I’m disappointed that President Obama’s actions in office has been closer to those of former President Clinton and, with respect to our civil liberties, often closer to former President Bush, than to former President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

I’m disappointed Harry Reid is the weakest, most pathetic political leader I’ve seen in my lifetime, and that’s saying something.

I’m disappointed that a woman’s constitutional right to choose whether to have an abortion has been compromised, again, and even more disappointed it was members of the Democratic Party that were behind that heartless disregard for the rights of my daughter and all the other women of child bearing age.

I’m disappointed that so many who work for our major media outlets report on political issues of great import to this nation, such as health care reform, as if it were a sport and gives equal time to liars without pointing out their lies, rather than produce shows and articles that highlight the facts about our current health care system and its many failures.

I’m disappointed so many Democrats in Congress felt it was more important to vote against their constituents’ interests and for the interests of large insurance companies who make decisions every day to deny needed health care services for which people paid their hard earned dollars, services that in many cases create untold physical and financial misery to millions of Americans, and often hasten the deaths of their “customers” all in the name of profit.

I’m disappointed that so many Americans have been so easily misled by the radical extremists in the Republican Party and the Conservative Media such that they believe our first African American President who won election by a large margin both in the public vote and in the Electoral College is illegitimate, a Marxist, a socialist, a fascist and a tyrant simply for promoting health care reform that the will save our government and society billions of dollars versus continuing our present system which will only continue to cost us a greater share of our gross domestic product while insuring fewer people.

I’m disappointed that the actions and statements of former President Bush and, even more incredibly, former Vice president Cheney, are considered newsworthy.

I’m disappointed that violence based on bigotry and hatred is on the rise in America.

I’m disappointed that television networks will show ads by insurance companies lying about health care reform, but refuse to show ads from organizations promoting progressive or non-conservative points of view on issues.

I’m disappointed that so many people continue to irrationally believe that gay marriage somehow threatens their heterosexual marriages, so much so that they continue to deny basic human rights to their fellow human beings.

I’m disappointed we still have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan costing us billions of dollars and thousands of lives without any real benefit to America’s national security or the lives of the people who live “over there.”

I’m disappointed that no one from the former administration has been prosecuted for violations of American law, violations of our civil rights, torture, war crimes and crimes against humanity despite all the evidence that they committed such crimes.

I’m disappointed whenever I hear the names Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann mentioned by our major media outlets, as if what they have to say about current events is anything but insane irrational drivel.

I’m disappointed that Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and all the other hate radio and TV hosts continue to air their destructive, racist, and eliminationist slanders, and I’m even more disappointed that so many gullible Americans continue to believe their lies.

I’m disappointed that our country continues to deny the atrocities that occurred when Israel invaded Gaza, and continues to oppose the findings of the Goldstone Report prepared by an independent commission which documented those atrocities.

I’m disappointed in so many things, more than I can enumerate here. Someday I hope some of those things that I’ve listed above will no longer exist and my disappointments will be fewer. Then again, I have always been an idealist and a dreamer.