Do you feel it is your patriotic duty to shop?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Is that a “tongue in cheek” thing or what? I think I might be missing the intent here.
If you were just being funny or whatever, I apologize.
If on the other hand it really IS a “serious” question, my answer is that NOTHING is anyone’s patriotic duty, not shopping and not wearing “the uniform” or anything else.
It’s a government OF, by and for the people. The only “patriotic duty” one has is to be a person and that’s pretty easy 😉
‘Tis my patriotic duty to stay home today and not contribute to the general pollution and havoc of the day.
Wow – well, if that’s all it takes to overcome my anti-patriotic image, I’ll make the sacrifice. But does online shopping count? I don’t want to fight the crowds.
Today is Black Friday.
It has only been in the last couple of years that stores gave actually referred to “Black Friday” in their post-Thanksgiving-sale ads… There was a time that they didn’t really want nyou to know that it was the point on the fiscal calendar when they went into the Black…or started to earn a profit, as opposed to being in the Red, or losing money. Once upon a time the retailers did not want you to know how tenuous their existence was… it would be more like begging than selling.
This year’s Black Friday is supposed to have an increase dnumber of shoppers from last year, but it is not likely that they will actually make an increase in sales… and it is possible that they won’t go into the Black today, but may continue to be in the Red right through the year’s end.
Speaking for myself, unemployed and very low on funds, this is not a shopping Black Friday for me. I believe that there are a vast number of folks like me as well… folks who are thinking of MAKING holiday gifts for Friends and family, or buying less expensive and more practical things… grocery store coupons, perhaps… for giftgiving. I won’t be helping retailers get into the Black this year… not because I don’t want to, but because I can’t afford to.
I have been watching the commercials on TV pushing the Black Friday Specials from store to store. There is a sense of desperation here, hiding under an advertising agency mask of granting special favors to beloved customers (something which happens rarely in economically profitable years) from a powerful friend who just knows you need a new blender or washing machine. I feel for them… I really do.
But today, Black Friday, I’ll be staying home.
Under the LobsterScope
I am with Billy Talin, today is Buy Nothing Day.
My family traditionally buys nothing, not even a pack of gum on Black Friday. This year it’s easier since we have no money to spend anyway.
The God-Damned Republican’s plan to eliminate the Middle Class and replace the US Constitution with a religious dictatorship is coming along nicely, and GOP operative Obama is filling his role perfectly (not undoing anything Bush put in place and acting as a lightning rod for re-energizing the GOP base).
I used to have 5 part-time jobs, now I have only one – And because my jobs are part-time, I automatically do not qualify for unemployment benefits. I am two months behind in my bills and have filed for welfare for the first time in my life. If the Republicans had their way, my family of three kids and my wife and I would be starving to death.
So Fuck You, Republicans, you’ve destroyed my source of income and forced my family on welfare.
Not on “Black Friday.” When I was a teenager I worked in a department store and couldn’t understand these crazy people who stormed the stores early in the morning after Thanksgiving. To some of them it’s tradition, I guess. I say they’re nuts.
It is important that people think about what we buy and determine if it really helps our economy though. And those with the means to shop without going into massive debt really owe it to their fellow citizens to keep the money flowing instead of just hoarding it. Money makes the world go round…
O/T — I saw this article this morning and thought maybe there is some “change” coming to the way things are done in Washington after all. The Villagers will probably not want to talk about it much though. Interesting that they would cover it on such a slow news day. It’s just shocking how many lobbyists give so much of themselves, patriotically serving their country (for free) by participating in these “advisory panels.”
It’s my patriotic duty to not moralize about silly things.
War and peace, life and death, perhaps. Shopping? Nah.
I so disagree with any “patriotic” meme as it continues the distortion of the meaning of patriotism– all brought on by Bush/Cheney trying to sell their Iraq War lies. Below is what is required for new citizens to the U.S. I don’t see shopping included.
-allegiance to the United States Constitution,
-renunciation of allegiance to any foreign country to which the immigrant has had previous allegiances to
defense of the Constitution against enemies “foreign and domestic”
-promise to serve in the United States Armed Forces when required by law (either combat or non-combat)
-promise to perform civilian duties of “national importance” when required by law
How can anyone have a ‘duty to shop’ on any terms?
That’s like having a ‘duty’ to pick your nose.
Yes, but only for discounted obsolete crap left over from last season.
We went to a local inn for breakfast buffet, but we had gift certificates. Does that count?
I try to deal with local stores and service providers whenever possible. I know the chain stores hire people too, but when I buy local, the profits stay local and hopefully get re-spent locally. ;-))