We can all see the problem Obama has:

How to deliver the knockout blow to Hillary?

I’d love to hear ideas, but can’t resist putting on my best tinfoil hat and composing a Goldbergian plan to get it done.

I think it’s actually relatively simple. You just put a pick-axe straight through her weakest points.

Among her fatal flaws is being duped when it really counts. Missing the boat on blowjobs, healthcare, and the war are just the big examples. Experience has taught her nothing. Obama should use this.

One off the cuff example of how to exploit this would be to publicly set up a head-to-head ‘off the record’ meeting between Obama and Hillary to discuss setting limits on campaign behavior to protect the party for the duration of the campaign. Coerce her by publicly asking if she believes more in the party or in her own at-all-costs candidacy. Then stiff her, or better yet send Powers, explaining that there was a scheduling conflict. Obama should announce a superdelegate endorsement at the same time instead or maybe visit a VFW.

This would publicly tool Hillary on many, many levels without having to say a word against her.

Just thinkin’..

You guys got any ideas for how the knockout could play out?