I have never before reposted another person’s blog article, but I am going to make an exception here. Check out the videos on this link. (Originally posted on Political Fleshfeast)

I suppose…I hope…that at least some of you  you have already realized how deeply the fix is really in, but at least the following shows that there are some people…a conservative tech geek, of all things (a brilliant one, most obviously, and stubborn as a mule besides)…who are not afraid to speak clearly about what’s going on.

Since I do not have time to wrestle with BooTrib’s cranky old blogcode system, I am simply going to refer you to the YouTube site where these 8 videos reside. If you have any interest whatsoever in what is really going on here in Digital Amerikkka, I strongly suggest that you go there and look at them.

The Spoonamore videos

Read on for Spoonamore’s credits and cometman’s short statement..

Conservative GOP member Stephen Spoonamore tells what he knows about our current voting system in the following series of videos.  Here’s his bio from the Linkedin website:

Stephen Spoonamore’s Summary

20 years experience in most aspects of High Technology facility construction, retrofits, upgrades and equiping. Experience in real-time, extreme high volume, encyrpted and networked communications systems for Banks, TV, Telco, EMS, Military and other uses. Delivered projects in over 50 countries, several earth orbits, one Mars mission, but no projects to date in Antarctica. Served as co-founder/CEO of Creative Production Resources Group for 6 years. 15+years in NYC, currently based in DC.

Stephen Spoonamore’s Specialties:

Media/Communications systems, Digital Identity and Authentication Systems, Digital Imagery Systems, Sensor Nets, Intrusion Detection Systems, Electronic Countermeasures, Industrial Minerals, Credit Card Processing, Bank IT Systems, EMS-com – Emergency Management Systems Communications.

I really have nothing to add to these videos except that after watching them, you may want to stop using your credit cards too.

**All eight videos are part of the same interview.  I wasn’t able to find one longer video containing the whole thing.  Please take the time to watch them all.