I just couldn’t understand why you were making so much sense. I was fighting it. I’ve been told that you were Republican Light (like) from the right wing and male chauvinists. I was supposed to hate you. Being fed all these stories and claims. Years of sewing the seeds to form prejudged version of the Hillary they wanted to portray you as. But really, not who you are.
But then I actually started paying attention, listening, checking. That was my turn. I broke free from their control and actually started thinking and searching for myself. You know, the control freaks, corporatists and bigots worst nightmare. The illusions were broke.
No, Hillary couldn’t be the one candidate with the best and true Universal Health Care. I was told she was the one in bed with the Corporations. That she wouldn’t offer a Universal Health Care, to protect the insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies. But she is. A plan that will control costs and bring health care costs down. Then I find that the reason Republicans dislike Hillary, according to Darryl Issa on his appearance on Real Time, that she dared tried to pass Universal Health Care. You know, that thing most people in our country believe, as Hillary does, that it is a moral right. Surely at least Democratic politicians should be favoring the same principle, that Health Care is a right. But then another Democratic candidate is actually attacking Hillary with the same attacks Republicans made for being against Universal Health Care. This can’t be right. That’s not what we were told.
Hillary is supposed to not be for the people and would continue Corporate rule. She is supposed to pass legislation in favor of the Corporate donors instead of the people. So why is it when I check, she indeed did oppose the Cheney Special Interest incentive loaded Energy Bill in 2005, but the new guy didn’t? She was the first to talk about closing Corporate loopholes and to talk about changing our trade laws to be Fair Trade with Labor and environmental policies. And was always opposed to FREE trade. And Hillary was the one who voted in favor of Prohibiting weakening of any law that safeguarded from unfair Trade Practicies.
Now I also find out that Hillary can receive contributions from donors, but that doesn’t mean her vote is against the people. She actually still voted to Cap interest rates to protect citizens from being gouged by Lenders.
OK. This was all just so illuminating. Hillary has been honest and puts her words where her actions are.
But wait. We’re supposed to now believe that Hillary doesn’t care about the voters. That she doesn’t believe in everyone participating in our electoral process. That somehow she thought that votes were to be taken for granted or just come to her without even campaigning. But even Hillary honored the DNC’s wish to not campaign in Florida before the their Primary, because Florida scheduled their Primary before they were supposed to, wasn’t it Hillary who waited for the polls close and go down there to just say thank you, you still matter to me?
“New York Sen. Hillary Clinton thanked Florida voters for their support. “I could not come here to ask in person for your votes, but I am here to thank you for your votes today,” Clinton told a cheering audience “
Isn’t Hillary cris crossing the country (where legal) to reach out to voters, so they can hear what she will do for them and the country as President, regardless that it may not be for getting votes? This week going from Pennsylvania, to Indiana and West Virginia, with a stop in Michigan, continuously talking about her “Solutions for America”, to move us forward. Real issues that are supported by her lifetime of work.
Thank you Hillary, you had me with your Solutions.
cross posted from mydd.com
Is this supposed to be tongue in cheek?
sadly, no. this should have been a clue:
I was puzzled not because I thought it might have been sincere, but because it’s so dry, boring, and unappealing that I thought it might be meant to be the proverbial faint praise that damns.
She showed up to thank the voters?
Hillary’s schedules as First Lady have been released. Finally!
We now know why the Clintons’ resisted, then delayed all efforts to release them – opens ALL those scandals.
It was a co-presidency.
AP She’s caught having a hand in NAFTA
cuts both ways, she’ll likely flag the schedules to bolster her experience. OTOH, she’ll not be able to cherry pick. Those Ohio NAFTA leaflets won’t fly in PA.
Ben Smith: Her schedule for Nov. 10, 1993, shows her speaking at a NAFTA briefing closed to the media, with 120 people expected to attend.
from the Guardian: LINK
lol, oh, you guys are funny…even if you weren’t trying to be.
Oh NO! Hillary was involved with her husband while he was President?
…we need Jack Nicholson to make another video, “STOP THE PRESS”!
…just like folks were trying to claim Al Gore was responsbile for NAFTA because he was Bill Clintons Vice President and he was the one who spoke to Congress and THAT’s what helped it pass.
Always looking else where. I guess that’s how Obama didn’t expect to get linked to his friends for 20 YEARS! (Rezko and Wright)
it hurts to relive, huh?
Hillary started IMMEDIATELY tackling Health Care? Oh no, she should have sat around doing nothing for at least a few months? OMG HOW DARE SHE!(snark)
You mean like Obama’s attack fliers? I know, you just want to ignore truths and keep posting lies. It’s the only way Obama can look better than he really is.
and Obama, his OWN WORDS
Her schedules show she apparently spent a good amount of time pouring tea and serving crumpets too.
All part of the experience, I’m sure.
Ah the Clinton years. We need to note, there’s a difference here. Hillary been touting her foreign policy experience. Monica aside, she can say she was familiar with the goings on in the White House but familiarity is no substitute for experience.
Yes, the Clinton years were some of the best a generation has seen.
What, was Monica the name of aa Foreign Policy program? Being you mentioned her Forgeign policy experience. But, don’t forget, besides all that experience she received working on all different issues while First Lady in the White House, She has been a Senator for over 7 years.
Seriously, wouldn’t it have been nice if the Clinton years had resulted in a Gore presidency? Imagine the good he could have done for the environment in the past 8 years. Instead, the Clintons left the Democratic party in tatters, running away from their positive economic legacy because it was associated with a thick coating of sleaze. They thrive on conflict of the ugliest sort, and draw it to themselves with their actions, IMO.
That’s an INCREDIBLY low bar. The years simply look good in comparison to what preceded it, and what followed. But in a longer span of time, there was nothing particularly special about the Clinton administration. They were competent. They were hardly great.
Sandwiched between the Reagan years and the Bush years, I could have been president and it would have looked good. Yay a “balanced” budget and blacks and gays thrown under the bus. We won’t talk about the practically right-wing policies that actually harmed the country more than helping it…wouldn’t want your head explode.
Besides, are you voting for Hillary or Bill? Or since this will be a 3rd term, does it not matter?
Blacks, and gays, and the poor, and the sick, and people living in the wrong country, and Democratic Congresspeople and Senators, and… Well, basically, anyone who was inconvenient to the Clintons and their crusade for personal power.
Here’s the shortest possible explanation for why the Clintons do not deserve to be returned to power: they had eight years to fix the economic disaster in the making created by Reagan. They did nothing, and even made it worse in many ways. We need another FDR, someone who can take the lead and do what it takes to make things better. Is Obama another FDR? Probably not, but there’s a greater chance that he is than that the Clintons are.
You sure you all aren’t NeoCons…just throwing any old thing, lie, name calling, what ever outh there. This is almost funny reading everything you all are posting.
I see people giving concrete reasons for opposing the Clintons – the policy positions and decisions of the Clinton administration – and then I see you responding to their arguments with name-calling. Perhaps it would be prudent to revisit exactly who is operating out of the neocon play book…
See, this is what bothers me. So many Hillary supporters are so prone to name calling instead of having a reasonable and fact-based discussion. Here you are, calling people you don’t even know NeoCons.
I know it’s been a rough day, maybe you should call it a night before you embarass yourself further.
I did some heavy lifting among friends and family defending slick Bill Clinton. Then came the Monica scandal…and the dot.com bubble bust.
Newsflash for all who hold nostalgia for the Clinton years ..’they were so great, we prospered..’:
The financial meltdown now unfolding, likely to become the Great Depression II, can be laid at Bill Clinton’s feet. Bill Clinton repealed the Glass-Steagall Act allowing the banks – for the first time since the 1930s – to deal off the books in exotic financial weapons of mass destruction; a toxic financial system that created the illusion of a great economy. A shit pile of trillions in debt and the party continued under Bush.
Add to that; NAFTA and we little people on main street got a royal screwing, without a kiss.
Add to all that; the Clintons stood silent as the election was stolen from Gore. Where was Bill? He was dusting off his pants getting ready to cosy up to poppy Bush.
Add to that, this; Billary Clinton gave cover and support to George Bush for the Iraq war. Only to lie years later that they never did!
It’s a long list… but I’ll end with
Bill Clinton’s mine deals
likely one of the reasons the tax returns won’t be released. What are they hiding? Swift-boaters have new fodder.
Gimme a break. It’s time to see the back of the Clintons, – like “a horror film that never ends.”
We’ve seen Hillary’s first executive effort in action – her campaign. And she bungled it as badly as she did national health care when it was entrusted to her.
She’s bright. She’s a hard worker.
But she’s no manager.
And that’s why she is no president, to me.
Recommending because I need a laugh after a rough couple of weeks. The longer this primary goes on, the more amusing it is to watch both sides act like a bunch of 12 year olds.
Knock yourselves out. I appreciate it.
You want another laugh, go check out what the last week has done for Saint Johnny McCain’s poll numbers. 😉
I’m sure he’s giggling his old ass off too.
Me? Expatriate status is looking better and better. trouble is, with little visable means of support, if I want to get off the island it looks like I’l have to backstroke my ass outta here!