This does not surprise me.
Washington (CNN) – A new group wants former Vice President Dick Cheney back in the White House.
The organization – “Draft Dick Cheney 2012” – launched on Friday, and unveiled their new Web site. Their aim: To convince the former vice president to seek the Republican presidential nomination in the next race for the White House. But there may be a major roadblock to the group’s pitch – Cheney himself.
Mr. Five Deferments should probably have had a Draft Dick Cheney 1967 organization, but I digress. Say what you want about Cheney, but he’s not an out-and-out clown like Sarah Palin and Mike Huckabee. He’s not a lightweight like Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty. The reason Bush picked Cheney as his running-mate was, more than anything else, because the field of Republicans with stature was extremely small in 2000. I mean, how else could Bush have won the nomination? That small field was completely decimated during the eight years of Bush’s presidency. It was so bad that the Republican Party nominated John McCain, a candidate that the base absolutely hated. And McCain couldn’t find a suitable running-mate, leading to the catastrophe from Wasilla.
The reason I think Cheney will not run is more health-related than anything else. He’s the only Republican left standing in this country with an ounce of gravitas. That he’s totally discredited and considered a war criminal by most humans is really beside the point. Any party that would even consider nominating Mike Huckabee or Sarah Palin isn’t a serious organization. If Cheney were younger and had a healthier heart, he’d win the 2012 nomination in a walk.
Yeah. With all of his health problems, he could not withstand the campaign process. Kinda like Fred Thompson ’08. He just couldn’t take it.
Cheney does not have gravitas. The only thing he has is the appearance of gravitas — pseudo-gravitas. His genuine skills are those of a vicious political infighter, aparatchik,and con artist, and the con stopped working for most Americans a long time ago.
Ron Reagan has it right, last Sunday calling Cheney “a nose-blowing incompetent.”
John Nichols brought out Cheney’s long record of substantive non-achievement in his book The Rise and Rise of Richard B, Cheney. I recommend it.
I just had a scary thought.
What if he endorsed his daughter Liz to run? The Base might even like her. The Village already treats her as credible and qualified. Scary thought.
Thank you, RandyH, now I won’t be able to sleep at night!
Iirc, Bush did not, in fact, pick Cheney for VP. Cheney did that, as head of the committee appointed to the job Bush wasn’t trusted with.
You are right, he was given the job of finding the VP candidate and found himself.
I don’t think the word “gravitas” means what you think it means.
are we speaking Latin now?
I’m thinking Palin/Cheney myself. That would be a dandy ticket.
A sneaky way for President Cheney to get around the two term limit.
But isn’t he already an undead zombie?
Country Last’s health was a pseudo-issue in 2008. But. the EVIL ONE?
if he won the nom, his VP pick would be paramount.
only good part?
the Evil One would send Caribou Barbie packing with a viciousness you MIGHT almost feel sorry for her…
i said ALMOST.
Someone on Twitter nailed it: If you Draft Cheney he’ll only get a deferment.
Cheney in 2012 would make me think seriously about the Mayan prophecies….