Quote for the day:
“The sad thing is Blue Cross gladly took my high premiums and the first time I filed a claim and was suspected of having cancer they searched high and low for a reason to cancel me.
There is a nurse who attends my church who works fulltime for Blue Cross and all she does is read medical records looking for reasons to cancel people. After she heard what happened to me,
she told me how very sorry she was.” –Testimony of Robin Beaton, before the Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations, June 16, 2009
A sad comment on the disconnect in religion in America
Ah, that old time religion: burn the patient to save her.
Yes, please.
and how big a fire had to be lit under him to get him to move? ’bout fucking time…..
These make for good reading, and I hope they’re closer to the truth than this old cynic thinks…
but I remember that Holder was involved in the process of getting Ken Starr investigating the Lewinsky scandal, and we have months of copy prior to this about Holder’s boss(es) not wanting to deal with the Bush regime’s abuses.
For me, the ‘jury’ will be out until I start seeing some more concrete evidence that ‘investigation’ is taking place: arrests, indictments, arraignments, etc. I’ve been disappointed recently over statements and (in)actions of the Administration, so I’m going to be stand-offish about these current missives until I see concrete actions following up the promising statements…