Who’s the craziest elected official in the country? I don’t mean someone who pretends to be crazy. I mean the most delusional.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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It would have to be Michelle Bachmann. Hands down.
How about Steve King? Or Nathan Deal? Or that Goehmert dude from Texas?
And then there’s Inhofe, of course. But with the Republican Party, it’s like trying to find the best cashew in a cathedral-size bag of nuts.
…who is entirely owned by people who have paid him good money. Not crazy at all, but a very mean drunk.
I live in Texas, so you can pretty much throw a whole bunch of people under the just “plain delusional” group.
I mean there’s Tom DeLay, Rick Perry, and others. Just plain crazy.
Okay, I completely forgot about Louie Gohmert. Yep, he’s definitely a twit.
There’s also that Blake Hall guy from Idaho. He was a member of the RNC, Deputy Assistant Prosecutor and member of the Idaho State Board of Education. He littered his married ex-girlfriend’s yard with his own used condoms.
That might be brimming over with some crazy.
In honor of Molly Ivans I always refer to the Texas Gov. as Rick “Good Hair” Perry, and I think everyone else should too.
The higher the hair, the closer to God.
Admire that name very much. Isn’t there also some strange murder story about a cousin of his out there?
I sat next to steve king on a plane ride and asked him questions about iraq. He made some sense until he was convinced that the terrorists were going to blow up our mall unless we won in Iraq. His eyes got all batshit crazy when talking about them. I was frightened because he was serious.
Well that sheriff in Arizona is pretty f***ing insane, what with handcuffing pregnant mothers and the like. And sheriff is an elected office…
Paul for the win.
Ya, it’s a small local office, in a far corner of the country.
But he is crazy beyond all normal standards.
He’s not crazy, he knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s just a really cruel guy.
I think we have a winner.
…what with handcuffing pregnant mothers and the like.
Apparently, it is much worse than that:
Arpaio detainee forced to deliver baby while shackled
I can’t tell with 100% certainty which ones are faking and which ones are legitimately crazy.
Louie Gohmert
Virginia Foxx
Michelle Bachman
Steve King
If I were to give you one, I’d say Steve King.
Can we do a group award? All members of The Family gets my vote, although they don’t seem to allow girls in their club, so Bachman would have to be just one of the cheerleaders or cookie bakers, I guess.
The Family welcomed Mrs. Clinton. Creepy group!
Bachmann. But there is/was that former governor of Alaska.
Virginia Foxx
Not just metaphorically delusional.
Least anyone forget Tom Coburn….and his gangs of lesbian girls in the bathrooms of southwest Oklahom….
even with spell check I can’t seem to spell..Oklahoma.
Given the size of the asylum, choosing the “looniest” is an exercise in futility. What is truly crazy is that so many of them are taken seriously by people who are considered to be “sane”, and that they are allowed to hold positions of responsibility. Does the congressional health care cover Thorazine for republicans? It should.
Virginia Foxx and Michele Bachmann are obvious picks, but I think Paul Broun has earned himself some consideration for the honor during the health-care debate.
Sarah! Sarah!
Mark Sanford.
Beats Pawlenty by a delusion.
I go to all of the blogs Dad assigned me too all of the time but I have only ever posted twice. In honor of Daddy though, I will give what I believe to be his opinion: Bachman. He thought that most of them were stupi, all of them were evil but he truly believed that she was “BATSH*T” to quote him.
Actually – I have wondered if there were not another level of crazy > Batshit, if so, she would clearly qualify.
She gets my vote as well.
Is Barack Obama really about to drastically escalate the endless war in Afghanistan? If so, then the answer is: Barack Obama.
I might be with you on that one (and I know Daddy would have been)
I vote that Obama is the craziest. No, I’m not a hater. I just think he’s a bit nuts for taking that job in the first place. Kind of a booby prize, unfortunately.
The office of the Presidency in the US may be becoming a weird village scapegoat role; we blame them for everything wrong with the country, then we send them out in the woods after 4 or 8 years. In Obama’s case, unfortunately, I think it will be 4 years. Sigh.
Runner-up to Foxx.
Sue Myrick is trying to get in on the Crazy with her anti-Muslim campaign, spun off the book Muslim Mafia.
And since she is reported to talked to God (or vice versa) through her Mr. Coffee machine and as mayor tried to ban rock’n roll from the Charlotte Coliseum, she might fit into the category of crazy that is not pretense.
I know some of us view our Mr. Coffee as the great giver of life as we struggle to attain some degree of wakefulness for our daily sojourn into the workplace, but that seems just a bit of a stretch. Geez, before long, we’ll be seeing Mr. Coffees installed in their own grottoes with busloads of pilgrims in daily attendence.
Hmmm… wonder if a person could get a 501(c) exemption from the IRS for a tourist attraction along those lines?
Who’s the craziest elected official in America? That’s like trying to find the world’s sandiest beach… except a lot less fun.
Obama. He thinks you can be nice to Republicans and they will be nice in return.
After watching this video, it’s not the delusional politicians that worry me. It’s everybody else who’s not a politician. Because without people like those in this video, the delusional politicians wouldn’t mean shit.
given the trajectory of the republican party, come november 2010 george hutchens (nc-04) might just inaugurate a whole new standard of wingnuttia.