Mr. Obama continues to have a significant advantage on such crucial issues as the economy, health care, and the war in Iraq.
The survey found that opinions of Mr. Obama and Mr. McCain have hardened considerably, as 9 in 10 voters who said that they had settled on a candidate indicated that their minds were made up; a growing number of them called it “extremely important” that their candidate win the election on Tuesday.
About half of each of the candidate’s supporters said that they were “scared” of what the other candidate would do if elected. Just 4 percent of voters were undecided, and when they were pressed to say whom they were leaning toward, the shape of the race remained essentially the same.
Bolstered by the fiscal crisis and deep concerns about the direction of the country, Mr. Obama has seemed to solidify the support he has gained in recent months. When likely voters were asked whom they would vote for in an expanded field that included several third-party candidates, Mr. Obama got the support of 52 percent of them, Mr. McCain 39 percent, former Senator Bob Barr of Georgia 1 percent, and Ralph Nader 2 percent.
Obama over 50%, McCain under 40%? I will frikking take it!!
I will exhale as soon as I hear McCain concede, and not before.
Five days to go. Hoping upon hope.
still the underdog until he’s sworn in. Some are mounting a challenge the smears continue: He’s son of Malcom X; he’s not a natural born American citizen.
But I’m hopeful seeing how in my neck of the woods (rural VT) some courageous people in this solid GOP turf have mounted Obama signs – now outnumbers McCain. The signs on these lawns are owned by over 65 year old whites… retired and diary farmers. Not a sign to be seen for the Democrat candidates for governor, or local offices or even for re-electing Congressman Welch (D-VT).
Hurry up and lock and load while you can! Save your self from the “dreaded dark menace”, coming to a neighborhood near you on November 5, 2008. FEAR THE OBAMA!!!
Gun Sales Thriving In Uncertain Times
What is wrong with these people? Is there something in the water? Is there too much radiation getting through the ozone hole? I know people around here, seemingly rational people, who are talking about hoarding ammunition because “the first thing that Obama, Pelosi and Reid will do is take away our guns”.
A significant portion of the country is simply freaking out and losing its mind.
I’m going to be so depressed if Missouri stays red in the middle of a blue landslide.
This is what we put up with here.
The vindictive part of me wants Obama to win, not because it would be good for the country, but to infuriate the people of Southern Missouri. They’ve infuriated me for years.
Wow Mary from that article I feel your pain.
Few options getting through to people with that strict criteria for truth. You have to get in their five.
They’ve released their predictions for Tuesday:
Hmmmph. I’ll believe it when I see it. Interesting their assessment of the Chambliss’ race. They think it will go to special election.