I know that polar bears eat people but that’s no reason to sit by idly while their habitat is wiped out. Melting ice caps are a problem for more than just man-eating bears. And there are lots of creatures in the world that kill people that we would rather not see go extinct. But don’t try to tell that to Glenn Beck and the ranking member on the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee, Jim Inhofe.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
I think they’re all part of the Dharma Initiative and don’t want us to find out more about the polar pears.
But seriously, if it was up to tools like Inhofe and Beck, they’d be more than willing to pay $50M for Dick Cheney to accidentally shoot all the polar bears in the face.
Well, yeah, but the trick would be getting the bears to actually apologize to Cheney afterwards…
But the DI was into some heavy shit…they got polar bears to live in the tropics, I’m sure they got some talking ones too.
One out of 3 ain’t bad: it is idiotic, but it ain’t ours and it ain’t discourse. It’s paid whores like Beck who will tell an audience of poor damn fools anything as long as he makes a buck at it. We don’t have discourse in this country except among the 12 people who watch Moyers or Cspan or listen to a few npr shows that are not dedicated to drooling over other peoples’ diseases.
It isn’t that there’s no discourse : the locale has changed. There are a million-and-one blogs with comment threads and blogs where the authors get little feedback. My news blog gets its feedback from the local blogging community – if at all – but the social networking sites are going absolutely wild. Reporters without Borders, for instance, doesn’t have a ‘fixed site’ so much as a distribution model. Lots of the best places are ‘disappeared’ or blacklisted. That has left a great surreptitious community which has hidden packets of online information. YouTube is one hotspot for this.
Try WordPress’ ‘Political’ tag at their login or go to one of the WordPress Political Blogs ( http://chenzhen.wordpress.com/ has a list ).
Anyway, Booman had asked where I had got to with my index after I forgot to say. http://my.opera.com/oldephartte/blog/ a.k.a. Opit’s Linkfest : be sure to note listed subfiles like del.icio.us.
I especially recommend a look at Ten Percent.
So I guess the “Barack the Scary Negro (Sticks it to Whitey)” line isn’t selling like it used to. Time to move on to polar bears. And why not? Knut is all grown up now and trying to eat little German children.
Too bad that polar bears are white.
Fair and Balanced<sup>TM</sup>.
Almost completely OT but a Canadian filker friend of mine occasionally does a song about the polars bears migrating through Churchill, Ontario, called “The Polar Bear Ball”:
OK, so it has absolutely nothing to do with political discouse and should have been in the Frivolous Friday thread, but that’s just the way my mind works sometimes.
What is the rundown on Inhoffe’s future re-election potential? He is one of my favorites to see un-seated via election.
Ah, but doesn’t Senator Inhofe belong to Hillary’s prayer circle? Maybe they pray for the polar bears to die.
I would far rather see an effort made to preserve coral reefs than worry about one species dependent upon a disappearing climate.
Both are symptoms of the same problem. Let’s address the root issue instead of quarreling over which is worthy of salvation.
Who ARE all these people the polar bears have been eating? Since the demise of the Weekly World News, I haven’t been able to keep up with the shocking but true.