There’s more to the Mark Penn-Colombia free trade deal flap. There’s enough hypocrisy to fill up an abandoned mine. It’s a fine cauldron of conflicts.
Sam Stein, Huffpost, highlights:
“On Sunday evening, Sen. Hillary Clinton’s chief campaign strategist, Mark Penn, resigned after it was revealed he was working (on the side) for the passage of a Colombia Free Trade Agreement that his candidate opposed.
But within the Clinton campaign, Penn is not the highest-ranking adviser with financial ties to groups and individuals supporting the passage of the measure.”
There’s Howard Wolfson and then there is Bill Clinton.
So don’t tell me Hillary is unaware. Maybe she misheard, again; – just as she was so surprised over the amount of money ($109 million over 8 years) that she and her husband made since leaving the White House.
Sam Stein: “Bill Clinton’s Ties To Colombia Trade Deal Stronger Than Even Penn’s”
“Former President Bill Clinton has earned hundreds of thousands of dollars speaking on behalf of a Colombia-based group pushing the trade pact, and representatives of that organization tell The Huffington Post that the former president shared their sentiment.
In June 2005, Clinton was paid $800,000 by the Colombia-based Gold Service International to give four speeches throughout Latin America. The organization is, ostensibly, a development group tasked with bringing investment to the country and educating world leaders about the Colombia’s business opportunities.
The group’s chief operating officer, Andres Franco, said in an interview that the group supports the congressional ratification of the free trade agreement and that, when Clinton was on his speaking tour, he expressed similar opinions.
“He was supportive of the trade agreement at the time that he came, but that was several years ago. In the present context, I don’t know what his position would be. It is not only about union trade rights. It is about what benefit or damage it can do to the US economy,” said Franco. “Events with the Clinton campaign [concerning Mark Penn] are not good at all for the trade agreement… Right now it became a campaign issues and that is sad, because it needs to go through.”
They appear to be the first public indication that Clinton has, at least in the past, supported the trade deal. But evidence that the former president has been sympathetic to Colombia’s position is widely known. In 2007, Clinton met personally with and accepted an award from Colombia’s controversial president, Alvaro Uribe, during a time when the country was attempting to improve its image within the United States.
Subsequently, Clinton urged Congress to view the country in a more favorable light.
Moreover, Clinton has helped Frank Giustra, one of the biggest donors to the Clinton Global
Initiative, score meetings with high-ranking Colombian officials. Giustra* has several business interests in the country, and both he and Clinton have collaborated on an effort to fight poverty in developing world by partnering up with mining companies in Colombia and elsewhere.What significance these ties have on the current presidential campaign is debatable. The former president was also a proponent of free trade agreements like NAFTA while in the White House. However, Sen. Clinton, as her campaign has repeatedly noted, has a long-standing opposition to the Colombia deal. And her acceptance of Penn’s resignation (although he will still serve as a campaign adviser) was indicative that she did not approve of his meeting with the Colombia ambassador to the U.S.
“Senator Clinton’s position is clear and unequivocal: She is opposed to the deal,” said campaign spokesman Howard Wolfson.
But the former president is a different type of adviser; one with even more influence than Penn, and one who cannot be pushed out of the campaign. In a hypothetical Clinton administration, his voice would likely hold large sway in policy debates. As such, it is important to note that his ties to the Colombia trade agreement have on several occasions put him at odds with his wife’s stated positions.
And while his take on the trade deal certainly may have changed over the past few years, as recently as ten months ago, the former president was meeting with key players pushing for the trade deal’s passage.
And critics of Colombia’s human rights and labor policies took great exception with the former president’s willingness to ally himself with Uribe.
“It’s clear that President Clinton has a chummy relationship with the Colombian president,” said Lori Wallach, director of Global Trade Watch at Public Citizen, “someone whose administration is under a cloud and under investigation for associations with murderous paramilitaries, and whose administration has seen hundreds of labor unionists assassinated but not prosecuted these crimes, and whose administration has been involved in the forced displacement of thousands of Afro-Colombians.
Having President Clinton be chummy with such a person, and having him be the closest adviser of Senator Clinton, is extremely disconcerting.”
*Bloomberg News note Bill Clinton’s rapid friendship with Giustra and the potential classic conflict of interest here: Clinton Used Giustra’s Plane, Opened Doors for Deals (Correct)
Ben Smith– “There is, of course, a little wiggle room here, and the question of what’s the right formula. In any case, it will be hard to demote Bill Clinton from his role as chief strategist.”
This flap still has legs. Mark Penn, it turns out, only lost his title of chief strategist. Before this piece on Bill Clinton’s ties to the Colombia trade deal broke, Gov. Ed Rendell, (D-PA) called for Clinton to dump Penn altogether.
Mark Penn shouldn’t just be out of his job as chief strategist for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton’s presidential campaign, he should be cut off completely from her operation, one of the senator’s most important supporters says.
Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell told USA TODAY’s Kathy Kiely yesterday that Penn “was just dead wrong” when he took on the job of promoting a trade deal that the Colombian government wants to strike with the USA even though Clinton opposes that trade pact.
So, what about Bill Clinton’s role in the campaign?
but who’s listening to big Ed?
and we all misheard that Penn was shoved, fired or, resigned. Take your pick.
indicative of a pr stunt or do or die loyalties? Whatever.
But then Sam Stein unearthed Bill’s ties… a conflict that’s more difficult to shove away. Bill’s ties should fire up the unions b/c it’s hard work for Hillary to convince they should trust her to ignore Bill’s pleadings.
the duplicity of the entire clinton machine, top to bottom, and the win at all costs self-indulgence is staggering.
unfortunately, that’s the old school way politics is played in this country according to the existing powers that be. perhaps the fear of nothing more that the mere hope that obama brings to the table, that things will change, has addled their minds.
nah…they’ve always been this way.
sex, lies, and video tape will eventually be their legacy.
Arianna Huffington expands on The Clinton-Colombia Connection-It goes back a long way…to his administration and cronies.
do read:
here is a more direct article, Bill Clinton supports free trade with Colombia…; another evil laugh picture too..
And yet several unions are still phone banking and canvassing for Clinton.
No, you can’t separate the policy she says she believes in from the way she doesn’t manage her campaign staff. And now, when Bill is known to have taken tens of thousands of dollars from the union-persecuting Columbian government, how can the unions still support her?
Forget what they say. The Clinton policy is far more business-oriented than Obama’s.
You aren’t voting for a sex, an ethnicity, a pretty face of a big pocket-book. YOu are voting for the folks who will influence government for the next four years.
People of Pennsylvania, it’s all in your hands. We can keep circling the wagons and shooting inward, as we do the “wink, nod” to the corporates, or we can end it in the Keystone State and get on with taking our country back. It’s a heavy burden. Even in my own house, we’ve had endless discussions of Clinton vs. Obama policy documents. But remember, a health care plan is meaningless unless you’ve got a president AND a congress to pass them. And the final document will be negotiated, not imposed.
So it’s time to take the blinders off.
the unions – Teamsters and SEIU are not fooled. Bill’s Columbia trade deal ties is gaining wide exposure
Clinton had an opportunity to join with Obama and Dodd last year in protesting the Colombia FT deal, but didn’t:
great but she has opposed the deal, her opposition is firm. Never mind hubby, even under sniper fire.
Health care plan
It is refreshing to read someone who recognizes that Congress will play a major role in whatever reform we achieve. I have put this in nearly every blog discussion I participate in. It would also be nice if we revisited how the Clintons tried to do it the first time: secretly and without involvement of the then-Democratic congress. This couple simply doesn’t know how to play things straight and openly. It’s the same old wine, not even in new bottles.
Thanks Heart-of-the-Rockies for that “Cloud over AIR BUBBA” NYPost article link… I cited below.
You are most welcome. We seem to be in the same channel on a lot of things. I will pay closer attention to your diaries and feed things to you as they become available.
Nov. 19, 1993 – President Clinton said Nafta was the “defining” moment for America. I doubt that, but after the moral debacle of the Nafta debate, Seattle certainly will help “define” the Clinton Administration. Is it recasting itself in the Bushbaker mold — tough guy, power pol, cash register uber alles? Or does the Administration remember the title of that Clinton-Gore campaign book, “Putting People First”?
Hillary Clinton Woos the Outsourcers that Workers Fear
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
LITTLE ROCK Nov. 1992 – Perhaps no single overall economic event could do more to help the economy, businesses and society as a whole than a drop in long-term interest rates, Greenspan said. The Fed didn’t control them — the market did. But credible action to reduce the federal deficit would force long-term interest rates to drop, as the markets slowly moved away from the expectation of inflation, and could trigger a series of payoffs for the economy.
Clinton was so sincere and attentive that Greenspan continued. He outlined a blueprint for economic recovery. Lower long-term rates would galvanize demand for new mortgages, refinancing at more favorable rates and more consumer loans. This would in turn result in increased consumer spending, which would expand the economy.
As long-term rates dropped, investors would get less return on bonds and move into the stock market instead. The market would climb — an additional payoff. The federal deficit was so high and cumulatively unstable, Greenspan said, that increased government spending to increase jobs — in accordance with the traditional Keynesian model — no longer worked. The economic growth from deficit reduction could actually increase employment — a critical third payoff.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Clinton, aided by Robert Rubin went on to sign the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act – removing the prohibition that allowed banksters a free reign to indulge in risky fraudulent investment products.
Sure gave us the illusions of prosperity. Only few got rich and as always the middle class pays the tab.
Now Greenspan attempts to protect his sorry reputation and the Clintons continue their crass pursuit of money and power.
Clintons are now among the 14,500 richest people in the country.
Continuing the Bloomberg Guistra article, A full expose here: CLOUD OVER AIR BUBBA
(HT:Heart of the Rockies)
Nothing like a charity to take away some of the smell eh? Ya know the joke, “please donate it to my favorite charity, ME.” Set up a charity, avoid taxes and biz expenses.
Just imagine Hillary Clinton as the standard bearer in November? New scandals will pop.
So they demote Penn (but still pay him the same amount? Anyone asked?) just to distract people from Bill’s involvement? Will that work?
By the campaign’s accounting Penn is owed millions so he’s still tied. What is puzzling; he was demoted over the trade flap but his advice is considered valuable. This is good news – not much will change during the remaining primary and certainly not enough time for PA.
But TIME notes The Mark Penn Factor
HRC should ask Al Gore
With two weeks to go Hillary’s 20-point lead got a major snip.
New SVP PA Poll: Item 11 – Clinton leads Obama by only 5-points.
Clinton 47%
Obama 42%
SIEU is walking the streets next weekend. If the truckers plackard their semis, the word could get out. Pennsylvanians are conservative, but not oblivious.
Penn has not been demoted in any meaningful sense.