You could pay me $8 million not to appear on CNN.
CNN was so sick of Lou Dobbs, it gave him an $8 million severance package to leave, The Post has learned.
“They wanted him out,” according to a source.
But I’d be happy with just a small donation. It’s only through the generosity of readers that I’m able to maintain Booman Tribune. If you like what we do here, please consider making a contribution to the Frog Pond.
And I promise not to act like Lou Dobbs and be an idiot.
as soon as I get paid I’ll share the wealth. Of course I don’t know when that will be 🙁
after being unemployed for way too long I recently started a job! unfortunately i’m an independent contractor, so I wait to get paid. I’m confident the check will come, not sure yet how long it will take.
Congrats on finding work! Not an easy task in this economic climate.
thanks, it hasn’t been easy. Have to admit, this time the work came and found me. A friend runs a small sw company, and one of her programmers had to go out on disability. So I’m getting to try to do stuff I had one class in.
It probably would have been worth double that amount to get rid of him.
Appreciate what you do (and Steven, and Terrance, and everyone else who keeps the Frog Pond chugging along).
What keeps it chugging along are all the members like you Janet. And I mean that sincerely.
You have to be a really big idiot with a TV show and a pasty dough face to get an $8 Million severance package. But the real money is in destroying the planet as CEO of Exxon Mobil. Just ask Lee Raymond.