We are all related!
It isn’t too late. We still have time to recreate and change the value system of the present. We must! Survival will depend on it. Our Earth is our original mother. She is in deep labor now. There will be a new birth soon! The old value system will suffer and die. It cannot survive as our mother earth strains under the pressure put on her. She will not let man kill her.
The First Nation’s Peoples had a value system. There were only four commandments from the Great Spirits:
1.Respect Mother Earth
2.Respect the Great Spirit
3.Respect our fellow man and woman
4.Respect for individual freedom
We must all stand together as a force of love. Be united NOW. There is only one way. Communication. Knowledge. Arm yourself with truth, love and perseverence. Extend your family. Join with others in giving. We are all related. People of the earth take back your heritage. I am not speaking of skin color or religion. Our heritage is this earth… Our heritage is also extended beyond this earth into the heavens where the spirit once lived before our birth into this world. You are bound to both
Borrowed from http://www.greatdreams.com/native.htm
It has been a very enlightening time for me over these last 20 months of inner exploration. I have worked through a horrendous amount of PTSD and feel a freedom that I have never known before.
I have seen our Earth Mother respond to the systematic destruction of her life giving essence. I feel that one day, if human beings don’t gain the understanding of what is offered above, she will wipe the slate clean and start again.
I wish for all to know the joys that life has given me and keeps giving me. I wish only for Peace, Prosperity and Joy for all my brothers and sisters.
Thank you all once again for allowing me to be a part of your life. Remember we are all Human Beings and we can disagree without being disagreeable.
Mitakuye Oyasin
thanks for sharing your words, friend. great to see you here and to read that you have found some inner-freedom. paz
Thank you Man Eegee, great to see you again, Life is good and I am feeling better all the time.
I’m gladly seconding what Manny said-great to see you ghostdancers way.
Thank you Chocolate Ink, wonderful to see you again too, I hope all is well with you also.
beautifully written, and heartfelt.
it is a pleasure to see your return and to hear that you have found joy again.
be well…peace and blessings to you and yours my friend.
Thank you dada, also wonderful to see you here too. May we all know the joys and peace to come in our near future.
Ghostdancers way – it’s wonderful to see you here, read your words and learn that you’ve found a measure of peace. Have thought of you often.
Thank you Olivia, Great Spirit has brought me great peace.
Wow, this is a week for returning friends. Very nicely done, Gw. Welcome back.
Boran2, thank you also for the warm welcome.
I had the very same thought. Welcome back indeed!
Thank you, so glad to see you too.
We are all related. We all breath the same air. We all bleed the same color.
Budr, very well stated and ubuntu provides the same meaning only from another culture, as we are indeed all related.
GDW!! It’s so good to see you here brother! I’m glad to hear you ae working through it all and you haven’t let ’em grind you down.
I hope this means we’ll be seeing more of you. We can always use good people here.
My brother, thank you so much, my goal is to start writing again.
Not much to add from what everyone else have been saying.
Great to see your handle again and I’m glad to see this:
..my goal is to start writing again.
Thank you, it is so nice to see you again, I am hopeful that what I feel will flow into words that will bring some joy into our world.
I look forward to it!
I’m looking forward to it. I’ve always enjoyed your diaries. Welcome back.
to all that cross your path. Your wisdom and tranquility bring joy to me. Peace and hope to read more of your words brother spirit guide.
Thank you for your kindness, removing our Dear Leader would be kindness to the world. I enjoy your name very much.
you are welcome.
Thanks booman, it is nice to be back
GDW – what a wonderful surprise to see your words again. It’s been a long time. Thank you for dropping in, and please stay a while!
What a pleasure to see you again. Thank you for the warm welcome.
GDW, what a delight to see you back in this neck of the woods! And even more to see that you are doing so well.
Thank you, it is always a pleasure to see you again. I am feeling alive and well and looking forward to enjoying the pleasure of writing again.
GW!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!! How very good it is to see you once again, my Friend! Many hugs to you. You have been missed. Yes, it is soooooo very good to have that inner peace within ones heart. Mother earth is to be treasured and she will give back in many ways,to the East, North, South, and to the West, she is all so giving.
I am so very pleased to see you back here and to know that you are safe and sound, in mind and heart…HUGS
it is wonderful to see you again too, thank you for the hugs.
Inspiring as ever … great diary GDW!
I hope that Infidelpig’s “The Two Wolves Within“, will help all of us in our cause. To bring forth the best that we have to offer in this struggle to regain our country from the Worshippers of power and money. We must continue to feed the wolf of patience, principle, ethics and tolerance in order to achieve our goal of eliminating the corruption and moral degradation that has permeated our country’s government. I offer to you these guiding principles as a means to an end, a way to achieve a balance and harmony within the life you lead today.
… and many inspiring comments from BooMan’s community.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Thank you so much, I hope to we hear from Infidel, he always brings such insight into the conversation.
Thank you for this beautiful post, my dear friend. It is wonderful to see you back here again.
I am glad to see you and thank you for the welcome back.
to the many-part harmony delightedly welcoming your return.
Another voice that I am happy to hear from.
Good morning Ghostdancers_Way,
It’s good to see you again. I recall that you were running for or considering running for a local public office before you took time away from here,
How did that turn out? And how did that experience affect your opinion about politics, local or in general, if you don’t mind my asking?
I did not run, my illness made that impossible, but I have a new and improved outlook on life and happiness, joy and peace are at the center of it. I see life in a new perspective.
First things first.
Then you can re-take on the entrenced power. Good to know you’re outlook is centered where it can do the most good; for you and your family first of all.
Welcome back, ghostdancers way and thank you for your wise words.
Thank you, always a pleasure to see you.
I was delighted to wake up and discover your words this morning my friend. So good to see you back on these pages.
Yes we are all related.
Peace and love!
always such a joy to see you, thank you for the warm welcome.
Welcome back my friend. As others have said, it is indeed a pleasure to read your words here once more!
I am glad to see you too, always a joy reading your insights.
Not many ways left to say “Welcome back!” that haven’t already been posted, but please allow me to join the chorus.
Best wishes!
Thank you, also very happy to see you here.
Thank you so much, Ghostdancers_way . Your wonderful words and wisdom bring back memories of the Ghost Dance I attended in Montana in 1998. It was a tremendous learning and healing experience for me and I am so thankful that I was able to attend.
Please know that that there are many of us out here who are kindred spirits and are working hard to overcome the disrespect of Mother Earth, the Great Spirit, our fellow humans and our individual freedoms. Those of us who have decided to follow the way of love & respect that makes the most sense and reject the worship of self and materialism that poison Western Culture seek out individuals of like mind. It is always a wonderful connection to find our brothers & sisters across racial and cultural divides.
Dear Ghostdancers_way, please know much love is being sent your way to heal the trauma that disturbs your life. Thank you for being there & thank you for your contribution to this community.
Great Spirit has placed another spirit in my life, thank you so much for your kindness.