All future jihad activity is to be conducted precisely 150 miles west of Chicago, in Rep. Donald Manzullo’s congressional district. This will teach the Americans a lesson they will never forget.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Poor Montana, always a bridesmaid. Good spot too. Not too many people are willing to live where Hell actually did freeze over.
Aww, BooMan, now you’ve done it. You’ve actually gone and encouraged the terrorists. Just wait til Sarah and Liz hear about this.
Hopefully the prison administration will see fit to install a jihad gift shop at the facility.
Really, the whole community could cater to traveling jihadists.
Of course senator-wannabe Mark Kirk already did his part in helping the jihadists find the proper targets.
Um, Mark, you just invited Al Qaeda to make Illinois its number one target. Thanks a bunch for your Americanism. While we’re at it, thanks a bunch, too for telling the Chinese government they’d better watch out if they invest in the American economy. You’d make a perfect patriotic GOP senator. Too bad it ain’t gonna happen.
Great post. Sad, but true. We’re in for a series of OH NOES.