Getting right down to brass tacks or basic instincts,the US does not arouse the people of the world any more.

The dollar has gone right down into the toilet.
Hillary Clinton lies with abandon and still can’t get it on with men.

The big US corporations are going down one by one.No one wants to be seen in a US made car.

The world’s cheapest car is now made by an Indian company which,incidentally also owns the Jaguar and Land Rover brands and plans to refurbish their images using its cheap labor.

The world’s biggest steel maker is also an Indian company,Mittal Steel, that produces fully one third of the world’s steel and is on its way to becoming a mammoth steel maker as it enters the market in China.

Even with all its economic woes, the US could have continued its mystique as the sexiest nation on earth if it had maintained some semblance of its open doors policy toward the downtrodden,the Emma Lazarus approach.

It has failed to do so, as the xenophobic racists have seized the day and want to return to the days of Jim Crow.

Even in the areas of high technology,India and China are now racing to become major hubs eclipsing the US.

If this trend continues, the US is likely to become a destination to be avoided at all costs.Give it thirty more years.