I was fortunate and found parking in one of the parking structures. Otherwise I would have come back to a broiling car.
I just got home. It’s 4:30 here and about 82 degrees in the house. It should start cooling down in an hour or two. The dogs came in a collapsed on the floor about two seconds after I let them in.
Morning Everyone!!!! Happy Hanukha to those who celebrate. Sorry I am a little late on that one. Not much going on in Texas except being bored with this boot on my leg. LOL
My blood pressure was back to totally normal today (let’s hear it for eating cucumbers and watermelon and drinking tons of water). What a relief (it was 140/100 at one point on Saturday), and I guess that means no Chinese until after the CabinBoo gets here.
I’m glad to hear you’re back to normal, well except for the whole hugely pregnant thing.
Our friend had her baby girl yesterday. Unfortunately they had to do a Caesar, which said friend described via her husband’s text message to us as “very painful”. The baby looks like Winston Churchill. Still no news on the name.
Also: don’t forget to check the sodium content of the prepared foods you buy. It’s amazing how much sodium you’ll find in places you wouldn’t suspect. Like, in ice cream!
Also, the next brand over might have significantly less sodium, while the basic product is the same.
Very nice picture. It seems our woods are looking like yours. A few trees with some leaves left, but not many. Actually with all the leaves down on the ground, my back yard looks a lot like your picture. 🙂
Good morning, everyone!
Back in NY, left Oslo yesterday morning – 2 inches of beautiful, fresh snow as I left.
Forgot my iPod in the seat pocket on the plane and BA says it was not found 🙁
Sorry to hear about the iPod, ask. If it doesn’t turn up, maybe someone thoughtful will provide you with a new one for Christmas.
Here’s hoping the city is blessed with a little snowfall this year. Iirc, you didn’t get much at all last year. So very different from my younger days there — when a storm could shut the city down & bring cross-country skis to lower Broadway.
Once again I’m trapped in the house with wet dogs. I can barely see the trees behind our house. Not that I’m going to complain about getting rain. 90’s yesterday 60’s today. Welcome to Tasmania.
I got some vodka and a kilo of finely ground sugar on the way home for the candying. Yucca flowers have a real body to the petals, unlike most edible flowers. So they hold their shape really well.
For some reason, yuccas are a common garden plant here. I mean I understand that they are good for low water use, but they seem a very long way from home. As does our giant agave in the back yard (it’s very visible in all of my last the foto flogging photos). We have more of both up near the top of our driveway.
I posted a new cafe, and forget to make any comments in it…and now I’m off to work. Argh.
Hope everyone has a great day! See you all this afternoon/evening/tomorrow morning!
We’ve made some changes to our schedule:
Dec. 18: Random theme
Dec. 25: Flog on hiatus for the Xmas holiday
Jan 1: Gates, Doorways, and Passages theme
Jan 8: Aphorisms and Quotes theme
Those sound great!
Morning Andi. I don’t know who made all those snowpeople, it’s just one of those photos that was making the rounds.
We’ve got a predicted high of 90 today. And it looks like it will be muggy as well.
I have to run into town to sign off on some proofs at the printers and I’m really not looking forward to dealing with the xmas parking debacle.
90. Ick. I hate hot weather. Hope you didn’t have to spend too much time in that heat looking for parking places.
I was fortunate and found parking in one of the parking structures. Otherwise I would have come back to a broiling car.
I just got home. It’s 4:30 here and about 82 degrees in the house. It should start cooling down in an hour or two. The dogs came in a collapsed on the floor about two seconds after I let them in.
Poor things. Do they like to eat ice cubes? I had one dog who loved to cool off that way.
Just reading about it makes me want to collapse, too.
I despise hot weather, too. Ergo I’ve put off my trip to South
HadesFlorida until I’m really tired of shoveling.Morning Everyone!!!! Happy Hanukha to those who celebrate. Sorry I am a little late on that one. Not much going on in Texas except being bored with this boot on my leg. LOL
At least you’ve got another fun appendage without a boot on it.
Good to see you, rf.
LOL, Wench! It’s better than taking off your sock and playing with your toes.
Let’s hope so.
Hi AndiF, keres, boran2, and refinish!
My blood pressure was back to totally normal today (let’s hear it for eating cucumbers and watermelon and drinking tons of water). What a relief (it was 140/100 at one point on Saturday), and I guess that means no Chinese until after the CabinBoo gets here.
Now to finish getting ready for the holiday!
I’m glad to hear you’re back to normal, well except for the whole hugely pregnant thing.
Our friend had her baby girl yesterday. Unfortunately they had to do a Caesar, which said friend described via her husband’s text message to us as “very painful”. The baby looks like Winston Churchill. Still no news on the name.
Great news … well, except for not getting to eat Chinese food.
Never underestimate the simple remedies!
Glad to hear you’re doing well, CG.
I’d agree (in line with a neighbor’s yard sign): for now, ‘don’t buy China!’
Also: don’t forget to check the sodium content of the prepared foods you buy. It’s amazing how much sodium you’ll find in places you wouldn’t suspect. Like, in ice cream!
Also, the next brand over might have significantly less sodium, while the basic product is the same.
click for larger
Good morning Andi,
Very nice picture. It seems our woods are looking like yours. A few trees with some leaves left, but not many. Actually with all the leaves down on the ground, my back yard looks a lot like your picture. 🙂
Except I think, your backyard is missing the big drop over the edge. 🙂
Yep you’re right, all I’ve got is just a beautiful pond with oak trees all around it. Darn. 😉
Hah, you shouldn’t mention that pond — you owe me all kinds of pictures!
Did I tell ya I finally bought batteries for the camera?
You’re my hero! 😀
Beautiful shot of your environs, as always, Andi.
We can’t see the leaves any more here. It’s a bed of white.
George is whinning to go out. Hopefully with it being in the 30’s outside he won’t want to stay out that long.
Everyone have a good day!
Have a good day, FM!
Good morning, everyone!
Back in NY, left Oslo yesterday morning – 2 inches of beautiful, fresh snow as I left.
Forgot my iPod in the seat pocket on the plane and BA says it was not found 🙁
Sorry to hear about the iPod, ask. If it doesn’t turn up, maybe someone thoughtful will provide you with a new one for Christmas.
Here’s hoping the city is blessed with a little snowfall this year. Iirc, you didn’t get much at all last year. So very different from my younger days there — when a storm could shut the city down & bring cross-country skis to lower Broadway.
Sour old hag that I am, I’m completely delighted by the existence of this creature.
If I have only one life to live, let me live it as a
blondebatfish!I like this entire website — especially the very slightly off-kilter English.
I think I just found my new profile pic.
Thanks for that – made my morning.
Once again I’m trapped in the house with wet dogs. I can barely see the trees behind our house. Not that I’m going to complain about getting rain. 90’s yesterday 60’s today. Welcome to Tasmania.
Sounds much like the weather patterns in southern Indiana. Enjoy the cool while it lasts!
What I came home to:

“See, I’m being good and sitting. Now let me in!”
Poor puppy. Surely you weren’t able to resist. Even Snidely Whiplash couldn’t be so cruel. 😉
My yuccas are flowering. Got any recipes? I was thinking of candying some, but I know they make a fine frittata as well.
flavorful floral frittatas sound simply scrumptious
I got some vodka and a kilo of finely ground sugar on the way home for the candying. Yucca flowers have a real body to the petals, unlike most edible flowers. So they hold their shape really well.
For some reason, yuccas are a common garden plant here. I mean I understand that they are good for low water use, but they seem a very long way from home. As does our giant agave in the back yard (it’s very visible in all of my last the foto flogging photos). We have more of both up near the top of our driveway.
I have to dig out a cookbook from a box, but will see what I can find for you! yummmmm
I think there’s a dish called flores de novia.
I just pulled this out of the oven for the holiday potluck lunch at work tomorrow. Mrs. ID taught me how to make these several years ago.
Cheesecake? Yum!
You betcha!
Oh that looks yummy!
In other news, the fellas just got done building the baby swing…and now I’m ready for bed.
Ah hah! I can already see the lead story in next week’s Democrat:
Elected official caught making rich bribes.
Thank FSM there were no crack investigative journalists from The Democrat around today.
And fortunately for you, by now I’m sure the evidence has all been disposed of. 🙂
Today’s the big day for potluck lunches, isn’t it? We’re having one at my work, and other people are talking about theirs on facebook.
I have my post-work medical directors’ get-together today too. Don’t they know I’m tired and want to go home at the end of the day? 😉
I think I’ll leave work a little before it starts and do some Christmas shopping on my way there. I am so far behind this year.
Everyone have a great day!
Cheesecake! And I can’t even see it!
This week’s theme is Random. Click here for the diary.