From Daniel Klaidman at NEWSWEEK:
[Attorney General Eric] Holder, 58, may be on the verge of asserting his independence in a profound way. Four knowledgeable sources tell NEWSWEEK that he is now leaning toward appointing a prosecutor to investigate the Bush administration’s brutal interrogation practices, something the president has been reluctant to do. While no final decision has been made, an announcement could come in a matter of weeks, say these sources, who decline to be identified discussing a sensitive law-enforcement matter. Such a decision would roil the country, would likely plunge Washington into a new round of partisan warfare, and could even imperil Obama’s domestic priorities, including health care and energy reform. Holder knows all this, and he has been wrestling with the question for months. “I hope that whatever decision I make would not have a negative impact on the president’s agenda,” he says. “But that can’t be a part of my decision.”
For his part, Emanuel calls Holder a “strong, independent attorney general.” But Emanuel’s agitated presence hangs over the building–“the wrath of Rahm,” one Justice lawyer calls it–and he is clearly on the minds of Holder and his aides as they weigh whether to launch a probe into the Bush administration’s interrogation policies.
Holder began to review those policies in April. As he pored over reports and listened to briefings, he became increasingly troubled. There were startling indications that some interrogators had gone far beyond what had been authorized in the legal opinions issued by the Justice Department, which were themselves controversial. He told one intimate that what he saw “turned my stomach.”
It was soon clear to Holder that he might have to launch an investigation to determine whether crimes were committed under the Bush administration and prosecutions warranted. The obstacles were obvious. For a new administration to reach back and investigate its predecessor is rare, if not unprecedented. After having been deeply involved in the decision to authorize Ken Starr to investigate Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky, Holder well knew how politicized things could get. He worried about the impact on the CIA, whose operatives would be at the center of any probe. And he could clearly read the signals coming out of the White House. President Obama had already deflected the left wing of his party and human-rights organizations by saying, “We should be looking forward and not backwards” when it came to Bush-era abuses.
Still, Holder couldn’t shake what he had learned in reports about the treatment of prisoners at the CIA’s “black sites.” If the public knew the details, he and his aides figured, there would be a groundswell of support for an independent probe. He raised with his staff the possibility of appointing a prosecutor. According to three sources familiar with the process, they discussed several potential choices and the criteria for such a sensitive investigation. Holder was looking for someone with “gravitas and grit,” according to one of these sources, all of whom declined to be named. At one point, an aide joked that Holder might need to clone Patrick Fitzgerald, the hard-charging, independent-minded U.S. attorney who had prosecuted Scooter Libby in the Plamegate affair. In the end, Holder asked for a list of 10 candidates, five from within the Justice Department and five from outside.
After the prospect of torture investigations seemed to lose momentum in April, the attorney general and his aides turned to other pressing issues. They were preoccupied with Gitmo, developing a hugely complex new set of detention and prosecution policies, and putting out the daily fires that go along with running a 110,000-person department. The regular meetings Holder’s team had been having on the torture question died down. Some aides began to wonder whether the idea of appointing a prosecutor was off the table.
But in late June Holder asked an aide for a copy of the CIA inspector general’s thick classified report on interrogation abuses. He cleared his schedule and, over two days, holed up alone in his Justice Depart ment office, immersed himself in what Dick Cheney once referred to as “the dark side.” He read the report twice, the first time as a lawyer, looking for evidence and instances of transgressions that might call for prosecution. The second time, he started to absorb what he was reading at a more emotional level. He was “shocked and saddened,” he told a friend, by what government servants were alleged to have done in America’s name. When he was done he stood at his window for a long time, staring at Constitution Avenue.
What can I say? I support Eric Holder. I hope he has the courage to do the right thing.
Sounds like Obama made a mistake and appointed an AG with a conscience, one who stills believes that the Constitution is not “a Goddamned piece of paper”, as former occupant of the Oval Office put it.
Men with a conscience who believe in abstract concepts are the antithesis of cheap Chicago pols like Rahm. Unfortunately, they usually get ground into dust by the Machine.
We shall see what happens. Obama and Rahm are two different people.
It may be my Suburban prejudice, but anyone coming out of Chicago is suspect. However, I think you are right.
I don’t buy the idea that Holder, if he really does appoint a special prosecutor, is in anyway defying Obama on this so Rahm Emmanuel is of no concern. It benefits Obama to make it look like Holder would be doing this on his own accord based on the horrific nature of the evidence he’s seen so someone sold Klaidman this story and he bought it. For once I’m grateful for a credulous press with an inclination to write stories based on a simplistic but dramatic narrative. The closing bit about Holder being holed up in his office with the report and being moved to action while staring out at Constitution Avenue is just fucking priceless. I imagine that drew high fives in both the Justice Dept. and the White House.
I saw it the same way.
it’s ok to lose the prejudice – a forerunner, for example, Justice John Paul Stevens
This is a hit piece and a warning…not to Holder, but to Obama. The Village clearly wants Obama to put Holder on a leash immediately, or the threat to his agenda is plainly spelled out.
Also note Daniel Klaidman takes his shots at Rahmbo and the White House. We’re not supposed to root for either side here, we’re supposed to ask “Gosh, aren’t there some Wise Men of Washington who can rein these squabbling kids in before they break stuff?”
Watch the Sunday shows on this one if you can stomach it.
Hope it’s a timing thing, that Holder appoints someone methodical like Fitz so Obama can pass more of his agenda while the investigation is in process. I like how they say Holder “asserts his independence” – Obama appointed him knowing who is is – his principles and his knowledge of how DC works.
robertdsc has a great comment in the PSP thread:
“I wonder if President Obama has to wear an oxygen mask to climb the mountain of stuff that’s been swept under the Oval Office rug.”
[couldn’t get link to the comment to work – help!]
comment robertdsc
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Well, I sure hope this is the real thing. If we eventually see a full airing of the crimes of the Bush administration in this matter, it will go a long way toward restoring my faith in the system.
Holder’s wife, an obstetrician, delivered incoming White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel‘s daughter, The Associated Press reported.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."