%. I know Texas is BIG, but now they are overdoing it!
Nevertheless, I predict Obama will win Texas by an unexpected clear decision.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
early voting is included in that. I think the early voting was close to 1 million.
What oui is saying is that over 1 million votes has to be more than 1% of the total vote.
I just saw they were predicting 3.6 to 3.8 million turnout.
Yes, but I believe the 2% reflects precincts with votes today.
Yeah. That makes sense. And the first 500,000 to a 1,000,000 votes at 0% were the early vote totals. Meaning, if I’m figuring this right, Obama won early voting by 60/40 or 65/35 or something in that range — and that is 1/4 or 1/3 of the total 3-4 million turnout.
And that would mean, she’d need to beat him pretty badly with today’s turnout to erase that early voting lead.
Well. That’s my wishful thinking.
That sounds right.
Yippee! I’m dancing around listening to his concession speech.
awwwww I’m going to miss the Huckster.
I hope he gets his own sitcom next season.
Him and Chuck Norris in Everbody Loves Chuckabee. Wacky hijinks ensues as a martial arts expert and self-deprecating preacher travel the country solving crimes.
A sort of Kung-Fu meets Father Dowling Mysteries, if you will.
I can see it now.
What are they driving?
I think a beige Buick with the left blinker constantly on.
Wouldn’t that be the right blinker?
An old beater with an American flag, but instead of stars, there’ll be little crosses.
They need a female sidekick and possibly an animal of some sort.
She’s like an angry badger on crack.
so true.
She could be in that car commercial with the angry badger too.
She’s going to need work to stay busy — what with the Republican primary ending today.
Hillary. (For the female of course.)
It will create dramatic tension.
And she did live in Arkansas.
Daisy Duke and that Orangutan from “Every Which Way But Loose,” (if he’s still acting anyway — some say he’s gone all Tibetan Scientologist — but I think we could still get him).
And, of course, with all these right-o’s, I think we should get the old car from the Dukes of Hazzard, too.
Remember when racist was funny! Man, maybe we really have progress. Oh, but wait, there is all this dog whistling coming from somewhere. My ears. My ears!!
“right turn”, Clyde.
great movie. There are a few people I wish I had Clyde around for….
I loved that orangutan.
I blew almonds out of my mouth. Great laugh.
maybe you should write the screenplay …
You can’t go around just making up internet acronyms, you’re beginning to sound like my husband.
Forgive my lack of net savvy.
Also. Your husband. He’s a clever man, no?
Except that he does it when we talk or chat. So he’ll be like, “WWYLFDT?” Really, really slow and I’m like, what? and he wants me to flippin’ guess and then two hours later I learn that he asked, “What would you like for dinner tonight?” Meanwhile, I’m dead on the ground from starvation.
I have a creepy feeling that YBSLH (You’re Beginning to Sound Like my Husband) may start to catch on as an acronym, now.
I’m so on board with that. We need to enter you into the internet slang dictionary for that one.
Huck is invoking the Alamo. He’s gooooooood.
Everything’s a battle…..victory or death.
How did he lose Texas with Chuck Norris on board.
And of course with special guest appearances by Stephen Colbert as the uptight FBI agent, Jon Stewart as the wacky but loveable Jewish sheriff in small town New England and Conan O’Brien as the retired NYC detective all arguing over jurisdiction and who gets the credit for the solving the crimes.
According to MSNBC. I guess that mean she’s broken that 11 race losing streak.
Time for Hillary to get on the air and declare victory for the entire night. If she does it now, she’s pretty safe that she won’t be pre-empted for Obama.
I’m hoping Obama comes out with a great speech to make up for the rather shitteous week he’s had.
I think it’s high time for a new speech anyway.
That they count. You know, cause they’re not a big state.
You know, cause they’re now a big state.
According to an Ohio blogger“
Obama’s 130K vote lead is down to 40K…8% reporting
Do you know which parts of the state are coming in first? If south Texas, this would be expected.
ambinder reports
Austin, Houston, and Dallas haven’t reported at all yet.
i am so flippin nervous.
Thank you! I thought I was the only one.
The precinct nos. keep going up, but nothing else changes, and what’s there isn’t pleasing.
Just wait until November…
I hope refinish checks in later and tells us about his caucus.
You think YOU’RE nervous? I’m here at the restaurant relying on reports frnm you guys! I can’t even scream at the TV!!
The man is living a delusion if he thinks those things haven’t already happened in Iraq.
wake me up when he’s finished.
I fell asleep on the floor getting up from the chair.
That was the longest month of my life.
McCain only talked for 20 minutes? I’ll be damned. I guess it’s time to wake up my toes.
His teleprompter failed? I stopped watching and having him on in the background – he always just sounds boring so I couldn’t tell.
I have to admit, never thought the pander bear could pull off the upset. Now that he has, I can’t wait for AZ bloggers to unleash our compiled history of his record. It’s not pretty.
play the delagates game. Not sure if they’re counting FL & MI?
And good for Maddow for calling him on it.
Buchanan said that Obama’s getting the elites and the young. Maddow said, that was stupid when you saw him winning MO, GA, VA and UT.
yep, keeps blathering about ‘white ethnic voters’
Just what the hell is that? I mean, I hate when blacks, Latinos and Asians are dumped in as ethnic voters or when people say, “I eat ethnic food” and they’re talking about tacos. But ‘white ethnic voters’? It’s been the buzzword of th night and it sounds stupid.
If they’re talking about Cleveland area it’s Polish, Slovakian, German…
That’s was Olbermann said was outside on a sign at the Clinton headquarters. We all know that the Clinton’s firewall would move, but to May?
On the upside, my primary is May 6th also and it might actually mean something! Gaaa, I hope it’s over before that!
Texas is now O-50 C-49
Could it be? We might actually get to decide something meaningful in our lifetime? (Primarywise)
The Cuyahoga County BOE is predicting that Cuyahoga results will be counted by 4:30 a.m.
Clinton legal team challenging in Houston and in SE Ohio?
19% reporting.
I know the early voting everywhere, but Houston has been counted. Then I heard Chuck Todd on TV babbling about how Obama votes from today will be counted early and Clinton’s votes will trickle in. Then we still got the caucus results on top of that.
Is that right?
Don’t look to me; I”m just watching the numbers. Aside from the fact that the caucus results apparently haven’t started to be reported yet, I don’t know a thing about it.
I suppose that having to explain Texas is one of the burdens of being a Texan. Happily, none of those burdens are mine.
I just got off of the phone with my sister in Frisco, TX and her caucus went for Obama 11 delegates to 5.
my nerves!
Barack Obama 702,818 49.2%
Hillary Rodham Clinton 699,064 48.9
And no discernible improvement in OH — still 57% – 41%.
From what I’ve read, the roads in Cleveland are a sheet of ice and they’ve shut down one interstate and that’s slowing down the delivery of the ballots to the BOE.
They don’t expect to be finished counting until 4;30 a.m. tomorrow.
Thanks, Mary.