Major Nidal Hasan was part of an Al Qaeda sleeper cell with the 9/11 hijackers. I know, I know, that’s not what the liberal mainstream media and Obama lackeys are claiming, but fotunately for us right wing bloggers are on the case, and they have definitive proof that Hasan was part of an Al Qaeda plot. Or he could have been. Or maybe he ran into some of the hijackers there. It could have happened.

But that’s beside the point. See, now we have solid evidence of the Obama -> Hasan -> Al Qaeda connection to destroy America, one military base massacre at a time. Well, that and murder by health care reform. Let’s not forget about that.

And anyone who believes otherwise is a probably a liberal, global warming ecoterrorist, Marxist, Socialist Nazi Obama worshiper who should be taken out and shot by loyal patriots of Real America. Oh, and …