Any thoughts on the news of the day?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
from the little bits and pieces of the Petraeus Crocker testimony I heard, read.. the gents received a polite reception but the hard question of the day was
Define Success? and they couldn’t.
TPM has the clips – Obama: Define Success
Late in the day, Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) got his chance to query Petraeus and Crocker. Text here
so how did he do?
Colombia and WJC
How did he travel to Columbia in June 2005? Giustra’s plane it appears.
thanks for that link. My diary is up on Bill’s Colombia ties-Guistra connection
btw, his other friend, Burkle’s plane is called “Air Force Two.”
And I heard that there was some kind of real estate deal called “Whitewater”.
Maybe there should be a special prosecutor.,7340,L-3083,00.html
So much for them. They are so done.
Nothing is funnier than seeing a wanker expose Joe Klein for wanking.
The stupid really hurts. Look at the comment thread. The absolute best comedy.
Holy hell. Thanks for the perspective, Boo.
I keep having to be reminded that there’s a solid group of our own that believe that if a Black man fails, he was destined to do so because he is only just another member of the lowest and most despised caste of our society, but if he succeeds it will always be because he is a member of the luckiest and most socially benefited group of people on Earth.
Having said that, there’s people who apply that line of thinking to plenty of other races, creeds, both genders, sexual orientations, and what have you.
They’re bigoted assholes, too.
holy shit.
that is fucking hilarious.
those comments are priceless.
I don’t even know which one is the best.
Perhaps the one that starts with “he’s not very smart.”
that one nearly killed me I laughed so hard.
I was really disturbed by the comments I read. All the while, they’re saying words like “ego” and “confident” etc. and I’m thinking they want to say “Uppity Negro” but they’re trying to find a way to pretend they’re not really a bunch of racists. But then one of them says “uppity,” apparently not even realizing what’s going on in the conversation because they feel so comfortable in the environment. Of course, no one calls them out on it.
Why did I even go there and read their vile shit? I’m just disgusted with it all. But these people WILL vote for him in the general. They will. They’re just getting all of their racist bile out now. So I guess I should forgive them… but it’s hard. It really pissed me off. I didn’t find it funny at all.
I think the guy/gal who said “uppity” was actually defending Obama, to be fair. Or were you talking about other instances?
Really, I find most of the Clinton supporters in the blogosphere not really racists but rather pretty sexist people who, seeing Hillary lose (after compromising with themselves to support her as a woman), are lashing out with ugly language. If they weren’t attacking Obama as “uppity,” they’d be hinting at Edwards being “faggy,” or at Richardson being fat, or at Biden being old.
This will be nowhere near the worst of it. It’s going to have to be the Jackie Robinson campaign. “Don’t hit’em or yell back at’em when they shout ‘N***!’ in St Louis. Just go to second base and remember the payoff will be worth it.” And it should be that way. The point is to prove that the country is better than those people deserve.
Laugh at them. They’ll be the old people sitting in the cafe someday, looking around saying to themselves, “My ass is twitching. You people make my ass twitch.”
Daily kos and mydd is already brainwashed, they banned most critics of Israel already!
Breaking: Daily Kos to visit Sderot, Israel
by another American
I was dismayed at today’s news that AMD is firing some 1600 employees, or 10% of its workforce. My measly few shares of stock, purchased some years ago, is worth not quite 1 third of its former value.
I’m afraid AMD is unable to hang with Intel. If you speak to the typical computer buyer, I submit that virtually all of them will know of Intel and be inclined to buy an Intel-run computer. Most don’t know AMD. When the whole Core Duo thing was launched, I thought they might be in trouble.
A 10% workforce cut is pretty steep. Where are their plants? The Southwest?
I’m not sure where their plants are, headquarters are in Texas I believe. My experience with their products has been that they are now virtually interchangeable with Intel in terms of basic performance. But I’ve been disappointed so many times when I thought that AMD was going to jump ahead of Intel for a bit. It just never works out for them.
Well, I do think they were ahead for some time (when they first introduced the Athlon 64 x2), but Intel’s 45nm processors smoke all of the new AMD processors. I currently have an Athlon 64 x2 6000+ in my desktop, but when I upgrade in a couple of years, barring any breakthroughs, I’ll be building an Intel-based computer.
That was my experience as well, but one thing Intel has that AMD does not is effective advertising. We all know that little noise that tells us, “Ah, Intel Inside.” Psi may be right that the 45nm ones smoke AMD. (The extent of my computer knowledge is essentially turning my iMac on and using software. It works, so I nod along.) There’s a comfort level with Intel, I think. “Okay, it’s got an Intel chip. Intel, very good, I buy.”
In fact, AMD can actually be a bit confusing. Oftentimes I’ll see on the stickers, “AMD 6xxx,” and I’ll think, “Okay, wtf? How many GHz is that?” It’s not readily apparent in many cases.
All that said, I have an old iBook with one of those awful PowerPC chips in it. AMD can’t be that bad.
Clock speed isn’t as important anymore…the focus is more on how many cores you can fit into the CPU, etc…basically makes multitasking a hell of a lot faster.
Depends a great deal on what you’re doing, though, doesn’t it? If you’re making movies, the cores are critical. But if you’re playing games, it’s not as important. Oui?
True…the latest breakthrough (to 45nm, down from 65nm) is that it makes it easier to cram a lot more transistors onto the chip. Which, presumably makes things happen faster.
I can’t be certain, though…my uber-geek days are long behind me, and I haven’t kept up as much with technology. 🙂
There’s another breakthrough on the horizon with something about graphics processors being much more powerful than cpus, isn’t there? Some kind of convergence. There’s also apparently some advantage to the basic idea of Intel’s integrated graphics that’s supposed to allow it to start producing stuff that’s far more powerful than even NVidia’s current top-of-the-line stuff.
AMD is based in Silicon Valley, in the beautiful city of Sunnyvale, about 2 miles from my house.
according to the San Jose Mercury News only 1000 of the total 16000 employees are local, no comments on where the layoffs would be.
I’ve always been partial to AMD and am running one now. In fact I think there are only a couple of Intel processors in our house’s computer farm, and those because the computers were donated to us.
Part of this has to be anticipation of a slowdown in computer sales, though, which doesn’t bode well for those of us working in software.
I think it’s almost undoubtedly the case that there will be a slowdown in sales here, and I certainly wouldn’t bank on Europe, since the housing bubble is about to put some of those countries (Britain, Ireland, Spain, etc) in the poor house for quite a while. But those markets are largely saturated. Asia is the big question mark. If China and others would cut the crap and let the damned currencies appreciate, we’d probably scoot by with a much milder recession. It’ll come back to bite them eventually, but life would be a lot easier if we could clear these imbalances.
I don’t know about Asia, but I was reading the other day that Canadian officials don’t expect the loonie to stay on par with the greenback for very long. They were talking like it would be down to 90 cents US by the end of the year and in the low 80s sometime next year. I wish I’d made note of the link or could even remember where I saw it (I think it was on a CBC website, but I’m not sure).
If so I hope it’s because the US dollar is rebounding against the world’s currencies as a whole and not because the world is bullish on the Canadian dollar at the moment.
via TPM:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi calls for broad review of Nomination process:
Reduce number of superdelegates and their oversized influence in choosing the Democratic Party’s nominee.
Amen. Certainly no one who isn’t an elected official should be one. The fact that Clinton has built a lead among supers primarily by a bunch of unelected bigwigs is among the more offensive facts of this race.
Elected officials or elected officials emeritus. I don’t have any real problem with people like Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, former House speaker Tom Foley, etc. being superdelegates, but it seems kinda odd to have party bigwigs be supers. Seems like they should go up through the process like the rest of us.
Is Petraeus doodling during the first cutaway from Obama?
I found this to be mostly depressing; I think Obama’s got it right in terms of the notion of an acceptable mess. But it’s a bummer.
It only costs $500 to rent the UC Davis marching band. That seems like a bargain to me. Think about it. There’s a lot of people in a marching band – highly trained musicians even if they are still in college. Plus the ability to march and
chew gumplay at the same time. It really seems a reasonable price.Or maybe they gave Bill Clinton a discount.
Not sure about UC Davis. If it were FAMU, it’d be a steal at twice the price.
back in the day, you could get the Stanford band for sandwiches and a keg. Although we’ve never mastered the “march and play at the same time” thing.
the Davis band has some really good rock and roll tunes, even some they didn’t steal from Stanford.
the Stanford band is held to an entirely different standard.
at the :26 to :28 time in the clip you can see a tuba player, back of the frame, right hand side. I’m pretty sure that’s me.