For some reason this week, I keep thinking of an old Peanuts cartoon with Lucy saying this:
When you’re feeling down and out,
Lift up your and head and shout:
“Somebody’s going to pay for this!”
Lift up your and head and shout:
“Somebody’s going to pay for this!”
in High School? For an hour a day? Wow. NYT
This made me think about what an intense environment my 13 yr. old lives in everyday.
I’ve told my kids on more than one occasion that middle school is probably the worst it ever gets, and that the real goal is to survive unscathed.
You couldn’t pay me enough to re-live those years. It was like having a job you hated but couldn’t quit.
dies at 89: msnbc
It was just a matter of time…
Man who used to be a woman claims to be five months pregnant
Read on!
Would you believe I was just reading that before you posted it?
go to Chinese news conference to speak out against the lies of the Chnese government: Reuters
In case you’ve forgotten what “restraint” means in Chinese:
of folks offering whole housefuls of stuff for free on Craigslist.
It took thinking about taking someone’s horse for somebody to think maybe something wasn’t quite right here?
Maliki vs Sadr
BASRA, Iraq (AP) – “There is no question that the government of Iran has significant influence in Basra, in the province and in southeastern Iraq in general,” said military spokesman Major General Kevin Bergner.
Witnesses have said the troops are moving into areas controlled by the Mahdi Army of radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr but Bergner said the militia is not being targeted in particular.
“The actions are not against (the Mahdi Army). It is the government of Iraq taking responsibility and acting to deal with criminals on the streets.”
Iraqi troops moved into the city on Tuesday and “will continue to press into neighbourhoods and districts … that are contested,” Bergner said, adding that the US military is not participating beyond playing a liaison role.
The operation, he said, was aimed at improving security in oil-rich Basra province ahead of provincial elections in October.
“The prime minister’s assessement is that without this operation there will not be any hopeful prospect of improving security in Basra,” Bergner said.
SAS man killed during firefight as British troops try to snatch Al Qaeda commander
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
apparently playing hardball with RIM, the makers of the ubiquitous device as part of the negotiations to extend their operating license:
wonder what their deal is with nsa…or if this is a “test”?…whatever it is, the results are going to have far reaching effects.
as an aside, yesterday was the 26th anniversary of the ground breaking for the memorial. it opened in november 1982.
TIRANA, Albania (AP) — Albanian soldiers sifting through the wreckage of an ammunition depot that exploded last weekend found two more bodies, raising the death toll to 21, the military said.
Officials said about 1,000 soldiers and other rescue workers were searching for more victims, and six U.N. experts arrived Friday on a two-week mission to help local authorities with the search and cleanup effort.
The blast March 15 near the capital, Tirana, injured more than 300 people, destroyed 412 homes, damaged 3,800 others and scattered artillery shells over some 15 square miles.
The government has said the blast was accidentally triggered during work to dispose of surplus Communist-era ammunition. Some 1,400 tons of artillery shells were stored at Gerdec. Three people have been arrested on suspicion of negligence.
About 100,000 tons of excess ammunition, comprised largely of Russian and Chinese artillery shells made in the 1960s or earlier, are stored in former army depots across Albania.
NATO members, including the U.S., Canada and Norway, have been helping the Balkan country with the weapons disposal.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Can’t make this stuff up…