It seems the last places on earth that the Cold War still exists is in the minds of right wing tea baggers and North Korea’s government. Both groups see the US Government as their enemy. I wonder why that is?*
* That’s a rhetorical question, so feel free to answer it or not, though I’d still love to get your answers if you are so inclined.
Bunker mentality?
Archie Bunker mentality?
I’m not sure teabagging is legal in all 50 states, so that could be part of it.
Both teabaggers and the followers of the “Dear Leader” have a deeply authoritarian mindset and a need for external enemies to maintain the stability of their own psychosis. The more inadequate you are, the more you need to have someone else to blame. Nazis needed Jews. Teabaggers need a black Muslim communist threat to their “freedoms” aka the right to be racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted, perverted, torturing, ignorant imperialist thugs. Did I leave out anything?
You beat me to it. An authoritarian monomania that depends on uncritical belief in the “truth” handed down by godlike pretenders. NK is essentially a vast cult of the worst kind. So are the Foxist teabaggers.
PS — at the risk of violating PC, I wonder what happened to Korean culture that led it to elevate figures like its “dear leaders”, “Rev” Moon, and a bunch of Christianist/wingnut extremists?
Because they’re the same people in different locations. Same goes for the fundamentalist muslims.