Let me tell you something left-coasters. Take your blood pressure medication, open a bottle of chab-lis, or something much stronger, and prepare to throttle your rage. And let us poor bastards that have already witnessed this travesty know how you are handling the pain.
Update [2008-4-16 23:7:6 by BooMan]: Check out the end of the debate.
I’m watching SpongeBob SquarePants.
you are a wise man/woman.
That will definitely be more educational.
Man, I wish live video streaming didn’t exist. Trust me, fellow PST-ers: NOT WORTH IT. Here’s a summary:
-Hillary flails and is intolerable
-She lashes out at Obama
-Obama flails and it is painful to watch
-The moderators are complete fucking assholes
-They might as well have asked Karl Rove to moderate
You could get a similar effect by taking a brillo pad to your eyeballs.
Um, not to overstate the case or anything.
Gee…I’ve spent most of the 9 years we’ve been married wallowing in politics and he’s hated it. All of a sudden, he’s Mr. Political Pundit and wrapped up in it all. He used to complain every time I turned a debate on and now he wants to watch something I’ve told him sucked? What is this world coming to?
Just wait for the Ayers question. Then down five shots, and with any luck you’ll be out like a light. I can not believe Hillary took advantage of the Ayers question. And by the look on Obama’s face when Hillary took up the Ayers buffoonery, he couldn’t believe it either.
Speaking of William Ayers, did anyone read Carl Oglesby’s RAVENS IN THE STORM? It was about the SDS in the sixties, and was not particularly kind to Bernadine Dorhn, his wife. Not completely off-topic, but some of the Weather Underground seemed to be doing the work of The Man in marginalizing progressive people who were against the war.
In the current world of politics you just have to have someone disreputable stand next to a candidate or say something nice about a candidate. Then you’ve got your gotcha. Where’s John Wayne Gacy when you need him to show up at your fundraiser?
When I asked about conflict of interest with Georgie-boy? This debate is exactly why. I was sure that it was going to be something along these lines.
It was a travesty.
Josh Marshall: Reject and denounce
I was so wrong when I answered you earlier. This was pathetic. You would have thought George and Charlie both were auditioning to be Hillary’s press secretary.
I’m watching the latest John Adams episode. I sent my complaint to ABC, and what I’ve seen of the debate appears absolutely disgusting. Amazing level of disgusting.
I’m going to hold onto the fantasy that PA voters watching tonight took away that Obama was so dumped on, that the questions so out of touch with what they wanted to find out about their candidates that 2 things happen: that they realize just how out of touch and stupid the pundits are and that they say ‘hey, Obama knows what it’s like to be a victim, I just saw it for myself’ and he’s my guy!
How come no one gave the Obama camp the heads up on the questions concerning the weathermen, since it was being discussed hours before the debate. I was reading how stefenopolussy got questions from vanity, & that was earlier today.
I couldn`t watch the debate but did watch KO`s post debate show.
In the update with the clip from the end of the debate, what is the crowd shouting at Gibson?? From the look on his face Snuffilufigus seems to know they just really pissed off the public.
They deserved much worse than heckling.
If we’re so damned elite in San Francisco, why didn’t we get the debate live?
You were expected to jet in from the coast, dahlink.
I just took out my displeasure by donating $25 to Obama and they have a match going on for contributions, Next a hop over to BooMan with some coin to say thank you.
When Senator Obama becomes president, I hope that before he restores the Constitution and by ending the Bush Administration policy of basically pissing on it, he uses the current suspension of civil liberties to shut ABC News down. And to shoot the wonderful moderators.
Ship these dipshits off to Guantanimo Bay, tell the staff that they’re suspected terrorists, then just forget about the place.
I just turned it off. Couldn’t do it anymore. My dinner was too fresh in my system and it was barking for an encore after hearing the antagonist call for a “Read My Lips” pledge against taxes. Looks like Faux got their debate after all
Oh sure, take the easy way out.
my liver will thank me later.
actually, it will probably he your heart that thanks you.
I’m with Manee. My daughter had about five minutes of this travesty on, the part where they were hitting him over the head with the flag lapel pin non-issue before moving on to the William Ayers non-issue. She finally decided she’d rather watch a Lou Diamond Philips/Lee Majors/Ernest Borgnine movie over on Hallmark. That she’d seen before. And though it was mediocre the first time.
Me, I’m in here, practicing the banjo, reading the tubes, and for once thanking $DEITY that I couldn’t find the remote for the bedroom TV.
And if you wanna ice this putrid cake, then go check out the Hillaryfan blogs (Corrente, Open Left, et al.), and gasp in horror at their take on it–“what a great debate! Hillary kicked teh ASS!”
Jeebusfugginchrist, even Jonah Goldberg thought ABC was carrying water for GOP talking points.
we are SO fucked.
Over 8000 comments at ABC’s site about this debate probably 20 very negative toward the hosts to the 1 supportive (Go Hillary!) post.
ABC really fucked up. An apology is in order. I wonder if they will give one?
They’re probably looking at their sitemeter going, “Wow! We got some hits!”. They’ve never cared about the reaction of the American public, specifically Democrats, so why would they start now?
It is NOT pretty over there in comment-land, and I fervently hope that the manifested disgust keeps these yokels from hosting a general election debate. What viewer is going to waste their time after this shitty performance?
Moderators on a panel or debate absolutely MUST NOT be tied to any side or participant lest you get injustice. There is a reason why Justice carries a scale! (Of course, if Lady Justice was there, she’d have taken her sword and skewered the hosts for being lackey water-carriers for fox propagandists.)
It also took 4 tries and lots of hoop-jumping to register and post. Even so, I worked hard not to use anything which could be considered profanity. Typing with my fingers tied… to avoid suggesting burying the moderators in their bullshit.
I’m mostly frustrated at the total waste of resources. here you have both candidates in front of viewers watching every word and gesture and an entire boatload of worthy topics to choose from: The environment. The economy. The Constitution. International relations. The out-of-control wars. Presidential issues that also affect each and every one of us who buys gas, breathes the air, frets over a friend shipped off to war for the umpteenth deployment, or simply worries about what happened to America and the institutions we value. Tieing the job of the President to matters that affect dinner table conversation not only enlightens the electorate, but gets them motivated to vote… and isn’t THAT one of the purposes of these debates?
Anyway, my comment to ABC:
What a load of truly trivial triiiiiipe!
This country is engaged in torture, illegal wars of occupation, and has an international reputation as a rogue… all authorized at the highest levels of the Administration… what are the candidates going to do about restoring honor to America?
We are living in the beginnings of a Police State, with domestic surveillance, data-mining, secret NSA letters and secret Executive Orders, mercenaries patrolling New Orleans while the citizens are forced to give up their guns, FEMA building concentration camps, a corrupted judiciary, and our rights to habeas corpus and fair trials stripped at the word and whim of a boy king… what are the candidates going to do to restore the Constitution and Rule of Law to America?
Our economy is in the tank, the infrastructure is crumbling, people are losing homes and jobs at an ever-increasing rate, prices for basic foodstuffs are skyrocketing… while the current Administration spends billions of dollars a month on no-bid-contracts to the corporate war profiteers… but these media moderators are concerned about flag pins and other ephemera??? And one of them is a old-time Clintonite? Bias stinks.
This debate could have been productive. Instead, it was a double heaping of raw compost. Ask real questions about real problems!!! And get some real moderators with no ties to either/any candidate!
Alex P. KeatonGeorgie-S an Oompa Loompa or is Gibson like Andre the Giant?I finally figured out my debate question!
How do they get the M’s on M&M’s?