Hey, it’s the Pom-Pom Woman, Michelle Malkin! I bet you don’t know what is the real name of ACORN, do you? Well let the Queen of Internment Camps elucidate you:
Document drop: The truth about ObamACORN
The great truth? ACORN registration drives benefited Obama, and lots of ACORN workers liked Obama. Gee, what a surprise, that a liberal organization dedicated to registering poor voters might prefer Obama/Biden to McCain/Palin. A story the liberal New York Times tried to “kill” when an ACORN whistle blower by the name of Anita Moncrief gave them the goods on the Obama-ACORN connection (except the Times’ Public Editor, Clark Hoyt, says they didn’t):
To emphasize the credibility of Moncrief’s charge against The Times, O’Reilly told his viewers: “Okay, now, that phone call was made by the New York Times reporter to a whistleblower. That’s Anita, okay? The whistleblower testified under oath before Conyers’ committee in Washington that The New York Times killed the story.” He added, “If she lies, a crime, she goes to jail.”
But Moncrief did not testify before Congress. Heidelbaugh did. Tabacoff acknowledged that. “Heidelbaugh represented the Pennsylvania GOP in litigation against Acorn, and Anita Moncrief testified under oath at those proceedings,” he said, adding that Heidelbaugh related Moncrief’s accusations at the congressional hearing. […]
The way Heidelbaugh constructed her testimony, someone who didn’t do some homework could have made the mistake of thinking that she was repeating charges against The Times that Moncrief made under oath. Shortly after saying, “Ms. Moncrief agreed to testify under oath, subject to the penalty of perjury,” Heidelbaugh said Moncrief had told her how The Times killed the “game-changer” story.
I became skeptical about Heidelbaugh because there appeared to be inaccuracies in her testimony about The Times – including her claim that all stories about Acorn stopped after Moncrief revealed to Strom that the Obama campaign had given Acorn its maxed-out donor list. They did not. Moncrief told Strom about the donor list on Sept. 7. The Times published four articles after that date looking into troubles at Acorn. (See below). So, I bought the transcript of Moncrief’s Pennsylvania testimony and saw that she had not accused The Times under oath.
Strom told me that Moncrief was a useful source for several of her Acorn articles and that after Moncrief told her about the Obama donor list, she asked for it, so she could pursue the story. The list Moncrief ultimately provided contained nearly 56,000 entries, but it bore no indication of its origin. It contained what appeared to be a Federal Election Commission number beside each name and dollar amount, but those numbers did not relate to anything in the F.E.C. database.
Strom said she that she made repeated efforts to verify the list and where it came from. Moncrief finally agreed to go on the record, but she was a problematic source for a news article. She had been fired from Acorn after running up personal charges on an Acorn credit card.
The problem for [NYT reporter] Strom and The Times was that, after investing weeks of reporting effort, Moncrief’s allegations could not be independently verified. Despite denials all around, maybe there will turn out to be a story about the Obama campaign and Acorn, but it would involve fairly technical violations of campaign finance law that experts told me are difficult to prove. So far, although Moncrief has gone public with her information, nobody has produced a convincing report that corroborates it.
Somehow the New York Times being involved and refusing to run a story they couldn’t verify makes this all the more nefarious, I guess. Unlike Conservative registration organization which supported Republican candidates with help from — a Republican Presidential campaign organization! And the OBAMACORN conspiracy is so much, much worse than a Republican administration that used the Department of Justice as one of its weapons to purge voter rolls and thus suppress minority votes. But of course, it’s evil when Democrats and liberal activists register new voters and then get them to the polls. It’s all good when Republicans and conservatives deny them their right to vote.
Anyway, have fun chasing after that ACORN under the Obama tree, Michelle. Maybe if you dress up again in your cheerleader outfit you can inspire the troops to fan the flames of the wingnut fever swamp so high that finally the full truth about the worst conspiracy of Liberal/Brown People Voter Fraud in Mankind’s history will be exposed to all and Obama can be impeached (just like back in the day with President Clinton)! Here, I’ll even help you out with a video of your greatest achievement in life to date:
Is that really Malkin?
Yes!! You never heard about that video? Be glad you didn’t know till now.
very glad to have been spared it up til now – but glad I made myself watch it. won’t replay though. weird, weird, weird.
My stars. That video is hideous!
She’s kind of cute though. The sort of girl you date until she starts to talk.
I’m a Palin guy. Malkin doesn’t do anything for me.
ooohhhhhh my eyesssssssssss