I have never before reposted another person’s blog article, but I am going to make an exception here. Check out the videos on this link. (Originally posted on Political Fleshfeast)
I suppose…I hope…that at least some of you you have already realized how deeply the fix is really in, but at least the following shows that there are some people…a conservative tech geek, of all things (a brilliant one, most obviously, and stubborn as a mule besides)…who are not afraid to speak clearly about what’s going on.
Since I do not have time to wrestle with BooTrib’s cranky old blogcode system, I am simply going to refer you to the YouTube site where these 8 videos reside. If you have any interest whatsoever in what is really going on here in Digital Amerikkka, I strongly suggest that you go there and look at them.
Read on for Spoonamore’s credits and cometman’s short statement..
Conservative GOP member Stephen Spoonamore tells what he knows about our current voting system in the following series of videos. Here’s his bio from the Linkedin website:
Stephen Spoonamore’s Summary
20 years experience in most aspects of High Technology facility construction, retrofits, upgrades and equiping. Experience in real-time, extreme high volume, encyrpted and networked communications systems for Banks, TV, Telco, EMS, Military and other uses. Delivered projects in over 50 countries, several earth orbits, one Mars mission, but no projects to date in Antarctica. Served as co-founder/CEO of Creative Production Resources Group for 6 years. 15+years in NYC, currently based in DC.
Stephen Spoonamore’s Specialties:
Media/Communications systems, Digital Identity and Authentication Systems, Digital Imagery Systems, Sensor Nets, Intrusion Detection Systems, Electronic Countermeasures, Industrial Minerals, Credit Card Processing, Bank IT Systems, EMS-com – Emergency Management Systems Communications.
I really have nothing to add to these videos except that after watching them, you may want to stop using your credit cards too.
**All eight videos are part of the same interview. I wasn’t able to find one longer video containing the whole thing. Please take the time to watch them all.
in the OH so fascinating electoral contests…the real work has already been done.
The phrase “Wake the fuck up!!!” has never seemed more resonant to me.
You want to talk about “the news”?
Who’s polling higher in Oshkosh?
It is just a gigantic hypno-op meant to divert attention from the real shit.
Wake the fuck UP!!!
Rec this one up.
Propagate it on any other blogs that you frequent.
Thank you and have a nice day.
Send them to everyone you know.
Here again is the YouTube URL where they reside just to make this act a little easier.
DO IT!!!
Don’t be a lazy onlooker.
DO something.
Thank you and goodnight.
(But do not go staring into that good night. Please.)
AG is right. He is dead 100% right.
I work bank IT for a super-regional bank in Ohio. I deal with ATM network stability and security on a daily basis for thousands of ATMs. What Spoonamore says about Diebold’s ATMs having ironclad code security, a tighter certification process, more transparency at every level of the system to see who and where accesses the ATM system (from inserting your card to backend database) and more robustness in the network’s communication is 100% true. Part of my job depends on helping to maintain the security and uptime of that ATM network, because there are millions of dollars worth of transactions involved on a daily basis. The bank I work for uses Diebold ATMs. Spoonamore knows his shit.
Everything I have read about Diebold voting machines indicates that Spoonamore is 100% about the vulnerability of Diebold voting machines. The processes and intercept/transmission points of data he describes, while monitored by at LEAST 2 DIFFERENT systems in ANY ATM transaction are COMPLETELY VULNERABLE AND UNMONITORED in a Diebold voting machine.
Diebold will not allow these transmission points to be independently certified, much less monitored in realtime by multiple systems and real people.
The danger is real. I am convinced that in 2000 and 2004 elections were stolen. 2008 will be the grand run. Once again the exit polls will be wrong, just like in 2004. Once again the GOP candidate will win in a narrow victory. And we will all continue to suffer unless there is a documented and independent paper trail for each and every electronic vote.
You write:
If this does happen…I sincerely pray that the Dems raise holy hell instead of rolling over as they did in 2000 and 2004. And I hope the American people take to the streets as well.
However…in a world where the concept below can be seriously considered even by a hometown TV channel (Boston’s WBZ in this case)….I don’t have very high hopes.
Small k Kerry, the man who ran to Gstaad for a “skiing vacation” a day or so after after the 2004 election theft?
I read that floating Kerry for VP shit.
Who needs Bush’s cousin on the ticket, Again? No way.
Kerry caved once to a stolen election. He got as much spine as a worm…and we all know what that means. Added to that, Kerry is a lousy campaigner.
that DemocRats find to lose, idredit.
Many and various.
It wouldn’t be a good show if they just flopped over on their backs the same way every time.
Who’d believe THAT kind of shit?
In fact…they are even allowed to win once in a while, if they make the right promises to the wrong people.
And Heaven help them if they try to renege on those promises, even a little bit.
Even a little bit.
Heaven help them.
Well, the viewer count on the you tube link hasn’t gone skyrocketing (just over 3,000).
What else can be done?
Diebold is not my problem. After the ’04 election was when I began reading blogs. The stolen election lead me to working the polls. We were using paper ballots and pencils (no erasers). Then the guidelines of HAVA had to be met.
The county commissioners reviewed the options and chose the system that still uses a full paper ballot. Now we mark with black pens. The machine counts the votes from the paper ballot at the polls. When the polls close, absentee ballots are processed through the machine and then it is closed. The machine prints up a tally sheet with all the votes.
The ballots are removed from the machine. Those with write-in votes are separated by the machine and handled separately, as each write-in needs to be recorded on four different tally sheets. All ballots are then packaged.
The cartridge and the paper ballots go to a central location with all the other materials such as provisional ballots. Another count is done and printed up which then gets posted at the polling place.
It is a looong day. With this system it is possible to look at the actual ballots and count the votes, see what is on the tally sheet spit out by the machine and then see what the official tally is from the county’s tally. They should match.
When I asked about challenging a vote count, I was told anyone could do this within a time frame with the proper forms for about $10.
There are some places that are really working to keep the integrity of the voting process.
So, back to those with Diebold. How about talking with those who offer the space for voting to take place and setting up another voting process outside. Using printed ballots and pens, ask people to vote as they did on the Diebold machine. Keep it clean with a variety of people from all parties and independents. This would inform all the voters about the Diebold problem, involve them in the process of seeing if their vote was counted by Diebold so they will follow the results more closely and perhaps be willing to engage in a challenge. The comparative data would be right there – no media scrathing of heads as to why exit polls were so off this year.
Do the above with local civics classes so more people participate.
Before the election go around to the voters informing them of the Diebold flaws and ask them to plan to vote with the alternative ballot.
Time and money and organizing skills. And deciding what is important and possible.
After the election is too late to start in with a “What the hey?!” I don’t even want to hear about overwhelming numbers and legal challenges on Nov. 5th.
Btw, AG you are way too early for this kind of concern. We usually worry about the voting process about two weeks before the election.
I have all the videos in my post. I put it up on my personal blog last night, but transferred it here this morning.