Anybody else watching the Olbermann post-debate?
Main ABC switchboard: 212-456-7777
Tell ABC how you feel about this here.
Anybody else watching the Olbermann post-debate?
Main ABC switchboard: 212-456-7777
Tell ABC how you feel about this here.
When even Howard Fineman thinks it was a game of 5 on one on Obama tonight, you know it’s bad.
Everybody thinks the debate was like National Enquirer for the first half, don’t they?
Tabloid. Tabloid. Tabloid.
I would be very surprised if Obama ever agreed to another ABC debate. They blew it.
i agree it was like reading magazine covers at the checkout line;
Any questions on Obama snorting coke in the back of his limo with his gay lover? Or is the MSM going easy on him again?
I take it this show is not being live streamed. LOL
It’s on MSNBC. I don’t know if they live-stream, but they might. Anyone know?
Not live, I think – am watching this now:
nevermind, not it.
Yeah I watched the link and said WTF? LOL
sorry 🙂
So, let me get this straight… Did they just manage to take the front-runner, gang up on him, and give him his underdog advantage back?
people see thru all of it.
and Americans are very caring for the underdog.
Yo America, Yes We Can Baracky
Shit, I can tell just from reading the blogs.
Even Atrios has the ABC phone number up: 212-456-7777
4000 comments + on ABC some very unhappy campers over there.
let me repost Jonah Goldberg
And Gibson had the gall to complain as he was heckled by the crowd.
Christ, I suppose Stay-on-top-of-this wants back in the WH.
reflection is great. Let a few days pass. so far from what I’m hearing reading across the spectrum, in the eyes of colleagues and their viewers, ABC got diminished.
They blew it.
I’m so glad I decided to take my wife ut to dinner at a fine restaurant to night rather than live-blog the debate. Decided to check in when we got home, and my premonition was validated. Anyone who thinks that network TV will give a balanced set of questions to Democratic candidates is dreaming in technicolor. Their bottom line depends on fooling the people into thinking that most of them make $97,000 a year, or something close to it.
You are watching the truly terrible truth of America tonight. This isn’t a country anymore. It’s a bunchy of people who exist for the benefit of a handful of very rich people who didn’t give a shit about anyone but themselves and their heirs.
I suppose the upside of this is that no Democratic candidate will accept debate under such terms for the general election. The other upside is that they got exposed to the full weight of MSM-GOP talking points tonight. The American people got exposed to the truth of their society, and where they stand in it.
Good night and good luck.
Their bottom line depends on fooling the people into thinking that most of them make $97,000 a year, or something close to it.
So when does Charlie pick up his check from the RNC?
He is just a stupid, preening, bitch. And no, the glasses don’t make him look smart.
More wine, please. And then I’m hittin’ the hay.
So we have Stupid, Preening Bitch and Little Bitch launching a big hit job on Obama.
I’m really stunned. The whole blogosphere has exploded over this.
can we please chill with calling people bitches. I’m pissed too, but please.
My apologies to you and the pond. I just really hate him, and sickens me that the arrogant @#$%!^&! is considered a “journalist.”
I just hope I don’t get kicked out. 🙂
You know, I mentioned to my mom when I was visiting her a couple weeks ago that SocSec would be solved by just making the people who make salaries over 100k pay the same payroll tax as the rest of us. My mom called me a Red. So I guess my question is if there was an 82 year-old woman up there cracking on Obama?
I checked out the comments thread over on the ABC News blog. There are 5111 responses at the moment, and the great majority of them are blistering attacks on ABC’s handling of the debate.
A review of reactions to the Travesty
Thanks for the link. I just added my comment to the 5344 over at abc.
Make that 5584. WOW.
Pat Buchanan would have done a better job and did do an important follow-up on Olbermann.
By what authority can Hillary hike a security umbrella over the Middle East?
So … dare I ask what I missed?
Put it this way: even Jonah Goldberg noticed what a travesty it was.
Save your time and just read Nationl ENquirer the next time you go grocery shopping. It was garbage.
Sorry about all the typos, my laptop keyboard is on its way out.
The funny thing is that I didn’t notice any typos until you pointed them out. Obviously proofreading isn’t my thing.
I think I’ll just read the reviews in the morning papers 🙂
I would have been mildly disgusted and or disappointed, but I would of had to have a high opinion of this debate in the first place.
We shouldn’t even be having Democratic Primary debates at this point. Obama should be free and clear of this mess, attacking McSame’s idiotic “economic plan” and Dubya’s lame-ass “Yeah we’ll get around to maybe thinking about stopping growth of greenhouse gas emissions in two decades” bullshit. He should be going after the Bush Administration and their failure on Iraq and their admission to war crimes as “principals” discussing open torture of human beings for crissakes.
Most of all Hillary should be back in Washington doing something useful in the Senate like blocking FISA or kicking Jeff Sessions in the shins or something.
Why are we even having debates between Democrats at this point? For the love of god, we’re facing financial ruin, global chaos, an unwinnable quagmire and we have an admitted war criminal in the White House!
And we’re ATTACKING EACH OTHER instead of the people we should really be expending our outrage upon.
What is it going to take, folks?
They’ve been down for almost 10 minutes now. I’ve sent and email, I posted an entry on my blog…I’m utterly disgusted that that was a debate. Man, they could have reran two Love Boat episodes and it would have had more substance.
only the early seasons. The last couple of seasons were CRAP.
Are you telling me that the Love Boat without Julie and when Gopher and the Doc were nothing more than two bumbling fools was worse than this debate?
I always liked the episodes with Very Special Guest Charo.
no, but both were too painful to watch.
OT: When Fred Thompson was jumping into the race and everyone was speculating about how his recent made-for-TV-movie roles gave him an edge on looking presidential to the electorate, I couldn’t help thinking of the Love Boat. I especially love the song, Isaac’s Lament by Uncle Bonzai:
Okay, sorry for the diversion, back to the reality of the quality press coverage of this evening’s debate.
Sorry, but I’ve been sour on The Love Boat ever since my sister taped an episode of Love Boat over a copy of Casablanca that I’d pulled off the air in the days of $50 VHS movies.
But having said that, our granddaughter is so outgoing and social and takes charge of any activity she finds herself in that we have referred to her as “Mitzi, your cruise director.” (Name changed to protect the innocent.)
we were all traumatized by Love Boat in out own way.
But the first season of Fantasy Island was to die for.
dude, I have a fantasy I want Mr. Roarke to fulfill: charlie gibson and george stephanopoulos have to eat each other alive.
can you make that happen?
I started a face book group. Democrats Disgusted With ABC