Sorry the old one got so full. I got everyone else’s nasty cold, and have been feeling kind of out of it. I was up in the night, so I’m holding off on racing to work this morning.
How’s everyone else doing? I’m looking forward to the holiday next week, especially the FOOD! Stuffing, cranberries, turkey, mmm.
As you say the “sides” make a fine meal. I usually make a big nut loaf to take the place of stuffing and a vegetarian gravy to go with the mashed potatoes. If I fee like doing a “turkey”, I make a seitan roll with a filo “skin”.
Add to the above a spinach souffle, cranberry sauce, green beans, bread rolls, etc. and you have the requisite too-much-food and postprandial stupor.
I think this year should be the one where all of the males in the house make dinner and you sit around trying to find your feet. Or order the whole shebang from Whole Foods.
Yep, everyone will be here and we’ll do the traditional dinner. We thought of having a wacky theme, like all appetizers or something, because I’m not that big a fan of turkey, but then tradition kicked in. We’ve started going out for sushi on Christmas night though.
Home from the hospital after losing a fight with a pot hole. I dislocated my ankle and broke 3 bones. I had surgery on Saturday morning and got home last night. Learning to walk with a walker. LOL
Luckily since I was walking with a cane already, I have a ground floor apartment. I will have to have friends run errands for me the first week or so as I get use to the walker. LOL Just moving around in the apartment is a pain and painful. I’ll pass on going out till I have to. LOL
Yeah, no kidding. I had a severe high-ankle sprain three years ago and it still hurts and is weak. The doctor said a break would have been easy to fix and would have healed more quickly. Next time I’ll remember to break it.
Yeah, I’ve gotten the same response. I’m hyper-flexible (can still get my feet behind my head), so instead of breaking bones I usually over flex a joint and tear something.
Today, Luna figured out how to open the kibble bin. I caught her with her head inside it, and thinking it hadn’t been shut properly shoo-ed her out and closed it firmly. About thirty seconds later she was back in it. Guess I’ll have to move the bin to a dog-free part of the house.
We’re completely bare now (except for the younger beeches which won’t lose their leaves until spring) — I’m a bit in mourning over the loss of all colors … except brown (which probably is what you get a lot of with summer dry).
I’ve still got green and flowers down here. I figure by next month they all should be gone though. One good thing is the leaves falling in the back yard have completely covered the grass, so it’s not growing.
We’ve had enough leaves fall in the back yard to cover up all the grass. I don’t have to worry about cutting the grass now, it’s the getting up the leaves. But this is beginning to get to my favorite time of the year to where there’s no worry about how the yard looks. Who am I kidding, I’ve never worried how the yard looks. 🙂
The whole growing thing is beyond me. I am very plant unfriendly. Every plant I’ve ever tried to grow died on me. The really odd thing is when I was a kid I thought I wanted to be a farmer like my Dad. That would have been a big mistake. 🙂
We’re doing fairly well. My brother and sil are here and they’re getting everything ready for T’giving. So since they’re here George has been in a barking mode most of the time. Otherwise all is well.
Yep it will be pretty good for Turkey Day. I’ve actually got two T’giving day meals to go to, but hey who is counting. Just as long as there’s plenty of leftovers I’m happy.
Oh I love it all. Pretty much anything that’s put on the table during the holidays I’ll eat. Of course Aunt Ester’s Possum Pot Pies are a little hard to take. 🙂
I guess you could call Aunt Ester’s pot pies more of a road kill pot pies. It just depends on what’s the freshest on the asphalt and hasn’t been picked over too much by the buzzards. Plus the asphalt adds a sort of smokey tar taste – Yum. 😉
Good to see you too. Hope the weather in the icy North is treating you well. When taking George out I’ve finally switched from short pants and short-sleeved shirts to jeans and long sleeves. I guess in the next month I’ll have to start wearing sweaters too. 😉
33 1/2 weeks is the point where this whole gestation thing begins to get really uncomfortable. I swear, the baby grows overnight, and I get more awkward every day.
Glad the end (or is it really the beginning?) is approaching.
Yep that’s just the beginning, but it’s always nice to have babies around. I think ya’ll should have enough to get put on one of those reality shows. You could call it Me, You and 27 others. 😉
Hey RF I meant to ask you. When you hit the pot hole what was your mode of transportation? I was thinking you must have been on a bicycle, because if you were in a car that must have been one hell of a pot hole.
Yeah, but today’s Friday… I wanted to wait until 6:00 before I opened my eyes. But someone kept nudging me…not even here yet, and he’s waking me up early. 🙂
We have some sun today – I hope you get some soon!
Earlier this week it looked like it was going to be a wet and gray day, but apparently we got it all out of the way yesterday. I hope the weekend is as nice.
Sorry the old one got so full. I got everyone else’s nasty cold, and have been feeling kind of out of it. I was up in the night, so I’m holding off on racing to work this morning.
How’s everyone else doing? I’m looking forward to the holiday next week, especially the FOOD! Stuffing, cranberries, turkey, mmm.
You know, I forget all about Thanksgiving until someone on your side of the pond mentions it.
I make a fairly sumptuous vegetarian T-day meal. Maybe I’ll invite some of my ex-pat friends around next week for dinner.
Enjoy your day, all. I’ll see you again on the flip-side.
What do you have stand in for the turkey? I would be happy to make a meal of all the side dishes I like.
Good night.
As you say the “sides” make a fine meal. I usually make a big nut loaf to take the place of stuffing and a vegetarian gravy to go with the mashed potatoes. If I fee like doing a “turkey”, I make a seitan roll with a filo “skin”.
Add to the above a spinach souffle, cranberry sauce, green beans, bread rolls, etc. and you have the requisite too-much-food and postprandial stupor.
I think this year should be the one where all of the males in the house make dinner and you sit around trying to find your feet. Or order the whole shebang from Whole Foods.
They’ll help me make the food; I couldn’t bear the cleanup that would be left behind if I weren’t in charge. blech.
Now, if I can only get one of them to put polish on my toenails for me while I can’t find my feet. 🙂 I think CBtE might do it…
Are the kids coming to your house for the holiday? Or are they having you over to be waited on and pampered?
Yep, everyone will be here and we’ll do the traditional dinner. We thought of having a wacky theme, like all appetizers or something, because I’m not that big a fan of turkey, but then tradition kicked in. We’ve started going out for sushi on Christmas night though.
Sushi on Christmas night sounds fun. I usually bask in the quiet on CHristmas night because the boys go to their Dad’s overnight then.
Sushi sounds great!!! I could eat it 3 times a day. LOL
Home from the hospital after losing a fight with a pot hole. I dislocated my ankle and broke 3 bones. I had surgery on Saturday morning and got home last night. Learning to walk with a walker. LOL
Oh crap, RF. What an absolute shame. I hope the pain isn’t too bad.
Pain is kind of bad but the pain pills are great. LOL
RF! That’s awful. I hope your apartment is on the first floor.
Sending healing thoughts your way.
Luckily since I was walking with a cane already, I have a ground floor apartment. I will have to have friends run errands for me the first week or so as I get use to the walker. LOL Just moving around in the apartment is a pain and painful. I’ll pass on going out till I have to. LOL
I’m glad you have friends who can give you a hand. I guess you’ll just have to put your feet up and enjoy the internets for a while. 🙂
Hey! Hey! No breaking things or getting sick, you guys! Seriously, hope all is well with you soon.
Bad pothole!
At least bones heal well (unlike the softer bits). Get better soon.
Thanks!!! The doctor said recovery would be about 3 months.
Yeah, no kidding. I had a severe high-ankle sprain three years ago and it still hurts and is weak. The doctor said a break would have been easy to fix and would have healed more quickly. Next time I’ll remember to break it.
Yeah, I’ve gotten the same response. I’m hyper-flexible (can still get my feet behind my head), so instead of breaking bones I usually over flex a joint and tear something.
Ack!! I hope that both RF and CG are feeling better!
Thank you!!!
Thanks, b2!
Today, Luna figured out how to open the kibble bin. I caught her with her head inside it, and thinking it hadn’t been shut properly shoo-ed her out and closed it firmly. About thirty seconds later she was back in it. Guess I’ll have to move the bin to a dog-free part of the house.
Luna found heaven on earth and you destroyed it! How cruel can you get?!? 🙂
Yes. I’m completely unfeeling because I don’t want her to eat so much that she barfs; repeat.
We’ve never had that happen with dog food but unfortunately it’s not that rare with goodies found in the woods.
I had one dog who got into a bag of kibble while I was out and managed to throw up three times before I got home.
Ack. I always say this one (Dumbledore) has a secret Indian name, and it’s “There Might be Food”.
I have a dog like that…we have to keep the kibble up high where he can’t get to it, or he’ll eat until he’s pooping uncontrollably…yuck.
It’s back to the office for me this humpday…after a brief stint of meet-the-pediatrician this morning.
Smart puppy!!!
click for larger
We’re just starting to lose the Spring bright green to the Summer dry. Lots of blossoms still, but they’re starting to fade.
We’re completely bare now (except for the younger beeches which won’t lose their leaves until spring) — I’m a bit in mourning over the loss of all colors … except brown (which probably is what you get a lot of with summer dry).
Looks like our place this morning. 🙂
Are you off for a walk this morning, or are you staying close to home?
We’ll walk but we stay mostly on our place — fortunately if you go up and down and around 40 acres, you can still get in a good walk.
Good morning Andi and Keres.
I’ve still got green and flowers down here. I figure by next month they all should be gone though. One good thing is the leaves falling in the back yard have completely covered the grass, so it’s not growing.
I’m a little jealous, FM. All we have is brown leaves that are awaiting the annual Thanksgiving weekend yard cleanup.
And a couple of cannas that are still blooming, but need to be dug up and brought indoors for the winter.
Hiya CG,
We’ve had enough leaves fall in the back yard to cover up all the grass. I don’t have to worry about cutting the grass now, it’s the getting up the leaves. But this is beginning to get to my favorite time of the year to where there’s no worry about how the yard looks. Who am I kidding, I’ve never worried how the yard looks. 🙂
I’m looking forward to the 4 or 5 months of no grass, no leaves, no work myself. Of course, I’m sure I’ll find something else to keep me busy…
We got green flowers.
Those are really pretty and they don’t look to high maintenance either.
No weeding, no water, no worries garden. Ether it lives or it doesn’t.
That is close to my type of garden. My perfect garden is would be to just asphalt over everything. No worry what so ever with that.
You should do what we do and grow lots of ice plant.
It doesn’t need watering and is much cheerer than asphalt.
The whole growing thing is beyond me. I am very plant unfriendly. Every plant I’ve ever tried to grow died on me. The really odd thing is when I was a kid I thought I wanted to be a farmer like my Dad. That would have been a big mistake. 🙂
I only kill house plants.
And on that cheery note: goodnight all. Enjoy your respective days.
Goodnight Keres, sleep tight.
Hey, hey. Good to see you here as well as your place.
How’s everything with you and George?
We’re doing fairly well. My brother and sil are here and they’re getting everything ready for T’giving. So since they’re here George has been in a barking mode most of the time. Otherwise all is well.
Well sorry about the barking. But I’m betting a big family Turkey Day will be very nice … and very filling.
Yep it will be pretty good for Turkey Day. I’ve actually got two T’giving day meals to go to, but hey who is counting. Just as long as there’s plenty of leftovers I’m happy.
I don’t like turkey but I love the stuffing so I’m happy.
Oh I love it all. Pretty much anything that’s put on the table during the holidays I’ll eat. Of course Aunt Ester’s Possum Pot Pies are a little hard to take. 🙂
But it’s so easy to get the fixings. 🙂
I guess you could call Aunt Ester’s pot pies more of a road kill pot pies. It just depends on what’s the freshest on the asphalt and hasn’t been picked over too much by the buzzards. Plus the asphalt adds a sort of smokey tar taste – Yum. 😉
You’ve had my sister-in-law’s cooking. ROTFLMAO
I’ll tell ya those city people don’t know what they’re missing. 😉
I love the side dishes more than the actual turkey, although the turkey has moved up in my estimation since I started brining it.
I’m really looking forward to next week.
Good to see you, FM!
Good to see you too. Hope the weather in the icy North is treating you well. When taking George out I’ve finally switched from short pants and short-sleeved shirts to jeans and long sleeves. I guess in the next month I’ll have to start wearing sweaters too. 😉
33 1/2 weeks is the point where this whole gestation thing begins to get really uncomfortable. I swear, the baby grows overnight, and I get more awkward every day.
Glad the end (or is it really the beginning?) is approaching.
One end and one beginning, and a couple hundred thousand dollars over the next 22 years.
Ah, the first two have already drained me financially, what’s one more? 🙂
Yep that’s just the beginning, but it’s always nice to have babies around. I think ya’ll should have enough to get put on one of those reality shows. You could call it Me, You and 27 others. 😉
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hi Familyman
You’re approaching the beginning of the end the end of the beginning. 🙂
Well George is whinning to go out so I’ll see ya’ll later.
I forgot to mention, RF I hope you get to feeling better soon.
Everyone take care.
Have a great day, FM!
Thank you!!!! and take care.
Hi FM!
Heh. When I saw 40 new comments I thought to myself “either RF is on a bender or Family Man finally showed up”….Hey to both of you.
Gaa, off to visit the nuclear family in the frozen north. God I hate flying.
Hi SN,
Yep I finally showed up. I figured I’ve deprived ya’ll of my rapier wit for long enough. 🙂
I’m the same as you on flying, but I hope you have a good time with the nuclear family.
Hey secondnature. LOL
Hey RF I meant to ask you. When you hit the pot hole what was your mode of transportation? I was thinking you must have been on a bicycle, because if you were in a car that must have been one hell of a pot hole.
I hope you had a very uneventful journey. And are adapting rapidly to the change in weather.
Good morning to all. Almost Friday!
Gray. And my feet are cold.
Nice heavy socks will fix that … or a dog that likes to lie on them.
Nothing to be done about the gray. 🙁
The theme this is week is Up.
The diary will be up later this morning as Olivia knows how to sleep to a reasonable hour.
Good morning!
I was looking fiorward to sleeping until a reasonable hour, but it isn’t happening today.
Uh, forward…
Well if you go up within the last hour, that’s my definition of a “reasonable hour”. 🙂
Yeah, but today’s Friday… I wanted to wait until 6:00 before I opened my eyes. But someone kept nudging me…not even here yet, and he’s waking me up early. 🙂
He’s just being helpful — getting you in shape for the real thing. After all, he knows you’re really out of practice.
I think “fiorward” is how they say it in Norway.
Good morning, everyone. God, the gray….it won’t quit.
No, that would be fjordward.
We have some sun today – I hope you get some soon!
Earlier this week it looked like it was going to be a wet and gray day, but apparently we got it all out of the way yesterday. I hope the weekend is as nice.
We finally got some sunshine here yesterday. I hope it’s moving northeast.
Good morning Andi! Looks like another nice day out there. Hope it will drift eastward to our friends downwind.
It was a gorgeous day — though that was probably bad news for the deer.